After 3 days I would like to provide results from the informal survey I carried out on Steemit entitled 9/11 Do You Believe The US Government Was Involved? - An Informal Steemit Survey.
Although this is a discussion about something that happened almost 16 years ago I want to write posts concerning how our world is run today. 9/11 is an important watershed which explains much of what we see around us now. I wanted to know if it was necessary to address the context of 9/11 in my future discussions or if I could skip it.
My question has been well and truly answered by the Steemit community! Thank you!
The Results
To be honest I did not expect many people to become engaged in this discussion - but I am glad they did! I was shocked at how successful this post was and surprisingly it is currently at the top of the trending feed for the tag conspiracy:
The total results after three days are:
Number of commenters who believe the government was involved:
Number of commenters who didn't believe the government was involved:
Number of comments (including mine) after 3 days:
Number of upvotes:
96% of Steemians believe that there was some form of US government involvement in the destruction of World Trade Centres 1,2 and 7.
The results are very clear!
Comments Of Mention - Agreeing The Government Was Involved in 9/11:
I want to thank all of the people who commented on my initial post. There was some excellent information contained in the comments and I was able to learn several interesting points.
There were too many excellent comments to mention so I have just chosen three that I liked to list here.
I thought his post linked here is excellent and really worth reading. I have a lot of respect for his research!@titusfrost said:
This is odd and disturbing but happens more than we realise!@techtek and @teamsteem said: Although I haven't checked this myself I will soon. However I have grown to trust @teamsteem who says they have checked the veracity of this image. Conditioning our minds subliminally happens in all our media. It is very dangerous and is the reason why I don't own or watch a television any more.@anarchospace and @sift666 had several interesting exchanges in the comments but here are two of my favourites:
The spike in put options for stock trading during the attacks is a real smoking gun. Obviously the people who profited in this manner had knowledge of what was going to happen. Nobody was ever prosecuted for this - but they sure did profit! =(
Comments Of Mention - Disagreeing That The Government Was Involved in 9/11:
As the results are so one sided I am sure the majority of participants would like to hear the comments made by people who don't think the government was involved with 9/11.
I would like to thank these two commenters because I know how hard it is to be in the minority of a perspective!
@mwh930 said:
I have heard opinions written in this type of language many times online, so I was very interested to look into the profile of this Steemian. Here is a screenshot of their blog page:
The first word in this profile page is Zionisim which according to Wikipedia is a political movement created in 1897. The history and circumstances surrounding Zionisim are fascinating and deserve their own post.
Sadly I feel that many Jewish people are lied to as much as the rest of our world - perhaps even more! The political movement of Zionisim clearly benefited from the 9/11 attacks as the US began it's military campaigns in the Middle East.
I have yet to hear a cogent explanation of what Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran had to do with 9/11!
@shelbymonster said:
This young person makes the point that if the government of the US really was involved in 9/11 they would not have been able to keep it a secret and somebody would have leaked the truth. On the face of it this is a reasonable assumption.
My feelings about this are that the top-down pyramid of control in the US, along with actors from outside the country were able to profit enormously from this crime and keep it quiet. There is so much evidence now which makes a mockery of the official version - yet no new investigation has been started.
Why Has Nothing Been Done About This?
It is clear that the Steemit community does not believe the nonsensical arguments the "official" narrative sold to us for the causes of 9/11. It is obvious now that I also don't believe this rubbish and I share the viewpoint of the majority in this community.
It is an unusual treat for me to be part of the majority! LOL!
As we know 9/11 was the catalyst for the phoney "War On Terror" which has killed and displaced untold millions across the world. The American people spent trillions of dollars fighting this war and thousands of their youth made the ultimate sacrifice of death during combat. The people also had their money devalued through inflation in the process.
There are clearly some major players who have profited from the untold trillions spent on this phoney war. My heart breaks for the poor people who have had to bear the brunt of the military action. Yet the wars and murder continue!
