I've ranted about this before, I'll rant about it again. What the heck was YouTube thinking?! Was there a paradigm shift? Was their some rearrangement amongst higher management? Did they get a visit from one of our many, oh so trustworthy and reputable, "alphabet agencies"? Or is it really just as simple as another company that grew to enormity, realized their power, and decided to wield it to fit their own personal agendas and perspectives? No need to answer that, I know the answer. But then why let us get as far as we did? Well, perhaps they wanted to literally KEEP THE AMBITIOUS PEOPLE PREOCCUPIED?! Think about it, it doesn't take a genius to have foreseen what the internet was going to be able to provide the common person in the years to come before YouTube even existed. We've talked about this time and time again, about how the internet has provided the common person with a voice, with a platform to speak to the world, with the ability to BROADCAST THEMSELVES.
Well, I'm sure most of the people here have realized everything I'm about to say, so forgive me for continuing with my rhetorical questions, it's just my way of forming the readers thoughts into questions in their head, so they think about what I'm writing here. So, we all know about the existing power structure, and how it loves to dominate every aspect of our lives, right? So it doesn't take a genius to understand what an absolute THREAT something like the internet COULD BE, to some existing power structure that currently controls the narrative. What were their options?
They weren't many. They could put a halt to the entire development and expansion of the internet (I'm talking pre-youtube here, early internet, noisy dial-up status, when those in power were considering their options for handling this Brave New Online World), just completely stop it's direction and reassess things. NOPE. There was no way they could do that, the cat was loose, out of the bag, the international community was running with it, it's needed for too many things, no way that was an option. Their next option was to put it behind paywalls, which they did to a small extent, it's certainly not free, or it wasn't anyway, not in the beginning, but it wasn't really a "paywall" in the classic sense of the word. It was just another bill, and it remains that way for the most part. Their third and best option, they could simply continue to control the narrative, and they could slowly leak the technology out, allowing "them" plenty of time to constantly re-assess the situation with us "common folk" and how we're fairing with this "new" technology, which would allow them to stay three steps ahead of the game, for at least awhile anyway. That's what they chose.
But how do you do that? With so much added room to cover, so many ideas out there, so many people hopping online each and everyday, with millions of them taking the time to really exploit this new capability for everything it's worth, building on it, adding to it, maxing out it's capabilities, how the hell do you forcibly control something like that? Well, you can't, at least not with any reliably persistent results. So once again, they knew they had to get us to simply fall into their traps willingly. In other words, they're simply going to use their standard cloak and dagger bullshi* too get us to unwittingly fall right into their cages, like lemmings to a cliff's edge we march...
The first step to controlling those who have the ambition and the courage to "Broadcast Themselves", those who choose to use their voices, those who are leaders, is to CONSOLIDATE THEM, "they" needed to make their job of censoring everyone A LOT easier, and they needed to do so by getting those people to come to one, specific, already setup for their purposes, website. Enter YOU TUBE.
The process would take years, and it only makes sense that it would. Get people to come to this location, to dump ALL their time, ALL their effort, and effectively make YouTube their entire platform for using this voice of theirs. These people are now exactly where they want them. Slowly building a channel, collecting hundreds of thousands of subscribers, sometimes millions, and allocating ALL of their time and effort into this one project, in this one location, extremely easy to monitor and control.
At first it has to be a free for all, word has to spread that there's a platform out there where you actually CAN get YOUR VOICE HEARD! People need to hear from other people that there's a "legitimate" platform out there, just come to YouTube guys, build your own channel, have your perspective heard, help others get their perspectives heard, it's all for one and one for all there! Pretty soon a website like YouTube EXPLODES with popularity, people are becoming sort of pseudo-famous, sometimes they even make it to real stardom, and they're ALL getting paid anyway! Just monetize your channel! Anyway, fast forward ten years, less than that, and look what you have here. You've got one website, in one location, with all the data you'd ever need to know EXACTLY where every channel holder (AND WE ARE ALL CHANNEL HOLDERS THERE, REMEMBER) sits when it comes to today's issues, and regardless of whether or not they use YouTube to watch their news or whatever, the analytics, the data, the amount of personal information they can obtain from your activity there on that one website is absolutely mindboggling, and the worst part, those people who've really invested their lives into this place, who've got everything riding on this one venture, well they had no idea that this was really just one big setup to eventually CRASH!
