its about time I enter one of your competitions...
for me one of my favorite books is this one. I read this as a child (i was 11 years old but had always been an avid reader) when we moved from Belgium to England for 2 years. I read the whole series in the original english usally under my blanket with a flashlight (and a dictionary) . My mother and teachers were really trying to figure out why I was so passive and tired for a whole month.
This epic book opened my eyes, mind and heart to the magical world of sci-fi. Isaac Asimov is one of the men that can be counted as the founders of the genre with an imagination that is beyond most of us. This book let me down the rabithole and now 30 years later I still devour a good sci-fi book where ever I find it.
this book tells the story of a galactic spanning empire that seems to be in its glory day but then a mathematician Harry Seldon creates a new way of calculating behavior of the masses and that theory predicts the end of the empire... The first book tells of the reaction of said empire