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RE: What kind of computer do you have?

in #computers7 years ago

Corsair 16 GB Ram, Western Digital 4 TB hard drive, Cooler master V8 GTS, Asus motherboard, Radion GPU, I7CPU, That's all the details I remember I built it over 4 years ago.


Its a beautiful machine. Have you had any issues with it. I think ASUS motherboards are the best bang for the buck.

I prefer AMD over intel they are just faster. You have to keep them cool but who cares I want FAST!

The newest motherboards have M.2 pcie hard drives they are smoking cool. It speeds up everything. They actually mount to the motherboard. On that Threadripper @lovenfreedom has there is one of them and a 1+0 raid . It boots windows or Linux in under 15 seconds.

I wanted a AMD. But the motherboard was not compatible with it for some reason. The only issue was that Windows 10 messed up my computer a few times. I have to reinstall everything. I don't like the CD drive the software sucks. Other than that it's been great. When I first got my PC together it installed windows 8 in three munutes. After windows 10 came along I've had issues.
M.2 PCIE? Never heard of it. I guess I'm behind on the newest tech.
I am no means a computer expert. I Got the parts and watched a youtube video on how to put a computer together. I think it was a Newegg video.
It took me a while to figure out how to put it together so that tells you that I'm not an expert.

Its cool that you tried most people would not even attempt to do something like that! Now you know you can do it.

Every motherboard has a certain socket and that socket usually only fits one or two processor styles from one manufacturer.
Actually if your going to build another one first decide on the processor you want then read the requirements and build from there.
Its really not that big of a deal if you can read and comprehend you got it!

I didn't build @lovenfreedoms threadripper because mining has made GPUs so expensive I could not build it myself cheaper then Cyberpowerpc could build it for me. She has 2 -12 GB GPUs SLI it saved me 1500 dollars and my time to let Cyberpowerpc build it.

Yeah, I heard GPU prices are through the roof because of mining. I probably won't ever build another computer again lol. It hurts my brain!