The Deadpost initiative week 21: Why I don’t have energy for the Deadpost initiative today

in #community7 years ago (edited)

I feel really frustrated with this platform as most users do from time to time. Yesterday I saw @berniesanders go trending with a post that basically just said “I like soup”. I would like to give a big “fuck you” to him except he is our first defense against the likes of @haejin who self votes himself for over $1000 every day, and he could flag me out of existence if he wanted. I’ve heard that Bernie has helped many minnows, that’s nice, but the fact remains that the powerful are far too powerful. That is the reality of steemit. I’m no longer afraid of being flagged because I trust that there are enough people who know that I care about everyone and will come to my defense if such a thing happens.

On top of the unfair power dynamics of steemit, the memes that make more than the posts we put our hard work and passion into are growing by the day. Even many friends who I know to be awesome people are shitposting as often as they are sharing anything worthwhile. While I don’t fault anyone for wanting to take advantage of an opportunity for easy money, it’s kind of disheartening, at least for me.

It seems the bots that allow users to go trending simply for paying enough sbd are more capable and prevalent than ever.

I just kind of want to give my middle finger to steemit today.

Fuck this system, it’s as bad as the old one sometimes. I’m trying to be happy for all I’ve gained here which is really too much to put into words, but the hypocrisy gets to me sometimes as it always has. All I can do is try to build what I can build and hope people join me. Many of you have and I don’t want to discourage you from using this platform. This is the best social media platform around right now, if something better comes along, let’s go there together.

Just let me vent today, please.

I just want to get back to feeling like I am working towards my freedom from all the bullshit, like I can “earn a living” just being me because I have so much to offer, rather than running in circles in a new pile of the same old shit.

The Deadpost Initiative

I’ve held the Deadpost initiative for 20 weeks, not because I really love doing it, but because I feel it’s something the platform needs and also because I wasn’t getting enough attention just posting essays and stories that I felt passionate about writing. As much as I am turned off by competition, steemit is still a competitive platform, and so this was my way of “staying relevant” until enough people realized how much I have to offer with my writing. I also wanted to make sure it was done right, where the majority of the money brought in was given to smaller users who need the attention, hence the $10 minimum, which I planned on raising had I managed to consistently bring in more than $20 sbd a week.

I’ve connected with tons of amazing people through this project and through my writing, but still, the few dolphins and whales I’ve made an impression on don’t support me consistently enough to ensure that I won’t come in at a loss when I offer $10 sbd/Steem every week. Many weeks I am supported by other minnows. You guys are awesome. Still I don’t believe it should be minnows funding this project.

We are forced into a system of trickle down economics here and so the money must trickle down, at least until we make some changes to the system or find a better system.

I don’t hold it against dolphins and whales for not voting on the Deadpost initiative or my own posts, they have their own prerogatives and many of them do support smaller users in various ways, sometimes I am “lucky” enough to be one of those supported. They are just people. I’m just not very much into this kind of competitive, trickle down economics, and it get some me down from time to time that we don’t have something better already.

I thought about putting the Deadpost initiative on hiatus for an extended period of time, but I don’t think I’ll need to do that, it will probably only be 2-5 days. I am thinking of getting rid of the minimum reward pool and just offering half of the payout, whatever it is, even if that only comes to $1. I feel entitled to half of the payout because I’ve put a lot of time and effort into the project, at the expense of time for my writing and at the cost of more than a few sbd over the course of 20 weeks.

It will feel really crappy to cut the rewards and the amount of winners when there are sometimes so many great posts, but I think I’ll be in a much better place to continue this initiative and continue working hard on my writing, which is my real passion.

Thank you for everyone who has supported the Deadpost initiative and who has supported me. I’ll try to keep giving, even when it feels the whole system is so irreversibly fucked. Please stick around and let’s continue to do whatever good that we can, and build what we can, despite whatever bullshit we face.