Think about it, once they reach critical mass, once they reach a point where they can no longer afford to provide this voice for people, a point where they simply can't control it well enough, the website has to crash, the company has to tank, or shift dramatically to say the least, and that's where we're arriving next I think... the exodus from youtube is also foreseen, it was planned from the beginning, it basically gets the people, to once again, WILLINGLY DO what they can't force people to do, not without an uproar anyway, and that's to START OVER! To begin the whole cycle again, somewhere else, and with the same result in the end.
Yes, it's my contention that those who've been with YouTube from the beginning, are NOT STUPID, there wasn't a paradigm shift, there wasn't some drastic change in management, and they didn't get a visit from one of our Alphabet Agencies and get forced to do whatever they're doing (they were in cahoots with them the entire time anyway)... They knew from day one that YouTube would become the voice of the people, or at least ONE OF the main tools for activism and truth seeking, a haven for uncensored media, they counted on it, they did everything in their power to make it as easy as possible for people, and then they even took it a step further and helped everyone get paid for it (none more than themselves obviously, but that's not the point), and they did so in an effort to continue controlling the narrative in a new world where everyone has a voice, by CONSOLIDATING the ambitious people in one place, allowing them all the time they needed to build a worthwhile channel, accrue tens of thousands of subscribers (and of course YouTube's analytics extend to the simple viewer, they're not just after the ambitious channel holders, they scrutinize everything you watch, what you subscribe to, what you add to playlists, download, share, etc., they gain A LOT of personal information about all of us, no one escapes the YouTube plot), and without very much censorship at all, therefore letting word spread amongst the people about this neutral place, until it explodes like the disgusting mushroom that it is, and then BOOM! It has to collapse, OR, there has to be a mass exodus, which I think is what we'll see, and that's sad, because it's the same game all over again, planned from day one... THIS WAS THE ONLY WAY TO CONSOLIDATE THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, AND (eventually) CONTROL THE NARRATIVE IN A WORLD OPENED UP BY THE INTERNET. People seem to underestimate the patience of this police state of ours, they are capable of waiting years to fulfill one of their plots, and this one, though really poorly described by me just now, is one of their more brilliant ideas... It just took a long time to accomplish, but all the while they're gathering up loads of valuable information on everyone, and keeping them preoccupied there in one location...
A summed up version of what I meant here, goes like this: When the powers that be saw the writing on the wall regarding the internet, it's ease of use, it's availability to everyone, and they saw that it was going to provide everyone with the same sort of potential that our modern day newspapers, magazines, and television networks have, they must have put some think tanks together, they had to figure out the best way to keep us all under control, OR, at the very least, monitor everything, and then they could pick and choose who they used their other resources for. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the extremely effective method of "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION", which can take on many forms!
It's my contention that one of the easiest, most effective ways to get everyone all herded up and packed together, is to simply provide those people with what they need, but without them knowing it's YOU providing it. So, a website like YouTube (though I'm outright saying that I'm sure YouTube is indeed one of these) pops up, and it runs for years without much in the way of regulation or oversight, everyone could sign-up and build their own brand, and no one really messed with them. Slowly but surely, and at an ever-increasing rate, people began to develop REAL POWER with the website, their voice truly IS being heard, and now they're actually competing with the MSM! So they begin to tighten the screws, a little censorship here, a litte there, some strange "glitches", all sorts of tricks that all of you already know... Pretty soon they begin issuing "strikes" to channel holders, something they could always do, but rarely did, and now they do it ALL THE TIME. People begin to get fed up, they're demonitized, their brand is dying, their focus turns back towards saving everything they've built, and NOT on the issues of the day, and some of them begin to leave the website. Then they tighten the screws even more, and calls for boycott start to appear, calls for a MASS EXODUS and flat-out protest against the place, and all at their own detriment anyway... Soon they're left with no choice but to START OVER somewhere else, most will hope for a smooth transition, but it won't be anything like the original idea, at least not for awhile... and all because they wanted (and succeeded at) to consolidate the people who would really take the time, and put the effort into, developing a voice that could actually compete with the existing tyrannical MSM...
People were consolidated, they were monitored, they were all profiled, and they were setup, and they're continuing to be setup.
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