They both blamed their source "Deep Uranium" for providing them with unvetted information. George quickly changed his story to the Maersk Mempis and Maersk Anna met up at sea for a "midnight kiss" in which the four cargo containers were swapped out for depleted-uranium riddled ones. This is something from the movies, not the real world. Massive container ships don't just dock together on the open sea and swap containers. When I pointed out to George that you can't build a dirty bomb from Uranium (just look up dirty bomb on Wikipedia, it's right there) the story changed again. Now George is claiming his Awan story and Operation CASSANDRA are the same. Perhaps he's right about that, but nothing those guys did relating to the Wando Welch port was right. Why didn't J.Go get in any trouble for it? He was the one hosting the show, I was watching live when it all went down. I saw exactly what happened and how it came together, including in the YouTube chat. He called the Coast Guard, who already knew about it from the unnamed audience member who called it in at his (arguable) suggestion.
Did the containers really contain radioactive material? Surely if they did that would be a big story. Instead J.Go is still out there climbing on 7-11 roofs looking for material for his bomb.
You hit the big time @steveouttrim! What are you gonna do with all this money you’re making now? 😎🥓