Who Are You Feeding with Your Energy?

in #consciousness4 years ago

Hypothetically, if fear were a form of vibrational energy others could feed on, are you producing food for them? Are you their fast food joint they can swing by and nibble on at any moment? Does any little thing set you off where a few minutes later you’re thinking, “What just happened? Why am I so angry, frustrated, triggered... and what’s the root causal fear behind this? What am I avoiding?”


Monsters Inc had some interesting ideas. What if laughter along with light, love, joy, peace, goodness, and similar vibrations are actually more powerful energies? What if these energies are additive and multiplicative instead of subtractive? What if there isn’t a single directional transfer where one entity consumes from another, like a black hole gobbling up all matter around it, but instead a radiant star like our sun, shining energy in every direction, freely available to all?

What if our vibrational state of mental (and spiritual/emotional) awareness was as tangible as light? Maybe we can’t hold it, but it’s no less real as it leaves our body to impact the world around us.

Either way, I’m learning to honor people’s individual journeys, even if they have chosen to be “vessels of wrath prepared for destruction.” My limited knowledge and understanding means I’m only truly free to make judgements about myself and my own state of consciousness. This is challenging, of course, when we are meant to lead a family or team and take on responsibilities for shared goals which extend beyond ourselves. No easy task not to get caught up in that and get off track. There’s a fine line at times between responsibility (dharma?) and an attachment to an outcome that isn’t really your burden to carry.

Even if this is all just children’s movie talk, giving it some substance in your life can be helpful.

Let go of fear that doesn’t serve a useful purpose for you. Don’t feed the dark energy trolls. :)


Definitely don't think it is "children's movie talk". Absolutely everything in life revolves around and is comprised of energy - it affects absolutely everything! We are all receptive to the giving off as well as picking up of people's energies and this can be through direct contact as well as from great distances, because thoughts carry intention, which carries energy.

I am particularly susceptible to the energies of those around me and they often affect me quite profoundly. This can be both a positive and negative experience, but I have actually learned to fine tune this and am now able to differentiate between if what I am feeling is my own energy or is coming from somewhere / somebody else.

With regards to the negative aspects of it, I absolutely agree with you! I have been exposed to some pretty dark circles of people throughout my life and I can absolutely promise you that there are individuals out there who intentionally energetically feed off (most commonly) people who are more positive.

What if laughter along with light, love, joy, peace, goodness, and similar vibrations are actually more powerful energies?

They most certainly ARE! This is precisely why those who are filed with the opposite have the need to feed off the opposite.

It is a fascinating and incredibly complex topic.

Nice post :)

Oh yes, no idle talk either, we attract positive vibrational beings or negative ones, depending on what we radiate! Keep it happy people! Good post, reblogged

I’m only truly free to make judgements about myself and my own state of consciousness.

Leading by example, irrespective of from within the home or outside situations stands me in good stead, in knowing what you doing, able to teach it to others you don't trip yourself up if ever questioned.

@tipu curate

I am protecting my children and feeding what I can feel its the right path for them to excel, control or overtake!

Overseeing and protecting the big nuclear occasions is what I thought to be most useful so far. Otherwise, let them goooo.... they are often smarter than us...

Perhaps biased by my wife (particularly) and myself having been in/around the healing professions for 30-odd years, I'd submit that people's energy is far more tangible than we think.

Consider the way we might meet someone at at event or conference and we quite openly might say "I get a really good vibe from him!" without giving it a second thought... and, in fact, we are right on the money.

Because she's a counselor/coach, my wife sees a wide range of people facing assorted challenges, and a common pattern is that those who feel like "bright sparks" in the world often feel like there are certain people who feed on their energy, and leave them drained at the end of an interaction. The psychological concept of "energy vampires" is not entirely New Age mumbo-jumbo.

Think about events you've been to; conferences; Hive Fest, whatever... encounters with those who are full of joy and life energy tend to invigorate us, while being around the ever-skeptical "Debbie Downers" can feel exhausting.

That light that feeds our mental/emotional state is laughter and positivity. And it's definitely not one-way traffic...