I’m in the middle of the ocean right now so there isn’t a lot I can do. If you tried switching nodes and checking your clock is accurate I’m not sure off hand.
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I’m in the middle of the ocean right now so there isn’t a lot I can do. If you tried switching nodes and checking your clock is accurate I’m not sure off hand.
Maybe when you get back you can walk me though how to switch a node. My clocks been off for years, I reset it and it goes right back off again.
Maybe I've been hacked. I've tried everything. I never imported my keys into my hive wallet but when I try to do it now it says the account already exist. I thought putting my active and posting key in would help. There was something else rather strange when I went into my settings on my computer there was a security note saying that google had disabled my steem wallet because it violated their terms of service. They recommended I delete the wallet because it can still be used to spy on my activities. Ever heard that before?
I am not sure how it would ask you to delete Steem wallet as it is only a webpage. Unless you are running Vessel or cli wallet there is no software on your local machine.
Sorry I meant the steem key chain.
I have no idea on Steem keychain. That chain can die for all I care.
Until I went looking to reset my clock I hadn't thought about it either until I seen that. Actually, maybe you should care because if it's true that the steem keychain can be used by others to make transactions/changes, maybe that's how whatever it was a few months ago you were warning about some change that happened and people needed to see if there had been a change in some number formatting.
Anyway, I am still at this point:
Missing Posting Authority sunlit7Transaction failed to validate using both new (hf26) and legacy serialization
and what that actually means and how to correct it. If you don't know how, and it's hard to imagine because you know everything, do I need to download that discord thing again and if so where do I ask for help resolving my problem.
I don’t know why you wouldn’t be using Hive Keychain. Steem Keychain shouldn’t work on Hive. I don’t know anything about the whaleshares keychain that might have support for both as I never used it.
It sounds like something is very weird in your setup.
I just told you I went to incorporate my keys into my Hive Keychain, and apparently someone else already did it. I have a Hive Keychain, password enabled but never did incorporate my keys. My keys are the old steem keys brought over here from steemit, right? So I didn't know if I should put them in the Hive Keychain. Someone said it was alright to do but I never had a need to do it so I never did.
I never changed anything, never touched a thing, just went to post like I always do and now I can't for some reason. There has to be a reason, you know the inner workings and how to fix things, you are the first go to for fixing things...but you honestly can't find a solution for me?