The Quality of Your Consciousness

What will you experience today? What circumstances will you observe yourself responding to?

Did you know that's not nearly as relevant a question as HOW you respond? THAT is far more important. THAT will determine the quality of your consciousness which determines the quality and well-being of your experience of life.

Every single day is filled with moment-by-moment opportunities to tune into limiting, fear-based beliefs or to unifying, love-based opportunity. Stories you tell about what you experience determine your emotional response, the actions you take, and the resulting consequences. Those stories are where you "choose" in terms of your will and intention for your life. Are you learning from previous experiences or are you making the same mistakes in a loop, getting the same results? What attachments keep you locked into these loops?

When you observe yourself feeling and acting in ways you don't desire, what do you do about it? Do you sit with it? Do you meditate on your WHY? Knowing who you are and what you want requires self-knowing clarity. Actually getting what you want requires self-mastery, especially when done with integrity as you benefit others versus at the expense of others.

I do believe we are shifting to a reality experience where the division between those on the path of service to others and those on the path of service to self will become glaringly obvious. Like oil and water, they will separate. We will soon be ready for digital identities / avatars / profiles which accurately capture our various properties and force us to see ourselves as we are, including all the things we currently keep hidden because of fear, guilt, and shame. Many see this as a totalitarian nightmare, and that is certainly one path it may head down, but I see it as the ultimate mirror to the self, fully self-sovereign, decentralized, and uncontrolled by anyone who might try to manipulate it. Our grip on the illusion of control will loosen, and we will turn inward to the only thing that is real, the only thing we can actually influence and that is the quality of our consciousness.

Huge shout out to all those who already get this stuff and have been living this way. Thank you for "raising the vibration" as they say for everyone. This new field we exist in is blissful and many others would like to join it. Let our lives be so attractive that their own fear is undone in the exchange for hope and possibility.