Why has there not been a new investigation? Why has nobody been to court over this?
I know that Steemit does not represent the majority view point of America but as it grows perhaps this knowledge will spread. We need to prosecute these murderers and looking at who profited is a great place to start! Lets keep educating ourselves and spread this knowledge.
The Jockey believes in You and wants to help! =)
Thank You Steemians!
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all of those who participated in this informal survey of Steemians! It has been an extremely interesting discussion that I hope continues!
My respectful thanks (in no particular order) for All the comments go to:
@titusfrost, @surfyogi, @nzfxtrader, @anarchospace, @sift666, @creatr, @lost.identity, @terhtek, @teamsteem, @samstonehill, @canadian-coconut, @thejohalfiles, @ausbitbank, @xeldal, @lrock, @hr1, @aomura, @planetmarketers, @cmoljoe, @foxkoit, @granunic0rn, @jinhyui, @doule, @msg768, @tecnosgirl, @daniel82, @neuralink, @zeidlitwhips, @fingersik, @makecents, @sauna, @pagandance, @dado13btc, @drdave, @rollingthunder, @adyrebecca, @hulabugger, @tunnelrat, @johngault, @richard78624, @andrewdaines, @aljrodven, @majajobee, @oxdude, @ailema, @auskiwi, @andre-ager, @josephmcconnell, @mitchiesfoodrace, @caredycatguide, @stillwater, @flatearthvegan, @treetoptennis, @pagandance, @gerben, @garthfreeman, @shelbymonster, @mwh930
Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Jockey believes in Liberty & Truth for All!
Which movie is this?
its the film fight club
Fight Club ;-)
You haven't seen Fight Club, @teamsteem?! Dude, stop everything you're doing, and go watch it immediately. LOL You'll thank us.
this is cool !
It's an awesome film.
click here!This post received a 2.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @clintjunior! For more information,
This comment has received a 3.00 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @clintjunior.
This comment has received a 20.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @clintjunior. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!
Can anyone please explain to me how exactly "The political movement of Zionisim clearly benefited from the 9/11 attacks".
I read it all the time how jews and zionists did 9/11 but never encountered anything close to being real. Every linked I clicked was either a jews hate site or some testinomies regarding evil jews but without facts and unrelated to 9/11 or how some specific jew benefitted from 9/11. The closest to being factual was the "Dancing Israelis" evidence which is a clip about "israelis dancing" and filming 9/11 as it was happening - but it actually more raises eyes brows with a question about US government involvement that actually proves anything about the Israeli government.
So, some facts please - how Zionists benefitted from 9/11.
the project for the new american century , a document outlining an establishment of a one world government requiring a suitable boogy man was a rewritting of an isralie document a clean break , israel is largly owned by the rothchilds and works for the benifit of a global government and the bankers and control of oil , the other factor was of cause all the isralies arrested on 911 , some with vans filled with exsplosives , some filming and celebrating
regarding celebrating jews - I already mentioned this - they were filming the 911 as it was happening - accroding to the reports. Did you see the film? No? Why don't you ask the question why? Why wouldn't US government expose this material? In any way - there's no proof at all regarding dancing and celebrating. There's an interview with these people on Israeli TV, but withou the audio - just with translation, so is impossible to know what they really say. I tried to find the original in Hebrew - but no luck so far.
While it is quite possible that many globalists are Jews, it has nothing to do with them being Jews but being the 1%. Yes, there are unproportionally many jews in the 1%, but they are still a small minority and most of the one government globalists are non-jews. The state of Israel is populated by mostly poor jews that survived the Holocaust and Arabs: 80% jew majority and 20% Arab minority.
The rich jews that live in US/Europe and all over the world has little to do with Israel - which is pretty much a standard western country with majority of people being debt slaves ruled by a small oligarchy that controls politicians and the media. Jews were used for milennia as the boogey man by many states. Many countries over the history attempted the "final solution" by killing the jews and stealing their wealth. It never solved any issue, just the opposite.