(If you don’t know what to the Deadpost initiative is, scrolldown in my feed)


I totally get your frustration - you're not alone! I'd be a part of it every week, regardless of the possibility of a prize - if only because I find new, hard working, quality Steemians to follow each time. I like adding in my corpses here and there and even if only 2 people check it out and tell me they like it then it's worth it to me.
I'd love to make this a real living-wage-job but shit, I write for free all by myself anyway and would be doing it for free on wordpress and getting zero views if I left here (this is what I'd been doing before)

I agree trickle down economics sucks a big one and I'd hoped for change here on the platform.. maybe it will come.. but until then I'll continue giving my minnow vote to your deadpost and interacting with all the others who follow your initiative.

I believe in this and not only because almost all my posts are or become "dead posts" LOL the 7 day window is not always fair and it's easy for a blog you slaved over for hours to get lost as soon as it's shared - sometimes mine die even before the payout date lol oh well!

Thanks for all your hard work @whatamidoing you are truly appreciated on here ! Hopefully some more dolphins and whales will notice! :)

You’ve been so awesome to know and I hope we have a chance to talk to each other, are you on discord?

I’m not able to join the other rat race, it just leaves such an awful taste in my mouth. I’ve been able to play this one simply because of all the great people I meet and this inkling thst I’ll be able to gather the resources to stop feeling it as a rat race, evencif that’s how they set it up, if I just bare my soul hard enough.

yes! I'm in that same boat. I can't do the rat race is a gradual soul suicide.. lol I am on discord amariespeaks#9425 hit me up over there anytime I'd love to chat more!

The deadpost initiative is a winner, so it's my wish & opinion that you stick with it through thick & thin. You will have happier weeks!! I don't tend to get upset by what the whales & dolphins do because I don't comment & upvote their posts anyway. Maybe that's why I haven't had a single piece of interaction from one of them yet. I have my own little clique that I'm trying to grow & maybe you should do the same.
I have looked at some of their posts but I know that tit for tat voting doesn't work anyway so I don't vote or comment unless the post is on my wavelength. so far with whales that's been precisely nil.
As I grow & the people in my clique grow by writing some approximating post's so will our popularity & we will overtake these shitposts on merit in time. Time being the stressful catalyst in the equation, I have to confess I would of liked quicker growth than Iv'e had but can be grateful for having met the likes of you & some of my friends that have already shown their support on this very post.
You see we have our own little clique growing ourselves right here & give it a year or two & imagine how hard it will be for the newbies then & what they will be saying about kings & queens like us.
I have no doubt that we will be more successful than the whales of today, I mean just look at our posts, even our comments are better than that post that got you rattled from what's his name.
You are positively inspirational compared to that douche, You are just lacking a little inspiration at the moment is all. Let me help...

The cream shall always settle at the top & we are the cream ~ Mark Twain.

The best thing about motivational quotes on social media is that when you get bored you can fabricate both the quote & source ~ Genghis Khan

Chin up old chap.

Hahaha I love that ghengis khan quote! You are great at cheering people up. I’m fine, really, I just like to do what my parents used to call “globalizing”. I call it “motivating myself to make things better”. The way to make things better is precisely as you say. We need to keep supporting each other and growing this community within the larger community on Steemit.

I’m not so sure we will rise to the top on merit alone, I suspect we will need to covert some of the douches, but that’s something we can only do by “being the change”, preaching at them too much will only make them defensive. Some of the worst offenders will eventually see the prospect of this whole place falling down around them and realize that they could have done better and they’ll get their act together. Some won’t, but those who do will certainly be on our side.

We will rise to the top because we are the best, we have no competitors, Nothing can stand in our way. it will take time & effort is all & we all have a bit of that to give. The douches don't have our panache to make it in the long run. All they have at the moment is the power & it doesn't look to me like many folk are best pleased with the current distribution or system of things.
So long as we make it there on merit it won't be begrudged like it is for the current crop.
We are writing the history for the future here, Think about that for a minute our great great grandchildren bragging in the playground about how they are related to the early literary legends of 21st century Steemit. :)

Hey man, I share your frustration. It is disheartening that so many great posts go unnoticed and do not earn money, and I really hoped that your initiative would attract more dolphin and whale supporters and gain traction.

Still, you are making a difference with your initiative by helping a lot of minnows!

