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RE: Light on Conspiracies - Don't Fall For The Hoaxes and False Flags with Ole Dammegard

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Great guest, now I found a new rabbit hole to get lost in. (hopefully not too long) I think most people are too scared, tried, exhausted, preoccupied, and are too lost in learned helplessness to investigate or even look into this stuff. They may have even completely lost their emotions or instincts to make up their own opinions. The fact is the emperor has no clothes on and they will have to wake up soon or else it's going to be a bumby road for them. Thank you Jeff for all the work you have done and continue to do. There's a lot of ambiguity when you get down to the details of this stuff but once you see one of these you have seen them all. It doesn't take much to see how full of shit the mainstream news is. The mainstream news will always lie, so will the government, so trust in yourself not the government.