I did see the original video, many years ago. It showed men with cameras filming the attack on the towers atop a white van, and dancing. IIRC, the location they were filming from was somewhere in New Jersey.
I no longer have the video (that was several computer crashes ago =/) and make no attempt to provide you any proof. You may not believe me.
Regardless, I did see it, as well as the segment that shows Building 7 standing behind the journalist who is discussing that it has also fallen. That video is linked above, and absolute proof that Building 7 was demolished, as there was no way to have known it was going to come down except if it was going to be demo'd.
I have pieced together from such evidence as I have seen that Mossad was used to wire the buildings for demolition as part of the operation that Cheney ran.
Secretary Norman Mineta testified that Cheney was receiving information in the bunker they shared by runner every few minutes, and that testimony strongly suggests that Cheney was the mastermind behind the operation.
I am not an antisemite, nor post any antizionist propaganda - although I do take exception to those that call anti-zionism anti-semitism.
The incredible disinfo campaign that has been continually directed at the public by those behind 9/11 includes every kind and stripe of distraction, diversion, and ad hominem ever invented, including many, many comments from those posing as unconvinced truth seekers.
Given the monstrous propaganda effort to sell the official conspiracy theory, I would not expect the USG to advertise Mossad's involvement in the controlled demolition any more than I would expect to see Dick Cheney in a public appearance in a pink tutu and tights announcing his participation in a presentation of Swan Lake.
Jews are not zionists, not Mossad, not banks, nor the IDF. Some Jews are in all those organizations, and some Jews are in organizations opposed to those organizations. 9/11 wasn't about Abrahamic religions, but religious affiliations are often used to divide and conquer, as is glaringly evident in the Middle East today.
Mossad isn't Jews anymore than Kim Dot Com is New Zealand. Please don't conflate the two.
The real reason was a new currency in the works at the twin towers and the banks were also being investigated at the Pentagon.
how about opening your reply with regarding jews with van loads of exsplosives , ill be interested to hear your thooughts on this
Are you questioning the towers were brought down by control demolition? If not then you must conclude the USA were being that control demolition.
I'm not sure why you are questioning whether it benefit Israel. It seems like there is much more at play here then beginning to wonder exactly who it benefited while the truth about how the towers were brought down still remain unknown by most.
There still is a war about currency. A new currency was being developed at the twin towers. The banks were being investigated at the Pentagon. The Federal Reserve and the too big to fail businesses (the council of the Feds) didn't want the currency change to take away their corruption.....
Honestly, it doesn't matter what intelligence agencies were involved. The MIC benefited from it. Our liberties suffered because of it. All the specifics otherwise do not matter as much. I discredit the "Jews did it" garbage too. There are oligarchs with a chess board. They are not all Jewish.
Anyone who actually believes the official story either didn't read it or are complete idiots.
Most people have not do their own research which is the main problem. They just hear stuff from the MSM, government entities, corporations or their friends, but almost none of them do any research themselves to be able to form their own opinion (so instead they parrot the opinion of the person with the most authority as if its the gospel). Sad really...
Thanks for your great analysis skills
Exactly. I wish people would speak more about the planes. A plane can't just be swallowed by concrete and steel. It has to break! These supposed planes go right in and leave nothing behind.
This video pretty much sums it up!!
Published on Feb 15, 2015
Check out this best ever 9/11 technical analysis by architectural and engineering experts, pretty much proves 9/11 is a lie, even to dyed in the wool deniers.
Just watched the whole video. Makes me wonder what the government is doing now...
