Will there be a WW3, Armageddon, mutual destruction, total nuclear annihilation?
I don't think so.
It is possible that a large scale war is in the making, with the goal to eliminate a big chunk of mankind, but I think it will stay controlled and localized while protecting already established assets and infrastructure needed in the future. On ALL sides.
The conflicts worldwide, specially in the Middle East, besides geopolitical considerations, are a great tool for the cabal to kill people, make money, increase military spending, keep people in constant fear, keep the "War on Terrorism" alive, create new laws to increase "security" and probably more,
but they are also used to distract us from what is happening as a long term strategy.
I know, it looks like as if some are hell bent on setting the world on fire, and maybe there is a fraction in the snake pit which actually wants to accomplish that.
But I doubt that this is going to happen.
Too much money and effort have been invested already into the long term plan for humanity.
I hope that you, dear reader are familiar with the Coudenhove Kalergi plan, the revelations of Dr. Richard Day, Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" and George Orwell's "1984"
If not, I would encourage you to learn about them, because just these four paint already a good pictures of things to come.
If you consider WHAT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN REAL LIFE, it seems that the plan, in a nutshell might look like this:
Reduce population to a "sustainable" size.
Eliminate the notion of nations, race, families or gender
Create a mixed race, genderless, infertile population with a low IQ
Genetically engineer and artificially create "human assets" according to the tasks they need to perform
"Enhance" this population with AI and connect them to a worldwide grid.
Create "Smart Cities" in which this population will live without families or privacy but can be easily controlled.
Establish vast "Nature Reservations" to move all population into the "Smart Cities".
A population like this can be easily controlled and used for tasks robots or AI are not suitable for.
By replacing natural reproduction with genetically engineered artificial production of humans, the size of population can be managed easily and adjusted as needed. 500 Million, as outlined in the "Georgia Guidestones" seems to be a reasonable number of humans needed in the future.
If you observe what is happening worldwide it becomes obvious that this plan is executed at a breathtaking speed.
All the following topics are part of the coming nightmare, are currently happening and fit exactly into the picture proposed by these four authors many years ago.
There are many more pointing in the same direction.
Agenda 2030
Gender, social engineering
Division of race and religions
Migration in Europe
Chemtrails, vaccinations, toxins in our food and water, wars
Gradual stripping of human rights, establishing stricter laws for humans
Establishing a legal framework for a World Government
Establishing a legal framework for AI and making them equal to humans
Establishing a "Social Credit System" and AI controlled Pre-Crime
Rolling out 5G as the needed infrastructure
And again, most of these agendas are already executed WORLDWIDE while everyone is shaking in his boots looking to Syria, Russia, North Korea and China.
And to spice up the cake, let's put a little bit Q Anon, Purge, Clinton and political hick-hack into the mix.
Meanwhile we are being sprayed like insects, vaccinated, dumbed down, gender-transitioned, indoctrinated, divided, confused, misinformed, made sick and infertile, forced off our land, molested at the border, killed by police, robbed blind by the taxman and made to -on top of it- PAY for all that.
We are all being played like a well tuned string instrument.
Cripes! It's posts like this that almost convince me to become a Christian, if only to believe Christ will return and toast all the evil fuckers. But, oh my, this is no bedtime post is it? The evil eye of Mordor is certainly abroad in the land. I don't think I've ever seen a listing like this as to what they want to achieve and what has been accomplished to date. One thing you might have overlooked: establishing a non-deity religion such as Enviromentalism or Climate Change. Another way to herd the masses into sheering pens. Indeed it seems they desperately hope to sustain the global warming theme at any cost. Indeed climate change has taken on the onus of religion in that to question it's validity in certain circles is just asking for pitchforks and torches to appear.
Don't know if you've made it to my blog recently but I've begun a series on the Roots of War the Hope of Peace you may be interested in. Also I'm working on a post which will feature an interview of DIck Cheney when he became a traitor. He was a true Reagan conservative aware of what you have listed above ( I know this because I asked him face to face) and then abruptly joined the CFR and was on his way... Anyway, you've renewed my skywatching... looking for a massive X30+ solar flare/coronal mass ejection that would significantly disrupt the evil bastards. Barring that my friends at Suspiciousobservers on YouTube are using what appears to be pretty good science predicting a coming grand solar minimum and perhaps a magnetic pole shift and a solar system migration into new regions of our galactic arm that will certainly disrupt the plans of the Global Elite. If this all occurs it would certainly be catastrophic for humanity but at the same time it may save us from ourselves. Many blessings. Oh and here is the link:
You are so right. It is kind of ironic that a Carrington event might actually be the only thing which could save us from this insanity. Thanks for the link and I am looking forward to reading the Dick Cheney post. He will be dancing with Barbara Crowley/Bush and Heinz Kissinger in hell hopefully pretty soon...
