The new corona virus SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19 in the mainstream media has created excessive fear and panic

in #conspiracy4 years ago

Important note, Swiss Propaganda Research does not specifically mention only Italian data.

Sudarto later wrote, "80% of those who die have two or more chronic diseases and 90% of those who are over 70 years old. In addition, 'Less than 1% of people who die are classified as healthy ie people without pre-existing chronic diseases.' "

However, on the Swiss Propaganda Research website, one of the 80% figures is only found in the sentence "50% to 80% of Corona positive individuals show no symptoms." Another sentence that refers to "80 percent" discusses 80 percent of deaths in cities with high pollution, as many as 80 percent of the victims died using antibiotics, and other records that have no connection with the claims of The Global Review.

Meanwhile, related to the claims of less than 1% of people who died were classified as healthy, Tirto found the same claim in a Bloomberg report that referred to a report from the Italian national health agency, Istituto Superiore di Sanità or ISS. The report, which uses data as of March 17, 2020, writes that 0.8 percent of COVID-19 patients die without complications from other diseases.

Interestingly, Swiss Propaganda Research itself does not include the identity of the doctor who wrote the notes related to COVID-19 on their pages. Swiss Propaganda Research also does not clearly state on their official website who the people who work at the institution are.

The second point is deaths from influenza in the United States from 1950 to 2017 which reached 13.5 to 53.7 per 100,000 population and sourced from Statista.

Based on Tirto's investigation, the data presented by Statista did show mortality rates ranging from 13.5 to 53.7 per 100,000 population. However, the figure outlines shows a graph of decline from 1950 to 2017. In 1950, the death rate due to influenza reached 48.1 per 100,000 population. But in 2017, the death rate decreased to 14.3 per 100,000 population.

The third fact related to mortality in the US as of April 24, 2020 due to COVID-19 which reached 14.9 per 100,000 population with sources from Sudarto wrote that the number 14.9 counted "probable" deaths due to COVID-19 and confirmed deaths from COVID-19.

However, if it refers to the number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 cases on April 24, and through the calculation "(mortality / population in the same year) x 100,000," then the death rate obtained for the US is 15.24 per 100 thousand population (estimated population of 329.56 million by 2020).

In addition, the source used by the Worldometer for the COVID-19 case in the US was sourced from the CDC. In addition, the death rate displayed on the Worldometer is largely the cumulative number of detected cases (positive), not "probable" as Sudarto claimed in his analysis in The Global Review.

Thus, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States has exceeded the death rate due to influenza in 2017, which is 15.24 compared to 14.30 per 100 thousand population. Even though it hasn't been even one year, the number is predicted to continue rising.

Additional notes, the death rate due to influenza in the United States in 2019 reached 10.42 per 100 thousand population (projected US population in 2019 of 327.54 million population). Much lower than the mortality rate in 2017.

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Furthermore, Sudarto gave an example of Sweden which has better conditions compared to other European countries that impose strict restrictions although it does not "close the economy" during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please note, as of April 27, according to the observation of John Hopkins, there were 18,640 positive cases in Sweden and the number is expected to continue to rise. The number of cases is far more than Denmark (8,773 cases) and Poland (11,617 cases), their neighboring countries.

As of April 9, according to Vox's record, hospitals in Sweden were overwhelmed by the large number of patients, health workers were also working beyond their work hours. The government is now looking for ways to carry out further restrictions.

Still from Vox, researchers estimate that as many as four million Swedish people - of a population of around 10 million - could eventually contract the disease. Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven had stated that "thousands" of people in Sweden could die from COVID-19.

According to Quartz, even though Sweden did not implement a strict social restrictions policy widely, Sweden continued to implement limited social restrictions. In addition, Swedish society also applies social restrictions independently with discipline. Citing Citymapper data, Quartz reports that mobility in Stockholm is reduced by around 75 percent.

The Swedish economy is expected to remain hit. Still from Quartz, Swedish Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson said Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will shrink by 10 percent by 2020. Meanwhile, unemployment can rise to 13.5 percent.

Based on a fact finding carried out, the information conveyed by Sudarto in his analysis in The Global Review was partially false and misleading (partly false & misleading).