Not too hard to figure out...starting wars for personal gain, poisoning people with chemtrails, gmo poisoned foods, insecticides, pesticides that are killing our soils, bailing out failing banks, getiing kickbacks from drug companies that are killing us with their drugs, selling weather control by way of haarp on the stock exchange, lies, coverups ...oh and now mind control by way of technology...Why, mostly greed, power and control, especially population control. A good place to start is by studying their Agenda 21 and 2030...Here is a post I did awhile back that you might want to check out:
Also check out The New world Order:
The Committee of 300
And if you want to know what is going on with The Secret Space Program
The Military Industrial Complex
A good place to hear stories of the Whistleblowers is to watch
Electro Magnetic Frequencies
Artificial Intelligence
Human cloning
Wow, that is quite a response. Thank you so much for all the info. Will take a look.
Yah I do tend to go overboard a bit when I feel passionate about educating people about what is really going on.
The end of the white man
i doubt the gov will go to such lengths to kill 3000 of its own citizens, lets top this madness
Why not? It has staged other false flags that killed exponentially more people in the past.
Do you doubt that various people, some of whom are government employees, conspire to profit from war?
The USG has been proven to have committed false flag attacks on Americans many, many times, at least as early as the Boston Tea Party, which, if you recall, was American Patriots dressed as Indians. That is a classic false flag operation.
'The Government' is not really an individual with singular purpose, but a vast bureaucracy in which various subunits are controlled by administrators that tend to have similar backgrounds, purposes, and associations. These individuals are the ones that do the things you conceive of as 'the government'.
Read Smedley Butler, a WWI General and war hero, who testified that President George H.W. Bush's father, Prescott Bush attempted to recruit him to lead an army on Washington D.C to overthrow the USG and install a fascist dictatorship. Butler wrote 'War is a Racket'.
It's a short read, and details exactly how war profiteers operate, and why the US was involved in WWI.
It is difficult to understand that some people will kill others for profit. It is nonetheless true that it happens. Some of those people have worked for the USG, and some of them ran 9/11.
@ssd213 not 3000, more like millions or even billions..No disrespect intended but please do your research on population control...Here is a link to start with:
Also, if you have netflix, this fiction movie could very well be our future:
It`s a pretty good one I agree.
Yep, it convinced me!
To be more precise its my top 6 best full length documentary on the subject so that is a pretty golden documentary.
Phew ... I am so glad so many steemians understand 911 was an inside job! - We are coming to an important place in our history, where truth is about to make a comeback! We cannot let our governments mis-represent and lie to us any longer! Knowledge is power... lets use it wisely!
upvoted and resteemed
I'm not surprised at all to be honest. Most people know what we were told that day is a pile of bullshit, the only ones that make it seem like most people believe the official story is the MSM force-feeding the population that idea. Go figure the MSM tries to sway public opinion using lies and deception... it's not like they do that same crap every day of our lives or anything (sarcasm off).
Thanks budz82 - so good things are changing - just 20 years ago the mood was very different, people foolishly believed their politicians much more than now! It's time to sort the world out while we still have some oceans, forests and wildlife to save!
The people need to demand another investigation. All the 911 commission did was cut corners. Building #7 collapsing wasn't even listed in the report. A 48 story building fell in 8 seconds and it wasn't hit by a plane, but they just forgot to put that in there I guess.
More then half the 9/11 commission members (including the head chairman and vice chairman) have openly admitted after the fact that they don't believe the official report that they themselves created, which should be very eye opening to even the most ignorant of 9/11 skeptics.
6/10 of the 9/11 commissioners do not believe the official 9/11 story - evidence we were given was 'far from the truth'
Everyone please mind the meep, it's harmless and doesn't bite (I think). It's just hungry for some upvote. Here, meep!
Good meep
No investigations can ever solve the problem posed by statism.
People need to make their own investigation and begin to realize statism is the problem and decentralization is its solution.
yeah what people don't realize is that the Judiciary as well as the Police are all controlled by Them (The Secret Societies). At the highest level they're all under masonic oath which involves keeping their mouths shut and covering up for each other. They'll probably concede 9/11 truth only when all those involved are dead or retired to some island outiside US jurisdiction. I don't see George Bush (Skull & Bones and Hathor Pentalpha freemason member) ever spending a day in jail.
