I was sent a document about the Aquarius Group which isn't reported on much in conspiracy circles. It has elements of MK ULTRA mixed with Tower Based and Tunnel-Based Transmissions of 800 MHz frequency bands of an unspecified type. The only thing the documents indicate was that it would be part of a commercial 800 MHz frequency deployment. Because I'm a former Wireless Engineering Professional with expertise in the 850 MHz bands, I went and compared what I know about Cellular networks compared to the documents and came up with the following:
As you can see there are channels and frequencies within the 800-900 MHz range that fit the description of what is being communicated in the Aquarius Group disclosure documents. This is where most of the relevant portion related to 850 MHz bands begin, about Page 45. Bands on Channel 777 and 691 are considered "Prime" Bands in 850 MHz which raised an eyebrow when noticed the programs are referred to as Prime Freak for Frequency Allocation. It translates to this:
A-Band PRIME = Ch 691 which is 890.73 MHz Transmit and 845.73 MHz Receive
B-Band PRIME = Ch 777 which is 893.31 MHz Transmit and 848.31 MHz Receive
You can locate these bands with Software Defined Radios or Spectrum Analyzers capable of sweeping between 800-900 MHz by tuning to the Receive Frequencies with the appropriate antenna.
I'm most concerned with the passages at the end of 45 and into 46:
Page 46 goes into more detail regarding the use on human targets within the United States with a basic description of how the technology operates.
Page 47 discusses a physiological connection between exposure to Radio Frequency and the amount of Acetylcholine on the human body which is detailed as such:
"The most basic form of Electronic Dissolution or Enhancement of Memory call for the remote-controlled production of Acetylcholine. This is an ester of choline which occurs in various organs and tissues of the body and is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses at synapses and myoneural junctions.....The consequential action at the motor endplates result in either a neuromuscular block or opening which causes the desired effect or either an amplified awareness of stimuli, or a sort of immediate and complete amnesia (depending on the technique and desire of team in the field)."
They were also concerned that if users had access to Cannabis that these methods of mind control and muscular stimulation would not be as effective. So Marijuana users are partially shielded by this process which can be scientifically validated if one wanted to pursue it. You can find a YouTube video at the end of this article where I cover the Endocannabinoid system in relation to Radio Frequency and Mind Control.
Then you have connections to Scientology & L Ron Hubbard's elite army The Sea Org, control of the South Korean population with the "Moonies" scandal and how this all ties to Nazism in the United States. It's a pretty compelling read if it's legit. Certain portions of it, appear to be quite legit. I'm telling you this as a former Wireless Engineer with 20 years experience. I've found evidence of the 800-900 MHz bands deployed on "Prime" frequencies in areas I didn't expect to find them.
You can find more material on the Radio Frequency connection to MK ULTRA. Specifically how ULTRA is also used in RF principles (UHF=Ultra High Frequency).
Something to think about it. There are ways to protect yourself physically and informationally until a long-term solution in place.
MK Ultra and Tower Technology
MK ULTRA & Possessions - Is it Frequency-Based Technology, Spirituality or Both?
More on the Endocannabinoid System in Relation to MK Ultra and EMF/EMR impact on the human brain
For consulting and/or contributions contact Gabriel Cruz at:
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Editors Note: This was updated to correct the channel swap between 1019 and 691 relative to the A-Prime Band. Most of my work experience was on B-Band so you'll understand if I get some numbers on the A-Band crossed from time to time. It's fixed.