World Domination & the Economic Hitmen

in #conspiracy8 years ago


World domination. It's one of the best loved topics of conspiracy and Illuminati theorists and dismissed by everyday people as out of this world.

But the reality is the idea of controlling the world has been around for as long as humans have and they have different names depending on the group that wanted to control it all.

This is a list of some of the famous attempts in recorded human history of groups that wanted to subjugate and control the world one country or colony at a time:
  • Roman Empire
  • Byzantine Empire
  • British Empire
  • Spanish Empire
  • Aztec Empire
  • Chinese Empire
  • Mongolian Empire
  • Soviet Union
  • The Third Reich


As we learned our lesson from history so too did the elite who wanted to take their place as rulers of the world. They realized from history that to take something by force would be too expensive and time-consuming. As the great Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu once said:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
-- The Art of War, Sun Tzu

So the elites are attempting this by using less direct methods of weakening resistance. They have created entire worldwide systems masquerading as noble institutions meant for the benefit of the world.

And one of their favorite techniques is by deploying the Economic Hitmen.

Who are the Economic Hitmen?

They are specially recruited people who are made as messengers of the World Central Banking System and sent to countries. Inside they pose as specialists who evaluate the current infrastructure and development of a country and pitch the sale to the country's government on how the country could maximize and speed up its growth by allowing the Central Banking System to supply them with an affordable loan that could be used to improve the country.

And the sale goes like this:

  1. They flatter the country's leaders on the untapped potential of the country.
  2. Through the magic of numbers and hard-to-understand technical jargon explains the potential percentage of growth the country could be experiencing if they invested X amount of money to projects A, B, and C.
  3. The economic hitmen then offers the country the needed money through a loan with a humble interest rate.
  4. The country's leaders would be predictably hesitant but would then be assured that the loan would be payable because the return of interest of the projects invested would pay for the interest payments and so much more!
  5. The country takes the bait -- hook, line and sinker.
What the Economic Hitmen didn't tell the country was that the percentage of growth they forecasted was overinflated.

For example, the Economic Hitman would forecast that the country's investment would yield 20% to 30% growth in the next few years when in reality the growth would only be 3% to 6% at best while keeping the interest payments of the loans at 10%.

This would lead the country to sink into poverty over time as it would fail to meet its debt payment requirements.

In return for failing to meet its obligations the Central Banks would simply require something else in return like the rights to the Oil Supply of the land or ownership of territory all together.

If this sounds too outlandish for you to believe then I recommend reading
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins

This is just one of the mechanisms they use to establish control of entire populations without firing a single bullet. The banking elites of this world have refined and mastered their techniques in mass mind-control through media, politics, school, entertainment, pharmaceuticals and many more...

If I'm wrong (which I hope I am) then we have nothing to worry about! But with the advancements of the Internet and social-media platforms (like STEEMIT) becoming more and more decentralized and reaching more and more people their games of trying to rule the world by hiding the truth and manipulating the masses are getting exposed more and more every single day.


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