Remember the objective. It is to walk away from the current model. Create a new one, walk away from the old one, and make the old one obsolete. You cannot expect the old model to fix itself. It is there for a reason, and it isn't a good one. :)
The end of the white man
WTC7 collapse even announced in advance by the BBC. what a joke!

WTC7 was announced as collapsing by 3 different news agencies prior to its collapse (CNN, NBC and BBC). BBC's pre-collapse announcement is the most popular of the 3, but the truth is NBC was the ones who announced it first that day (over an hour prior to the collapse taking place).
As an interesting sidenote, did you know that WTC7 was to be part of a FEMA exercise the day after 9/11 (Sept 12, 2001) called Tripod II (codenamed "operation treason") which was to simulate a major terrorist attack in NYC, including the theme of building fires and collapses? What are the odds...
And ontop of that did you know that old Larry Silverstein scheduled a meeting on the 88th floor of the North Tower (bottom section of the impact area) which was to take place starting at 8:30am on 9/11, with the rather interesting meeting agenda of "what to do in the event of a terrorist attack"... a meeting which Larry himself called off less then 12 hours prior to the attacks taking place, allowing him to be safely at home that day instead of inside the impact zone of the first attack. Again what are the odds... And to add to it even further both his children who also worked in the upper sections of the North Tower were also both not at work that day, as both them were "running late" (interdependently from each other). I guess they don't call him Lucky Larry for nothing... ya fuckin right...,_2001
There were a lot more wargames then just those 2 (here is a list of some of the primary ones involved in the operation that day, either directly or indirectly).
9/11: The Primary NORAD Wargames Involved In The 9/11 Black-Op
Excellent comment! Upvoted and followed! Cheers! =)
Well said!
So true. NIST reported that it was one column (#79) which started the global collapse of the building such a fabrication it's hard to believe there have not been many many more engineers and architects to have come out spoken out about it over these years. This entire version of events stands on whether or not there were sheer studs in the design of the building. If there were, and that is what is in the plans, the NIST's story is a complete fabrication. One indication is that they will never release their computer analysis of the collapse (that is the actual calculations/algorithm that they used).
Did you know that NIST is literally owned by a company called MITRE Corp? For those not aware MITRE Corp have direct ties to both NIST as well as Purdue University, which are the 2 main entities involved in selling the official story to the public using (bullshit) computer models.
As a sidenothe another company tied to MITRE Corp is a company called PTECH, a small company which "somehow" got the computer security contract at the Pentagon and FAA prior to the 9/11 attacks. Well coincidently (ya right) on the morning of 9/11 PTECH was pre-programming the Pentagon and FAA computer systems (from 6-8am) with an exercise scenario (part of NORAD Vigilant Guardian) which was bring ran on that morning (from 8-10am) as prep for the switch-over to an annual continuity of government response exercise (USSTRATCOM Global Guardian). Vigilant Guardian was to create the "simulated" emergency (via Amalgam Virgo 01 (drone attacks against tall buildings and the capitol) and Amalgam Virgo 02-1 Red Spins (near-simotanious live fly commercial hijackings)). Basically PTECH was programming the 9/11 operation flight paths into the FAA computers prior to the black op taking place that day (which is why the flight 11 cockpit recordings said to be of Mohammed Atta are timestamped almost 3 hours prior to the 9/11 attacks taking place (timestamped ~6:30am EST that day).
The end of the white man
Great follow-up, Jockey! All conspiracies are birthed from truth or lack of evidence supporting the contrary. In the case of 9/11, we have both.
I was at Ft. Benning, GA when the attack happened, just finishing up BASIC/OSUT training.
When we went to Iraq, we were mostly under the impression that we had to oust Saddam. Interestingly enough, they were going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), but changed it to Freedom (OIF).