Yes, love it, "...dancing ...in hell hopefully pretty soon". I ponder on occasion how one such as he can approach the end of life knowing he betrayed us. And so you are aware of the Carrington event. It really is just a matter of time before this occurs once again. It's like Russian Roulette, eventually one will take the shot.
Well, I am old and useless anyway. I am ready to leave this madhouse called earth on short notice.
Maybe I get a chance to Tango with Barbara Crowley in hell since I am not religious :)
Me? I call myself a fool-of-an-almost-Buddhist. I'm not religious at all but do have a strong belief in what I call Source. But that's another discussion. Oh, and you probably know the Pope recently is quoted as having said,"...there is no hell." So there you go, no dancing for you! Of course the Vatican about crapped their communal pants and the Pope came out very strongly affirming the reality of Satan the next week. maybe he knows Cheney personally!
LOL. You are funny, I like that. Yeah, I think I remember now you mentioning being an almost Buddhist in our last conversation. Apologize. So, disregard my other comment about Alexander and Jesus. Just appeared to be a funny coincidence to me. And yes, I heard about the pope commenting on Hell. Of course he has to affirm the reality of Satan, this is his Master, so he should know. I would find it plausible that the Pope, Cheney, Kissinger, Bolton, Clinton, Bush and all the other creeps have had some nice parties together on Epstein Island. A video of this would be proof that HELL actually exists :)
Yeah, was it you or someone else that posted the video of the opening of that Big Tunnel in Europe a few years ago? God! Talk about Satanic. No wonder Europe is going to hell if they allow that kind of shit to take place openly and as part of their culture.
I am glad that I am already 40 years old and have no kids because the future looks really f...up and too much controlled for my taste.
I've always had problems subordinating myself, so I've never worked for any company and always stay independent.
Btw in Berlin is a concert hall called Huxley's Neue Welt (new world).
Same here, my friend. I'm only a bit older, which might be a good thing, I might get out of this silly place a bit earlier :)
Do you live in Berlin? I lived there a few month back in the 90's. Liked it.
Cool yeah back in the 90s Berlin was awesome. I was always wondering why a guy from LA has a German Steemit name :)
I am living the last 5 years in Mauritius but I am going back to Berlin in a few weeks have to visit my family and friends will stay there a few month and then I am moving to San Diego where my brother is living.
When I am in SD maybe one day we can meet LA and SD is just 2 hours by car.
I wrote you back now because yesterday I went to bed I am 11 hours ahead of you and it was like 2 o'clock at night.
Yeah, that could be fun. We can forge some interesting conspiracy theories and nobody can understand us talking German. Have not been to San Diego in a while. It's nice there. Lovely weather :)
For sure we do that so you speak German that's awesome :)
I am Austrian. You might barely understand my German :)
Cool an Österreicher (Schluchtenscheißer) lol no problem we can still speak English :)
I don't see you as a "amateur conspiracy theorist"...all you do, is just pointing facts..
Thank you! But actually I am hoping that I am completely wrong and someone comes up with evidence that I am a deluded conspiracy theorist moron :) Sometimes it's better not to be right...
Well... I wish you good luck!... cause you gonna need plenty, for that to happen...:)
I don't know if these things are for real, also I don't know if they will ever come true, but I believe in most of them. I believe this is the plan for the long term, and if everything goes well, this is what is going to happen... But, there is a but
Which is the goal?
What is to be achieved with this kind of population?
Who in the people leading this world would want this and for what?
Nice write up!
Thank you!
Maybe humans will still be needed for tasks AI is not better at. Like human intuition, ingenuity, non-linear thinking. Maybe it's just a lust for control. Or maybe some things can be done by human cheaper? I don't know..
Researching history, specially the ancient megalithic cultures but also medieval history suggests that the History as we know it is not only a web of lies and distortions but actually a deliberate CONSTRUCT. If this is true, it might suggest that the same kind of folks who are responsible for that, are also responsible for what is currently happening, behind the scenes. And the ones who will, for whatever reason, benefit. All I have is wild guesses. But official narratives make even less sense...
Any of these scenarios is just sad and scary, but they may be
verytoo close to reality.There is still the option that my tin-foil-hat is too tight :)
So true - I think you have just summarized everything I was trying to say!