You’ve been a great help for the Deadpost. Thanks for the kind words, I know it’s true and so I’d like to keep it going.

Btw,I meant to comment on one of your posts but my WiFi was crapping out and then I forgot about it. Your behind the scenes of a beer review video was pretty cool :-) that was you right? Hahah

Haha, I think I am the only one from the beer community that includes behind the scenes photos and videos 😁 So, yeah - it must have been me!

Hey brother, why dont you just give the SBD reward of the post instead of the 10 steem/sbd? that way you will not loose and will actually earn some steem to ;)

I feel you, there are lots of crapy posters on Steemit, but is the game we play, and like you said, it is still one of the best platforms in existence, because of work I dont have the time and patience to see how Steemit is going, but there are still good writters out there that desserve our upvotes instead of the memes guys ;)
Peace, Carlos

I’ve been a bit stubborn about keeping 50% if it goes above $10 sbd payout...something it’s only done...maybe three times? Perhaps I should drop that need for compensation and trust that I’ll be rewarded in other ways, the sp, while it feels small sometimes, is still nice, and I suspect about 15-20% of my followers have followed me because of this project. I am leaning towards doing it just as you say.

I know I’m being quite idealistic in thinking that I can thrive from steeming full time,but I know it’s doable. Perhaps when there are some competitors to steemit, I can spread myself between them and I too can pay less attention to the steemit drama and bs. Thanks for all your support!

I definitely feel you, bro. Sometimes I get so frustrated I just want to smash my phone/laptop on the tiles. But of course that's just fantasy--like any thought of leaving the platform. This is still the damn best social media platform like you said. And then again after the anger dies down perspective comes in--these good-for-nothing whales aren't actually good for nothing. Without them steem would be pretty near worthless; so they pretty much have the right to do what they like, just wish they'd be more thoughtful about it.

And of course just as they have the right to do what they like, we have the right to vent! And no one can take that from us! So I say vent, vent, vent.

I don’t blame whales, I blame the system, but we our collective perspective is still so limited, people haven’t been able to accept the possibility of something more. The fact that humanity is able to create such innovative solutions to problems, however flawed, is still worthy of some praise and Optimism. I do believe things will continue to get better, if not here then somewhere else,and I will do everything I can to make sure they do. <3


You are a braver soul than me for saying it as it is! ~ I am way too afraid of knocking my hard won rep!

When I first arrived here it was like a breathe of fresh air but after a few months a person starts to understand that Steemit is a beast controlled by the few.

I often feel like a mangy dog begging for scraps here.

I really appreciate all that you do and can only imagine at the effort, time and funds you must have been putting into the deadpost initiative ~ you deserve a break and success.

Personally I get really frustrated by the 'clicky' groups of folks who only look out for their own :(

I also dislike how people lap up my comments, sometimes with a generous and gratefully received upvote, but rarely reciprocate by passing by my blog and actually interacting/supporting me.

It truly is a dog eat dog world :(

Keep on shining bright my virtual friend.

With love.


I try to remember that if anyone doesn’t upvote me it’s probably because they are spread too thin and forgot, that certainly happens to me. I’m actually ok with the people, I just wish we saw the trickle down economics for what it is and that more people were willing to consider that this may be the cause of all the problems...

I’m always trying to remember everyone and you are quite high up on my list. I’ve tried to avoid doing too much autovoting because I notice myself actually reading posts less when I do, but if I forget you too many times just remind me. I wish we could all feel comfortable writing less so I could catch all the decentposts in my feed! <3

To be honest it isn't the upvote or lack of that really grinds my gears ~ rather the fact that so many never reciprocate a visit to mine.

That said I understand that this all takes time and time is a rare commodity.

I know that you are supportive of my efforts and am always grateful.

Hope you feel better about it all soon ~ afterall life is but a game and nothing really matters in the end except the love and relationships we forge/share and our spiritual growth.


I like to think that I'm not shit posting, ever. But, I must admit that I often feel like not putting too much time in my post as they hardly get seen anyway, besides by some random people as well as a handful of die hard followers (like you).

