The last few years have brought with them a great number of revelations about the despicable crimes of many of our most powerful and influential members of society. If you ask anyone why this is happening, they will probably tell you that is because Trump is draining the swamp; because access to technology is helping disseminate information; or because the global population is undergoing a "mass awakening."
This is not what I see, however. I see Donald Trump making efforts to provoke a final world war, I see advancements in technology launching propaganda unto new levels of sophistication, and I see a population being lulled to sleep by the ironic sound of their own mantra; "I'm awake! I'm awake! I'm awake!
Unfortunately, their hypnotic states of consciousness are made evident by their inability to see the most obvious of truths. They all know the age old tactic of "problem-action-solution" that has been used to manipulate us into willingly sacrificing more and more of our "rights" in the defense of "security"- whatever the fuck that even is.
The problem is that not enough people stop to think about their thoughts. If they did, they would see very clearly the contradictions within their own belief systems, as well as the steps they need to take in order to ascertain the truth.
In this case, it is recognizing that these truth bombs are true to their name. They are weaponized truths, being used as part of a problem-reaction-solution strategy. So if we recognize the unveiling of these truths in such rapid succession as the presentment of a problem, we need only look to see what the solution appears to be in order to discern why the problem has been introduced.
The solution is working so well, that I am communicating with you right now only as a result of it. But it is also working so well that some may very well get emotional at what I say next, simply because I will be pointing the finger at their solution.
What I speak of is "decentralization." This is the solution that they want us to run towards so quickly we don't see all the red flags marking the path. What better way to have us all embrace decentralization with ignorance, than to repeatedly assault us with shocking information that all leads us to the same conclusion. Centralized power cannot be trusted.
But even this conclusion is erroneous. Centralized power could be trusted, if the one(s) with the power could be trusted. But they would rather us believe that it is all power that corrupts all- and they will convince us too with another public shooting or two.
For if we believe that no centralized power can be trusted, if we believe that the entire ruling class are all paedos who are attempting to brainwash our children into a life of depravity, then why not run from the banks to bitcoin, from youtube to dtube, and from centralized governance to decentralized governance?
It makes sense. That is, if you decide to ignore the fact that decentralization sounds an awful lot like self-segregation, and consensus--the proposed model of democratic voting in the future--really amounts to little more than following the crowd.
We know that 90% of humanity don't care to educate themselves on things that matter, so when it comes time to vote on things that matter, the ones who know best what ought to be done, will have little-to-no voice. And if competitions or elections on Steemit have given us any inclination as to how decentralized governance will look in the future, then it is simply a matter of whoever has the most revenue chooses the winner.. (so exactly the same as now effectively).
When you look around, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are where everyone is sprinting, and they are doing so because of the sick perversions of the world's centralized governments, the repeated crimes of centralized bankers, and the grotesque conditioning of our children by centralized media sources such as YouTube and Hollywood-- and one might even wonder if the #metoo movement is not serving this same agenda of exposing the "natural" abuses that arise as a result of the consolidation of power.
So what are these truth bombs really about? They're about the same thing that every other thing is about. They're about division-- only they have changed the word to decentralization, which is apparently a convincing enough disguise to make us beg for it.
The wizards are all behind the curtain laughing...
Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!
I was one of those people who really thought Trump was going to drain the swamp. I even bought into the fact that this pedophilla thing was real. Now ofcourse pedophilla is a rampant and horrible problem, but the stuff Alex Jones was saying about how Trump is going after all the elites doing this horrific crime I really was hopeful that was the case. Well I dont buy into that shit no more, I fell im a little wiser then I was a couple years ago. What does it mean to be woke? Not buying into the non sense everyone is pushing, and taking care of your self and loved ones. That to me is being woke!
Help me out real quick.
What exactly is "Pizzagate"?
For me, it refers to a not-so-subtle trail of breadcrumbs made public via the leaking of government documents through wikileaks, and the subsequent information discovered as a result of the mass-investigation incited by said breadcrumbs. There's a lot of bullshit hiding a lot of truth. Truth that has been trying to make its way into the public eye for a very long time.
I wrote on this before. Perhaps that will give you a better understanding of both sides of the story.
I will look at it right away. Thanks for the link.
Way t’ be. Reveal the levels, my brother! Hahahah “Draining the swamp”. I mean, for the love of God...
Here’s what I know - I don’t know these fuckers (politicians, religionists, bankers, old-money capitalists, whoever). They don’t know me. They’re just some other naked apes trying to get me involved in their bullshit. I don’t know you, I want nothing to do with you, there’s no “we”, and you ain’t special.
Now, from that highly nuanced and enlightened perspective, everything else falls right into place. It’s common sense, and it’ll carry you far if you’ll just snap the fuck out of the culture and back way, way off to a bottom-line perspective.
External authority doesn’t exist, so the assertion that we “need” it is not only incorrect on a practical level, but is literally insane - like saying we need rainbow-pot gold to balance the “budget” (which also doesn’t have valid existence).
The only “we” is the species. If you want to talk about things that relate to mankind on the whole, like morality, philosophy, environment, then fine. Other than that, if I don’t know you, I have no obligation to participate with you on any level, no less cooperate with you to make rules we’re all going to live by, or select “leaders” we’re all going to follow.
I may or may not cooperate on a wholly voluntary basis, but the TV group-think about there being such a thing as the “nation” and that we’re all supposed to participate in it is just an unfounded imposition that’s as immoral as it is invalid.
If you’ve got some kind of plan, or group that has a flag, or some guy you want me to follow, don’t look at me, don’t speak to me, don’t tread on me. Here’s the only plan I’m interested in - we don’t owe each other shit but recognition of rights - if we can start the relationship there, then maybe we’ll be friends; otherwise, you’re off in dreamland and need fixing.