
That day I had no clue what was going on, the story didn't break into the kids programming on PBS. My radio in my car didn't work at the time either, and we went over to my best friends house and walked in while the first town fell and the first words out of my mouth was I didn't know they were demolishing the World Trade Center (had no clue at that point that planes hit them) when she told me what happened. I said no way those planes made those buildings fall like that. I stand by that still today.

Did you know that the engine found was not from any of the planes claimed to have hit the building?

And why did Melvin Bush order the bomb sniffing dogs off the WT center property that had patrolled the area since the 1993 attack of the parking garage? 3 weeks before 9/11. Seems suspicious to me personally but the government has said nothing to see here move along. Sad that many people buy the official story

Actually, every tower with a WTC prefix was destroyed or significantly dustified on that day - most people don't know that!

In addition, Bankers Trust building, which had a hole in its WTC facing side, not significantly caused by falling debris, had to be disassembled after lengthy attempts to repair it. This was due to Charge Clusters (Kenneth R. Shoulders) used to effect the dustification of the buildings, had contaminated Bankers Trust - when they tried to add new steels - they rapidly rusted (since the charge clusters are far more electronegative than the normal electrons they replace leading to rapid oxidation).