And the one thing I'm not concerned about are the imaginary "nuclear bombs"
Yeah, I know. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that things are not what we are led to believe. But it is a marvelous tool to induce fear in people. People are terrified of it since 1945. Do you have thoughts on Einstein? They did not want him on the project. Why? This is another can of worms...
Tesla - genius
Einstein - muppet...
LOL. I have seen some videos stating that he was a Zionist shill, a plagiarist, a mediocre mathematician and a horrible human being. Which appears to be plausible because he also received the Nobel price, like Barry :)
And all Tesla's work "disappeared" while our zionist owned society worships einstein...
I am sure you know who was present when Tesla's papers magickally disappeared? Trump's uncle. What a coincidence.
American's really struggle with grasping this sort of stuff don't they?
Very well written post. Sure wish you had supplied some links to some of the claims. The truth is however that I have reached many of the same conclusions.
I can tell you that the dumb-ING down process is the weakest part of the plan. I wrote a post about how language can be used to separate the emotional mind from the analytical mind. I have shown it to some friends and perceived a huge difference in a short amount of time. This has me convinced that a lot of what we perceive as dumb or stupid is the mixing up of the emotional associated data with the analytical associated data. Even a person with a I.Q. of 90 becomes a virtual genius if they train their brain.
Thank you for the compliment! I don't put links for several reasons. Mostly because I believe that people need to do their own research, all I can do is to raise curiosity. I have noticed that it is nearly impossible to convince people with opposing views. No amount of evidence is enough, ever. There is always a 'Yes, but.." Only by gathering pieces yourself, your mind will gradually form or change an opinion.
As of language I think that the deconstruction of language MUST lead to a deterioration of the mind. If you don't have a word for it, you cannot think it. If one reads letters written 100 years ago and compare them to a contemporary email or a Tweet a tendency can be observed.
I notice too that most will not change their mind even with facts that directly prove the point. You are right about language too. Use language properly and it increases the efficiency of the mind. Use it improperly and it leads to scrambling of the physical neural pathways of the brain, which changes the perceptions of the mind.
That's right. And you can further manipulate the mind by using deceptive words which will create positive associations. Like Ministry of "Defense" or "Planned Parenthood". I have also noticed that by criminalizing certain words we begin to self censor the associated thoughts. I personally find it more and more difficult to write, speak AND think about certain subjects or use certain words.
Such manipulation is hundreds of times harder once you know to separate the Emotional Mind formatted associated data from the Analytical Mind formatted associated data. Mixing the two is what causes Emotion Think or more commonly known as Stinking Thinking.
What they do to program you is linguistically get you to mix the two up and than you can't think using logic or reason at all. LOL
LOL. Yup, would be funny if it was not our reality :)
That really is funny. Each of us basically live two separate realities in a way (at least). Our Emotional Mind has a ideal utopia that it is constantly judging reality against. It actually creates the Analytical Mind to provide the logical conditions that need to change in the real world to reasonably bring it's perception closer to it's utopia. The Analytical Mind get's it's motivation and existence from the will of the Emotional Mind and thus is subject to the Emotional Mind. Emotional Mind never wants to change and only does so:
1)When the Analytical mind conveniences the Emotional Mind that doing so will get it closer to the ideal utopia.
2)When the Analytical mind has more success than it gains creditability. Less success and it looses creditability. The Emotional Mind uses a binary system to determine this. 1 for success and 0 for failures.
When all these conditions are met the Emotional Minds observation can function the way it is supposed to and you can get mad, sad, happy appropriately. The same thing happens to the Analytical Mind. Its observation change and allow for a closer comprehension and understanding of natural law. Which it was built to perceive.
These conditions are met when you stop mixing up emotional language with analytical language.
Mixed up example: The reason I like chocolate is because it taste better.
Liking something has nothing to to with logic or reason. This is a preference.
Taste has nothing to do with logic or reason. This is a preference.
Saying things like this means the incorrect associated data goes to the wrong processor. It is like trying to open up a video file with a document program. Not working right if at all.
It really is scary and insidious to see the grocery list of crimes perpetrated against us and know that they're already doing their intended jobs.
They'll get themselves locked up in the bunkers they've been making, then hit the big red button.
Possible. But why would they invest so much money, time and energy if they intend to blow it all up? I think the bunkers are just in case it does not go according to plan OR maybe for something else that we don't know...
Ties in with the Georgia Guidestones, they wouldn't use nuclear.