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RE: The One Paragraph You Need To Read From The JFK Assassination Files That May Change Everything

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Let me try to save you some hours if research that almost everyone falls into when first diving into the JFK conspiracy...

The Zapruder film that is the basis for many theories out there, is a well-researched and scientifically proven altered film. 100% for sure with no buts about it. I could write a small novel in this post right now but I've learned that just like myself, the only way a person can be convinced of something is through their own free will and not by having others try to beat information into your head.

I would be more than happy to give you a few links to breakdowns and documentaries on the subject if you are not sure where to find that information, but I would bet any money that most JFK researchers spent countless hours trying to put together the whole picture going off of the idea that the video footage we have is an accurate depiction of what happened that day. It's absolutely unequivocally not. Then once the person stumbles across the vast evidence of just how altered the Zapruder film is, you almost have to go back over all the research you've already done and filter it through a new lens in your mind.

I would be happy to take the time to expound upon anything I've said and also post links if you are interested. You can also just write me off as some random nutter on the internet and find out the hard way that what I'm saying is well documented proven fact somewhere down the road, assuming that you continue your search for truth and kick yourself in the ass for not listening long ago.

Good luck and congrats on your journey to awakening!! 😀


Oh not at all! Glad to hear from you.

I don't believe any footage anymore lol.

I have seen so much fakery and I am not that great at spotting it or trying hard. I was learning about the stand-down orders for all the people who were supposed to be protecting the prez and that is enough for me to know it's all some kind of fix.

But then Jimmy Carter and his wife look and sound so much like that camelot couple that I really have no faith in any of it.