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RE: Who Are You Feeding with Your Energy?

in #consciousness4 years ago

Perhaps biased by my wife (particularly) and myself having been in/around the healing professions for 30-odd years, I'd submit that people's energy is far more tangible than we think.

Consider the way we might meet someone at at event or conference and we quite openly might say "I get a really good vibe from him!" without giving it a second thought... and, in fact, we are right on the money.

Because she's a counselor/coach, my wife sees a wide range of people facing assorted challenges, and a common pattern is that those who feel like "bright sparks" in the world often feel like there are certain people who feed on their energy, and leave them drained at the end of an interaction. The psychological concept of "energy vampires" is not entirely New Age mumbo-jumbo.

Think about events you've been to; conferences; Hive Fest, whatever... encounters with those who are full of joy and life energy tend to invigorate us, while being around the ever-skeptical "Debbie Downers" can feel exhausting.

That light that feeds our mental/emotional state is laughter and positivity. And it's definitely not one-way traffic...