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RE: Flat Earth= CIA disinformation campaign

in #conspiracy7 years ago

So let me get this straight our government who lies about everything who cons us into wars who steals our money who gives us dumbed down education your telling me when it comes to space of which they control all the info when it comes to space they are totally honest? COME ON MAN YOU ARE UNDER SERIOUS MIND CONTROL. WE ARE NOT ON MARS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON THERE NO MOVEMENT OF THE EARTH ONCE YOU REALIZE THESE FACTS A FLAT INFINITE PLANE ISN'T THAT CRAZY WHAT IS CRAZY IS THE CONCEPT OF SPACE OF WHICH WE HAVE ONLY SEEN IN MOVIES AND FAKE CGI CARTOONS THAT NASA PUT OUT YOU CAN LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL APOLLO MISSIONS AND THE SKYLAB AND IF YOU THINK THAT IS REAL I GOT SOME LAND ON MARS YOU MIGHT WANNA BUY. TRUST YOUR 5 SENSES NOT A LIE YOU WERE TOLD AS A LITTLE CHILD. Sorry for the caps I'm trying to break your Stockholm syndrome your programmers put on you as a child.