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RE: The reasons behind the "Hollywood fatigue", and record low Box-office

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Glad to see someone on here talking about this. Ive read article after article, day after day begging the question of why "The summer box office was such a blunder?" Ever since Hollywood decided to align itself with the left, and partake in irrationally attacking Trump, his supporters, or anyone with a differing opinion, people have woken up, and have started to boycott them en mass. Great! FUCK Hollywood! They deserve it. Those elite psychopaths are finally beginning to lose their grip of power; as well as their monopoly on the entire industry, and market. As their influence dies, bigger, and better things will arise in their ashes. People are finally awakening from the slumber, and are beginning to but their money where their mouth is. Of course I have long stopped giving Hollywood my dollars over ten years ago.