NEW QUACK ADDITIONS - @maxigan @wearechange-co - 103 accounts added to the Blacklist (QUACK LIST)!!!

in #conspiracy4 years ago

'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.'

Source for this quote

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

It is my honor for being in this list, and thank you for posting here so that I can find people to follow! By the way, I am not doubting the vaccination, but I am merely presenting that there is other approach to boost one's innate immune system. I would be happy to debate anything about medicinal cannabis!

I feel like I'm in good company, all of my friends made the list!

Phewww.. I just finished adding everyone to my following list! Thanks to the OP... But I didn't vote $ for him! Meehh! :p

Downvote !

Doesn't it seem slightly hypocritical to downvote someone for being anti-free-speech?

Yeah I mulled over this myself. Part of me thinks that a downvote of an account like this would be taken as a sign of validation for their message.
I did previously downvote @quackwatch (first time downvoting in years, Justin Sun notwithstanding) but wont bother now.

Not all downvotes are anti-free speech. It's possible to believe in free speech and also use downvotes on Hive.

In saying that, i'm pretty certain it's a bot that crawls posts for keywords.

You are the kind of guy who gives the right cheek when slap on the left one ?


I actually wanted to see the picture and unfortunately it wasn't showing due to low ratings...


Me too, the guy’s only response is a photo and now it’s hidden to low ratings! Which he nevertheless deserves for calling out so many people without providing a single shred of evidence or argument to make a case against any of us. He didn’t even attempt to demonstrate how any of his labels applied to anyone, nor did he even bother to define his labels so we could ‘correct’ our ‘errant’ views :) lol

I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm anti-tyranny.What a great bunch of people! Thank you (and a big downvote) to @quackwatch for this opportunity!

Doesn't it seem slightly hypocritical to downvote someone for being anti-free-speech?

Who downvoted somebody for being anti-free-speech?
And why would you doing so necessarily be hypocritical?

If you only support free-speech you personally agree with, you don't really support free-speech.

Awesome job man and here is a vote I tried tracking down posts for me to vote on and of course come across this.

Why not have some fun and interact with other conspiracy theorists and talk about things that we can actually prove


I'm so happy that there's someone on the HIVE blockchain keeping a list of all the creators who don't promote corporate/government lies!

Thanks for your service @quackwatch

If you could just edit mine, you missed a few, like: anti-war, believes in consent, vegan, anti-genocide, anti-eugenics, pro-research, anti-organized crime, tired of people using nonsense terms like "climate change denier" when they mean "knows carbon is necessary for life," anti-corporate control, asks questions, anti-obedience, etc. etc.

Just saying, if you're going to promote my work, please include more of my keywords :-)

Radical vegan cow is rights animal rape... Yep... He missed a few.

Oh cow fart conspiracy theorist that one I really love...

Actually it is an excellent way to get noticed and to talk with other conspiracy nuts.

Worst part is all these conspiracies are actually coming true.

File except for the vegans they still are doing more damage to the environment with monoculture crop farming and supporting big agriculture instead of local permaculture farms.

Thanks for promoting so many great HIVE accounts!

Actually I kind of get the joke now and it is not that bad to be promoted!

He definitely ruffled some feathers but hey he did get noticed...

Wow, I’m honored to be listed among such prominent and well-established independent journalists as @activistpost and @tlavagabond who consistently publish so much fact-based research, and such amazing researchers as @v4vapid and @richq11 - and so very many others! Appreciate your service of compiling the comprehensive list of independent researchers making it that much easier for us to find each other! Looks like I’m in the good company of friends and fellow comrades for truth, plus I’ve just found some more new blockchain buddies to follow :)

I do have to say, however, that you appear to either be a mindless moron or just ultra confused with some of your labels, which is itself confusing to the reader (maybe we can call it ‘research confusionism’), as I have been a staunch opponent of the QAnon psyop from its inception (documented on the blockchain for you to see if you so choose), I’m the farthest thing from a racist you’ll find (can you show me a single post or comment where I even come close to engaging in racist speech?), and most importantly I AM NOT @HAMISMSF!

Also, I see a few appropriate buzzword labels missing from my description, such as ‘Truther’, ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘chemtrails’ which I frequently document. I’m also anti-war, anti-slaughterhouse and pro-peace if you wanna add that in too.

And I might add that I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m anti-mandatory-vaccination and shady Big Pharma practices that obscure vaccine harms and toxic ingredients; and I’m pro-truth, pro-freedom and support tried and tested alternative natural medicines.

Also before I head out, quick question: Would you mind defining and elaborating on what exactly ‘science confusionism’ is and specifically how I have engaged in advocating for it so I can stop confusing science or confusing my readers about science or advocating the confusion of science? My aim is certainly not to confuse anyone or advocate for confusion (the mainstream media does a good enough job at that), so any pointers on how not to confuse people about science or confuse the science itself would be much appreciated.

Anyway, I’d be happy to debate you on any issue I’ve covered or viewpoint I espouse that you take issue with, as all my work is extensively researched, documented and expounded upon unlike your quack watch page here...

