Freedom of Speech?

in #congress7 years ago

This is going to be a short post. People out there, do you believe in Freedom of Speech? I want to bring your attention to this photo below. 20170101_215554.jpg

This image sparked a lot of attention in my hometown. A man created this monument, which is a satanic monument. People were very confused on whether to have this up, or to take it down. People actually took matters into their own hands by running it over. I was actually able to see the tire tracks on the grass.

This was actually built during the holidays next to a large Menorah and a statue showing the birth of Jesus Christ.

The question is, how do you feel about it? Most of us believe in freedom of speech. This was a real test for those believers. Many of them hated this statue and wanted to get rid of it. Others didn't like the sight of it but allowed it because of FOS. Others were happy that it was up.
Do you believe that it should have been up? Or do you believe that it should have been taken down? I want to know what you think in the comments.