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RE: WARNING!! Beware of Flat Earth Society ... We have followers all around the globe!!

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I have no idea what the shape is but i'm pretty sure what it isn't. With the billions they take in annually, I dont think its asking too much of NASA to be honest and actually show real photos and videos that are complete without always cutting away for whatever the reasons. Why would they need video game animators brought in for anything. We have cameras that can get some pretty good close-ups of the moon zooming in and out, so i would think they should have the ability and better technology to do the same or better with the earth. Its unimpressive videos like the one you had me watch that make me question everything. Why is it that people who ask questions or have doubts are automatically idiots for not just believing everything that they are told and why do others get so upset just because people have their own opinions?