They love throwing little hints in our face for anyone paying attention, which is why an element of the 9/11 attack (via FEMA Tripod II) was codenamed "Operation Treason" (named by the same man (Jerome Hauer) who managed the creation of the Office of Emergency Managment in WTC7 several years prior), while that the overarching codename for the entire operation as a whole was called Project "New Century" which "coincidentally" ties directly to the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) entities and its infamous document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which was released 1 year to the day prior to 9/11 (Sept 11, 2000) which stated that a "New Pearl Harbor" style attack would be required to persuade the American public into going along with the wanted PNAC agenda (which called for a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to re-establish American military dominance).
All just coincidences of course.
Sidenote: Jerome Hauer was a good buddy of then mayor of NYC Rudolph Giuliani, was the man who managed the creation of the FEMA OEM inside WTC7, was the man who hired former head of FBI counterterrorism (the man who hunted Bin Laden for a decade before 9/11) as head of security for the WTC building (started his first day at work on 9/11) who was told to attend a meeting in the Kroll headquarters at the top of the North WTC tower that morning and because of it would be killed in that days attacks (as he would of been one of the main whistleblowers against the official story in the aftermath so they decided to remove him as part of the attack). As an additional interesting sidenote, Jerome Hauer was also scheduled to be at that meeting that morning, but decided not to go, allowing him to survive the attack unharmed. Go figure right?
Keep up the effort and quality!
Thank you very much it means a lot to me! I have a lot to say and will be releasing posts on a regular basis! Upvoted and followed! =)
vre interesting poins of view! Thanks for this post ;=)
click here!This post received a 2.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @stefaniya! For more information,
hmm, let me ask the lone gunmen to investigate this.
Brave Former NIST Employee Speaks out for 9/11 Truth - 'Overwhelming Evidence of Controlled Demolition'
I'll check it out. I just learned about him yesterday.
Great! Please do.
These are the type of topics that are so frequently ridiculed and self-censored on social sites. This is the perfect place to have honest discussions on important taboo topics. Thank you so much for starting this, I look forward to seeing more!
I offer to be slave forever to anyone who offers me just ONE of this evidence:
Isn't it ironic how the "plane crash in Shanksville" doesn't resemble even remotely any other plane crash ever recorded in history since its inception (plane).
No video
No witnesses
No wreckage
No bodies
Official story: Plane crash
For a moment a was worried I was gonna have to deal with a slave, what a nightmare! But then I realized you probably don't count Larry Silverstein as a politician, right? Stay free!
Save your whip for some other moment :)
I have resteem and upvote your post.
I noted this write :
I know that Steemit does not represent the majority view point of America but as it grows perhaps this knowledge will spread. We need to prosecute these murderers and looking at who profited is a great place to start! Lets keep educating ourselves and spread this knowledge.
Best regards
Follow the money they say, FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Thanks for the mention @jockey, I just saw this post and it's really a good follow up post. Appreciate the mention and enjoy the rest of your weekend 👍
I am a new commer on Steemit. Just landed savely on the planet 19 Days ago. I dont know about this unique post who did a discussion on 9/11. Wow You did the riset?
Regard from Indonesia.
I enjoyed reading some of the theories on that first post, but I think the sample size is too small to draw any conclusion about what percentage of Steemians are for/against the official 911 narrative.
Great post though. Upvoted and re-steemed.
Thank you! You are completely correct that is why I thought of it as an informal survey! Still there was a very clear bias! Upvoted and followed you back mate! =)
I would be very interested to see the results of another vote that has the support of some of the bigger Steemians for more exposure and more participation.
I vividly remember walking through my University's main hallway on Sep. 11, 2001, when I noticed a large crowd gathered around the TVs near the library. Everyone was glued to the screens watching the news coverage of the attacks.
The crazy part was this: as they started showing the buildings collapsing on the news, I got this feeling in my gut that there's no way those massive building could just drop like that after a hit from a commercial airliner.
I know it sounds crazy, but it was almost as if some part of me was calling bullshit on what I was witnessing with my eyes.
