Thanks for picking my post for the show! You really captured the essence of the post - teamwork, team play,... everything that has to do with the TEAM...
I added a bit of food and nature photos just to spice it up for others who are not that interested in sport :)
Thanks again and BIG thanks for everything you do for this community! Respect ;)
Was a pleasure, and thank you for creating a post worth sharing on air! Have a stunning day!
(Oh, the question came up during the show - what line of work are you in?)
Thanks to you for recognizing my post... I always try to be original and I got lucky this time that you stumbled upon my post :D Thanks to all Whaleshares community...
I have two part-time jobs, both are same - transfer of the people. I choose to be part-time so I can be also on Steemit. But this is only for this summer. After that, I hope that Steem goes to the sky or else.... :)
Oh nice - yes I think a lot of people feel that way about Steem