regarding celebrating jews - I already mentioned this - they were filming the 911 as it was happening - accroding to the reports. Did you see the film? No? Why don't you ask the question why? Why wouldn't US government expose this material? In any way - there's no proof at all regarding dancing and celebrating. There's an interview with these people on Israeli TV, but withou the audio - just with translation, so is impossible to know what they really say. I tried to find the original in Hebrew - but no luck so far.
While it is quite possible that many globalists are Jews, it has nothing to do with them being Jews but being the 1%. Yes, there are unproportionally many jews in the 1%, but they are still a small minority and most of the one government globalists are non-jews. The state of Israel is populated by mostly poor jews that survived the Holocaust and Arabs: 80% jew majority and 20% Arab minority.
The rich jews that live in US/Europe and all over the world has little to do with Israel - which is pretty much a standard western country with majority of people being debt slaves ruled by a small oligarchy that controls politicians and the media. Jews were used for milennia as the boogey man by many states. Many countries over the history attempted the "final solution" by killing the jews and stealing their wealth. It never solved any issue, just the opposite.
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I did see the original video, many years ago. It showed men with cameras filming the attack on the towers atop a white van, and dancing. IIRC, the location they were filming from was somewhere in New Jersey.
I no longer have the video (that was several computer crashes ago =/) and make no attempt to provide you any proof. You may not believe me.
Regardless, I did see it, as well as the segment that shows Building 7 standing behind the journalist who is discussing that it has also fallen. That video is linked above, and absolute proof that Building 7 was demolished, as there was no way to have known it was going to come down except if it was going to be demo'd.
I have pieced together from such evidence as I have seen that Mossad was used to wire the buildings for demolition as part of the operation that Cheney ran.
Secretary Norman Mineta testified that Cheney was receiving information in the bunker they shared by runner every few minutes, and that testimony strongly suggests that Cheney was the mastermind behind the operation.
I am not an antisemite, nor post any antizionist propaganda - although I do take exception to those that call anti-zionism anti-semitism.
The incredible disinfo campaign that has been continually directed at the public by those behind 9/11 includes every kind and stripe of distraction, diversion, and ad hominem ever invented, including many, many comments from those posing as unconvinced truth seekers.
Given the monstrous propaganda effort to sell the official conspiracy theory, I would not expect the USG to advertise Mossad's involvement in the controlled demolition any more than I would expect to see Dick Cheney in a public appearance in a pink tutu and tights announcing his participation in a presentation of Swan Lake.
Jews are not zionists, not Mossad, not banks, nor the IDF. Some Jews are in all those organizations, and some Jews are in organizations opposed to those organizations. 9/11 wasn't about Abrahamic religions, but religious affiliations are often used to divide and conquer, as is glaringly evident in the Middle East today.
Mossad isn't Jews anymore than Kim Dot Com is New Zealand. Please don't conflate the two.
The real reason was a new currency in the works at the twin towers and the banks were also being investigated at the Pentagon.
how about opening your reply with regarding jews with van loads of exsplosives , ill be interested to hear your thooughts on this