I still remember that moment to this day.
It's important not to forget about the incident as one of the biggest mistakes humanity did to itself
Mistake? How do you figure?
Oh boy... and thus was born many a conspiracy theory.
I'm a Steemian, you didn't ask me and I didn't vote therefore you percentage is inaccurate by at least one person. And since you only got a tiny number of responses relative to the total Steemian population you have no idea what your statistical confidence in that statement is.
Furthermore, you almost certainly have a sampling bias not studied. How many people read your post title or even some of it and didn't bother to comment or vote because they thought "OMG, not another conspiracy theory posts on Steemit. Next!"
The only true thing you can claim is "96% of the respondents to this survey believe the government was involved in the destruction of WTC 1,2 and 7".
A few hundred years ago most people believed the earth was flat. They also thought disease spontaneously came out of nothing or that sickness was caused by an imbalance of bodily fluids (humors).
I'm not aware of any of your claims that have not subsequently been refuted (even the tired old options trading data, check Snopes).
As we know the US government is leaky as frack and full of g'damned patriots who would not stand for killing 3,000 Americans like this.
There was never any need to demolish these buildings to start the 9/11 driven conflicts
Just flying the buildings into the Towers and Pentagon was more than enough to let Bush and Co unleash all their post 9/11 fury. They didn't need 3,000 people to die or buildings to fall. Two, three or four planes full of people was plenty enough. The contrived, easily spilled plot to rig these buildings before hand just makes no sense. Occam's razor should tell you all you need to know from there.
Jockey knows that, everybody knew that before you had written it. This statement doesn't say much about anything besides what it says about you.
As for the rest of your statement I encourage you to look at the very first comment at the top and try to disprove my claim made there that Steel can't fall onto itself through the path of most resistance.
LOL for the admission of an "I have sampling bias and I'm proud of it" mentality of conspiracy theorists.
You know what that leads to? Garbage in, garbage out.
right 100%
Mmmmm, Snopes... The name alone makes me feel warm inside.
Jet Fuel can't melt steel beams. You can put me in the 9/11 was an inside job group.
This subject is so much alive
Still waiting for Trump to reveal who was behind 9/11 (as he said he should do once he would be chosen president) ...
Yes I remember... Sadly I think that was just campaign rhetoric. I don't think we will see it! Thank you! Upvoted and followed - great tag line for your profile... "Time and tide wait for no man!" ;-)
I'm not surprised that he hasn't, It's the same; here in the Netherlands, maybe even worse; once they're "in the saddle" ... gone are all the promises.
'Time and tide ...', like that one too ... comes down to the same a bit as my tagline. (followed you already)
As soon as a new president is in office he's told to sit down, tow the line and shut the fuck up!
Trump won't release shit... and even if he did it would simply implicate Saudi Arabia (which were involved but not as involved as many would think... basically they are the 2nd layer of fall guys (along with Pakistan) but trust me those are still not the primary entities involved in that days attacks)...
Dr. Steve Pieczenik, the US psy ops man that helped build the strategy to break up the soviet union, is angry
Rials at Trumps capitulation and disagrees with Alex Jones.
“There was no terrorist attack from Afghanistan or Iraq, the generals know it, they are lying, they’re coward - moral cowards, they’re ineffectual… … this 911 was an inside attack by CIA … we don’t have a war on terror … this is not about 911… cause that’s bullshit”
The US terrorist government backed by Zionist terrorists and UN terrorist organization has taken the life of millions of poor innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and the list is still growing.
99% of the Earth's population is controlled by an elite 1% of the population.
All these crimes are just for Elite 1% of that criminals.
I am glad to see that most of the steemians who are not influenced by biased media are raising voice against all kind of oppression.
Thank you
If you believe the "official" story you believe this:
(by @corbettreport)
It is a scientific study that proves the collapse can not have happened due to an airplane crashing into the towers.Check out this article:
Hi there! I want to thank you all for your contribution to this one and for a fair and smart truthseeking libery and justice society on steemit! I am looking forward for more posts like this and the truth will prevail! We the people!
