In recent decades, business or corporate social responsibility has been assumed by companies with the purpose of complying with commitments of correct performance in their social and environmental surroundings, which involves society in general.

It should be noted that the adaptation and modification of the business environment today is closely linked to the management process, since companies cannot be seen as simple organizations that passively integrate the life of a society but rather as the driving force of daily economies, so they are involved in all the different processes of the environment in which each and every one of us develop and can affect us positively as well as negatively.
That is why, despite its antiquity, the processes for its application, in practice has not been able to penetrate as it should in modern companies, so that management continues to base the best work management for strengthening the growth of all its economic interests, as well as leaving behind the false priorities and strengthening values.
However, we can mention that corporate social responsibility is the voluntary integration by companies of the multiple concerns of society and the environment and their relations with their interlocutors.

Therefore, the market is being transformed by the demands of consumers, generating a greater demand on companies, so that they can be increasingly efficient and effective with the use and consumption of resources, thus having to improve their management model to give a rational use and care of workers.
To conclude we say that organizations regardless of size or type must adopt policies that try to meet the needs of the members of the communities where they are located, implementing policies and actions that integrate and benefit society in general, which affects the short, medium and long term for the company in equal proportion.
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without a doubt I am sure that if there is an error my publications are not by any machine or program, I hope I can solve the problem and I communicate by discord.greetings good afternoon @hivewatchers