Well said! I also like the fact that this idiot never offers any documentation to repudiate any of our claims only ad hominems -- the last vestige of someone that knows they have no legitimate argument. I suggest that we should make this guy famous (I assume it's a guy, although it may be an it) by using his blog as a message board to stay in touch.

Hey @backsackandcrackwatch, thank you for taking the time to promote my work and for including little old me amongst this illustrious and industrious array of fellow writers and out of the box thinkers. I would take the time to point out your myriad of inaccuracies, but feel my words would fall on deaf ears.

Still, I've been away for a few months so I thank you kindly for helping to lay the groundwork for my return. All the best to you and have a good day. :) X

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

You clearly don’t bother to actually read posts. You’ve got a bot that searches for key words?

almost 100% certain this is the case. The categorization of users is impersonal and looks like all it does it pick up key words. I've never promoted the Qanon phenomena but I have been critical & satirical about it in my posts. The lack of differentiation between supportive & denigrative posts on Qanon posts indicates it's just a bot.

"Quackwatch" and the duck picture are service-marked; their unauthorized use is illegal.

Quackwatch, which is operated by Stephen Barrett, M.D., is a network of Web sites and mailing lists maintained by the Center for Inquiry (CFI). The sites focus on health frauds, myths, fads, fallacies, and misconduct. Their main goal is to provide quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere.

Quackwatch is a program of the Center for Inquiry!

Center for Inquiry – Headquarters
PO Box 741
Amherst, NY 14226
(716) 636-4869

I Dropped a Dime ...


Thats it on me AHAHHAHAH you could add so much more DUDE ! Anti Vax LOL ! Take 10 for us ! And 10 masks to hide your shit face .
Sticker truther is bad ? LOL
AND THAT > 'People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use...freaking priceless to start your bullshit juju on us
Go jackoff in the dark woods and face your Gods , Shmuck .

xD someone here has no hobbies :P

Although, he has given me an idea!

Milkwatch ! ....A list of users that receive an inordinate amount of hive for posting material that causes instant narcolepsy....

That's funny.

I'm pretty sure it's a little kitten from Argentina is doing this.

yeah, but in all seriousness- it's a BIG reason for people not joining, or leaving after a short while - when they the rewards for mind numbing bilge, getting the rewards they do.
.....including one v big youtuber/bitchuter

I'll talk more freely about it when I won't get attacked to oblivion - my OWN website, but using hive as well (and hopefully attracting more users to here, from it...)

It's a waste of perfectly good Blockchain space, you're absolutely right. If I was new here and came across that blog saying "quack whatever the fuck" I'd probably click on it and assume those authors ain't right. Why would a newbie question the sources? Hoax, covid, whatever other made up bullshit is called unproven. Unfortunately newbies will buy into it—wasted space.

Meow, kitten..

anarchy is so old bro

If you've found something better, please let me know.

no, I've only fallen deeper into the rabbit hole

maybe aggressive free market economy / austrian economics (gametheory, memes, marketing, trade, politics, ....)

bitoin will probably evolve in that direction

and I've realized, most humans around me haven't even grasped the basic anarchy idea yet..

future will be dynamic


and if they dont care?

Ooh I got "muh holocaust denier muh antisemitism hate speech".
Very nice.

Antisemite cat.jpg

I got some hate speech alright. Right in your favorite book!

hate speech  talmud.jpg

Muh , he likes cooking and NSFW posts better
Some tits and ass eating pizzas cant be bad , in total blindness .

Once again, I am pleased with being part of a list of well to do free thinking individuals.

Once again, You attribute bullshit that I am not promoting to Me.  But I suppose You're helping Me by putting Me on this list, as this way, Others will want to follow Me.  Thanks!

You totally missed your chance for the radical vegan and cows rights for Kenny's kitchen...

Yep I think you got a little bit more research to do there buddy

Is this like group sex pornography or something?

There is no objectionable and or obscene content in that video.

Now I'm really bummed out...

I didn’t make the list? That’s pretty biased of you Srta Duran/jaguar

Keep trying and you will be noticed eventually.

I burnt a Quran but all that did was inspire some white kid to "blacklist" me with his entire 30 HP and then he went away.


When I think of anarchy I think of taxation is theft government is evil and I wanna self medicate with natural remedies but tyrants want to kill me if I do what I please

When I think of anarchy I think of "Never Violate Your Own Ethics".

Just piss off man! What are you doing here? Go to Fakebook and Instashit! You must be lucky with them!

Covid-19 Hoax, Quack Medicine/Medical Practices, NWO, Climate Change Denial, Anti-vaxxing, Truther

Why'd you remove "flat-earther"?


My posts on Qanon actually give it shit and debunk it lmfao!

Quite weak categorization skills. Perhaps @quackwatch is not a human at all.

Congratulations on your -10, what a superlative accomplishment. With a little effort I bet you can hit -50. FYI I don't post about Qanon or Chemtrails, but thanks for the mention.