Who knows s lol
Who knows
Great post... It should be obvious for anyone who has done any hands-on research into the topic that what we were told happened that day, and what actually happened that day are very different things... Keep fighting the good fight, and NEVER FORGET!
If your interested have a look at one of my recent posts on this topic which goes into extreme detail as to what took place at the pentagon that day (will take ~5 mins to read but I think you will learn some things you were not yet aware of, even if your an avid 9/11 researcher). Anyways enjoy!
lmao love the results of the poll .... the nightly news from the mainstream media did not do a good job selling the story it seems ...
I saw a poll last year on The Telegraph Online (UK Main Stream Media) where over 70% answered "Inside Job!" (20k+ participants). That day I realized the wider public had finally come to the conclusion the event was a falseflag, and mainly thanks to information on the internet.
However these days we have falseflags (more precisely hoaxes/psyops) going on every week, and people are still falling for them. Have we learnt nothing from 9/11? Will it take another 15 years before the wider public realizes all these "terror" attacks we're experiencing today are staged to implement pre-defined tyrannical agendas?
I try to cover all these staged terror events in my blog:
whether by incompetence or design, US government is involved
Even if the government is not directly involved
The terrorists had valid visa to train to fly planes in Florida
Cia funded Bin Ladin
World Trade Center is a government owned building whose design was approved by the Port Authority
Those who did this are feeling their souls burning because of our collective willingness to never forget and to forgive. We as citizens of this world have this obligation to keep them burning. Thank you for continuing to add to the fire.
Guys lets be frank about this, atleast 50% of the worlds population believes it was the US goverment, I mean all the evidence points to a demolition
it wasn't the US Government alone, its actually far more complex then that. There were over a dozen sovereign countries involved in that days events (some direct, some indirect, some knowingly, some unknowingly)... From Israeli to Britain to the US (main players) to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Canada (secondary players) all the way to Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and y more (background players). It really was a large scale joint effort beyond what most would expect (I would go into more detail of the role of each country but it would take 100 pages to do it any real justice).
Government involved 100% and PM Mr.Bush did him self because he is the terrorist in the world!
I upvoted you....please follow and upvote me on :)
Doesn't Matter Now What Happened Has Happened And We Can't Go Back And Change It, Only Thing That I Would Say Is They Knew About It.
history speak itself.
I really do believe that there is a hidden power managing all disasters that are occurring regularly .The Barcelona attack ,9-11 ,Isis etc
it is just sad
I'm glad to see this post. I missed the original one, the "trending" post is in my opinion not used as much as you may think.
So if it's trending in the "conspiracy" tab, you can expect the results you're getting.
Good to see some decent content instead of the usual "Bitcoin rises" crap, the religious posts and travel nonsense.
Hopefully we'll be able to maintain a certain level on Steemit, and we don't turn into another Fakebook with "I'm going to the toilet" or "I'm eating a pizza" crap.
very hard theme here, thank you for your post
the case for the USA government , and dark forces with it being directly responsible ,is over whelming beyond a shadow of dought , and the more you look into it and all the various facets , the more over whelming it gets , so what will happen as alot of those involved as with the JFK assination are still alive , they maybe feel less at ease , but they are far from being convicted ,
They way the buildings fell neatly on themselves really reeks of controlled demolition. I've been called crazy and lost a fair share of friends because of this topic, but I still stand by the fact that it couldn't have just merely unfolded the way they officially told us.
Amazing creativity. I'm here and I got wonder having seen this how creative people are here!
Like mushrooms we've been kept in the dark and fed shit! This would not happen now with the instant sharing of information and even more so with decentralisation. There is a battalion of smoking guns pointing at 911. You'd be a total twat to believe it was anything but an inside job!
it's still happening today. lots of fake terror events. almost weekly.