Was Chester Bennington About to Expose #Pizzagate #Pedogate? #ItEndsNow

in #conspiracy8 years ago


The resemblance is uncanny. Chester Bennington was molested by a man at age 7. One has to wonder if there's ANY connection at all with all of this.

Here's a Reddit thread:

Share more links to articles and threads that you find!

Also, a man named Swordfish, claims he will release damming info on the pedogate scandal in connection with the music industry. Hold onto your seats folks. It's about to get crazy!



Why give them notice, it would make more sense just to release the info. Withholding it makes him just as bad as the pedos

I agree with you on this. The kinds of things these sick bastards are doing doesn't deserve a warning. The people turning a blind eye to it, aren't going to relent and go "Ok, I guess since you have evidence, we might as well do our jobs now...". They're going to continue with their typical dismissive comments to anything that surfaces. Just release the info and let the bomb drop.

Not sure about the totality of your statement, but withholding the info does put his own life in danger. You know these criminals are tracking him down as we speak...

Personally I think its just a bluff, its just some good clickbait story. If this guy had any real evidence there are plenty of places like wikileaks he could use to put the info out there for all to see, and if his life is in supposed danger wouldn't getting it out there sooner be better? Also giving notice also gives the criminals time to come up with an alibi and possibly destroy evidence.

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!
Their souls are damned for all eternity.
Shame on them !!!

nice post ..........@facelikethesun @aravindgre

The fact that this parallel culture exists right in front of all of us is deeply troubling. I understand that most people would find this difficult and painful to understand, but an overwhelming number of world leaders are part of a death cult. They are Satanists and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the believe in what they're doing, either way.

So true; the more people are a part of something the more it gains power. Even if you don't believe in what they are doing, if you take part in what they offer (TV/movies, trolling or racism, Greed, etc) they are still using you and gaining energy off you. You are still part of that matrix.

The only way to stop yourself from this and to save humanity; there is only one way.

Lose the ego.

They use fear and deceit to spread which is horrible and must be stopped.

People dont want to hear this. They think you are insane. How could this worldwide evil persist? Down to the local level....your cops, judges, doctors practising this atrocity on babies six months old? People just dont want to hear it. Its been going on for a long time. What do the pedos gain? More than sexual pleasure...power from Satan who rejoices in the loss of innocence. I hope they get them all. We need a superman or a superwoman more than ever.

It IS time to end this. Too many have suffered, and it is rotting out great country from the Inside Out! I do not care if it brings down ALL the politicians and power brokers! Time to end it...

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Here's a video discussing the latest (at least when I recorded it). The Swordfish stunt wasn't as promised, but the information is still important.

"Was about to..." seems to be a common clickbait/cliche going around in conspiracy circles.
Plus, now you would by default have to assume that all body doubles/stunt doubles are a conspiracy too right? At least that is how I look at it following such logic through to conclusion.