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RE: My AMAZING father was born 100 years ago today: a story of US corruption & betrayal 💰

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I was redirected here by @dreemit and after reading this, I found this rather interesting. It's always great to hear all the sides of the story so that we can make a more informed judgement. Personally, it's way before my time (I was born after the Marcos' regime) so I only know this from the history book. They paint a rather unflattering picture of your father, so I'm glad that you were able to use this Medium to set the story straight from your end.

I don't know if this is a positive or not, but your father's name has faded into obscurity. I've only ever heard his name again when he was compared to Janet Lim-Napoles recently, which is something that's quite negative. I think the comparison isn't fair, as I feel your father did produce real results, though, and I mean this with no offense, I believe everyone lives in the gray area. That is to say, nobody's hands are ever truly clean. At least, when we talk about these kinds of topics.

Mind you, I'm trying to be respectful and completely unbiased here, man, so I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I'm sure that he was a great influence on you, and I bet he was a great guy, but of course everyone has their faults in the story. I think he was used as a scapegoat, but for him to get to the position he was, there were questionable decisions for sure.

I just brushed up on other people's sentiments on him to be able to give a more informed response, and it seems like he was one of the earliest whistleblowers of the corruption in government. Now, and this again is just my personal opinion, I really hate all of the modern whistleblowers. They're smug, and they feel entitled to be immune to prosecution just because they're the key to nabbing even bigger fish. But, that just means that they are still part of the equation, just not the guiltiest people in the equation. I don't want to go off-tangent so I'll leave it there.

To answer your question, and this is just my opinion, I feel that you shouldn't be worried about visiting the Philippines. The issue has long passed, and almost all of the parties involved are gone. But, I'm not one of the people that was affected, so I can't fully speak on their behalf. If I were in your shoes, I would err on the side of caution though. If I would ever decide to visit the Philippines, specifically the sites that your father influenced, I wouldn't bring the children just yet, and opt to go alone.

I've read some of the responses here by other Filipinos, and I'm in two minds about providing (yet another) contrarian response. I think you shouldn't be afraid about the threat on your life, since your father was never able to pocket any of the earnings. Is that right? That's what I interpreted from what you wrote regarding it.

Heck, the Marcoses run free without a care in the world and they pocketed all of their accumulated wealth! In my opinion, if they're not in constant fear, then you shouldn't as well. But, I guess if it's really not necessary for you to come, then you don't have to risk anything.


I am deeply grateful to you for taking the time to respond here in such detail, and please know that I never take anything personally. Especially from a story which is more a combination of my perspective with his perspective... which certainly doesn't make it absolute truth. Though I enjoy believing it is as close to the truth as I am ever going to get, now that most people involved are gone.

Interesting to hear the idea that it may have been him who was one of the whistleblowers. This is a new thought for me and i have sat with it for a little while. I find myself wondering what was in it for him if this were the case? They took everything from him and ensured he was unable to set up shop anywhere else.

The story he told me was that if it were not for a Swiss bank account, he would have had nothing... and most likely I wouldn't have even been born. Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye? Could it be that the money in this account was not saved by himself? And that the money was in fact a payment of some kind? For sure he wasn't the kind of guy to save for the future... so I will look into this now as best I can.

Am conscious it is only my ego which wants to walk my fathers steps in the Philippines though ironically it was him who instilled the curiosity I have. He told me over and over that it was the most beautiful country in the world, full of the most beautiful people in the world. And then told me never to go there! Which is like being handed a bowl of 'the most tasty food in the world'... only to be told you can never taste it!

One day we will visit. And perhaps it will be for a whole different reason. Like the 1st Philippine Steemit meetup!!!??? 🌅

Now that would be a much less ego based, positive reason to arrive there with my family 🙏🏻

Speaking of Swiss bank accounts, the Marcoses stashed a lot of their ill-gotten wealth there. A sizeable portion of it probably belonged to your father, Sam.

As for visiting the PHL, I don't think anyone has heard of the Stonehill name in modern times. I don't think your presence will be a threat to anyone here so you're very likely to be safe but just to be sure , best to work under the radar.

I appreciate your words here very much. There is no fear of visiting any more and fingers crossed I will be there soon enough :)

Leaving thoughtful replies is the only thing I know how to do here haha! I would really be interested in reading what you unearth. I do hope that perspective would yield something fruitful towards the truth. Do keep me posted if you find out anything new about this, I'm quite invested now.

There are always multiple sides to the story, and if we ever hope to learn the absolute truth, we can't only rely on what we would prefer to know. I'm glad you're open to learning about anything and everything involving this.

I think there was already a first Philippine Steemit meetup, but I'm not sure. It's hard to keep track of the firsts these days, what with everyone proclaiming they're the official representatives of an entire country haha! Here on Steemit, I feel like I'm a man without a country, completely out of the loop of the goings on of my countrymen, so yeah..

I do hope you and your family get to visit though. If anything, at least to prove your father right about the beauty of the country :D