I just want to get back to feeling like I am working towards my freedom from all the bullshit, like I can “earn a living” just being me because I have so much to offer, rather than running in circles in a new pile of the same old shit.

I agree that being 'you' should be enough to make a living. I find it valuable enough. Just as me being 'me' should work the same way. Unfortunately, the 'system' doesn't seem to work like this. And it's getting harder and harder every day.

Sometimes I wish I didn't need the money, so I could just give. But, for the time being, I will need to earn. And it's awfully hard to just give, if you earn so little.

I feel that - in the near future - I will reach the point where I can just give (also in real life), exchanging goods and other stuff with people around me. Who knows if Steemit is still around by then? And, if it is - I might actually just be on there to give to others. No strings attached.

Keep venting my friend! You rock at it! and just know that I also like to read your non-venting posts.

P.S. Like I told you on Discord, I came to this place 'to escape from the system' and now I often feel like escaping this system. Doing it now though, would make all my (8 months of) effort kind of a waste of time, so I will persevere. I will have your back in war and peace.

Plus, I still feel that the connections that I have made here so far - and that I will continue to make - couldn't have been made anywhere else. No matte what, it's worth it.

You are one of the first to make me feel justified for putting so much time and energy into my posts. You are my intended audience, man. If I can write something you and @ryivhnn and @gillianpearce enjoy, I’m going to write it. I might complain about the payout if no one else sees it, but I don’t regret any of the time I put in when peopleclike you guys are reading.

One day we will look back on all this and be glad we stuck with it. If steemit goes to shit we will all move together to a better platform and if ther is no platform left we will still be friends.

hear, hear!

upvoted with my favorite number: 22 (percent)

I just resteemed your post and also did a post of my own about same subject...

I’m sorry bro! Dead post is an amazing initiative... also I agree with what you are saying... it’s real sad to see people getting rich with a post that said “I’m stupid” and people who’s putting a lot of effort getting rewarded with 2 cents... I hope some way to avoid bots and some filters pop up soon so shit doesn’t trend and long and good quality posts do...
this situation changes everything... it just makes people want to post shit and use bots...
“Why should I invest time to create something good if I can just cheat?”
Anyway... I’ll jump to a new platform if it’s better than steemit ... just let me know!

I’m hoping to spread myself between steemit and the new competitors on NEO and EOS and hopefully it’ll all add up so I don’t need to worry too much about doing anything that feels like work and I won’t have enough time to get pulled into the drama. We will see what happens, I’d like to focus more on the friends I’m making and less on trying to get noticed anyway.

Thanks for the resteemed dude!

Is there already another community like steemit? Can you share the link?

i still think steemit is the best thing around, despite all the problems. I tried Minds but it seemed liked a lot of plagiarism and arguing. I'm meaning to try Sola but I've heard it's not as strong of a community as here. Both are going crypto

Narrative is just finishing their ICO and should be in Beta by the end of summer. I will check it out but I doubt it'll be better than steemit. EOS on the other hand will probably offer some real competition but not for another year or two.

I tried sola but it's more for small posts... 99% there is just an image with maybe a small sentence...

I've not much to add because, as you know, I'm pretty fed up with the power imbalance here at the moment, same as you.

I'm taking time out to reassess what I do, if anything about it. If, I'm going to stay, and I want to, I need to find a perspective that works for me, despite all the stuff I don't like.

Hope you can keep doing the same. 💙

You are going to stay! You'd better stay! This place needs us! And it all works out in the end. I never thought I'd make it to 1000SP when I was in my first slump, I got stuck between 600-700 for 2 months and 700-800 for another 3. Just focus on the people and having fun sharing what you enjoy sharing! And when you have a chance to tell off the BS, tell it off and get back to what you were doing!

I'm speaking to myself as I speak to you!

Yeah. I wrote that 4 days ago and I've moved on since then. Thank God!!

I'm beginning to enjoy my vblogging. I don't really have anything to say so I get a kick out of just doing them and seeing what comes up. Your first Steemit crush is a great help with that as, so far, he's always commented and we have a bit of banter (just trying to make you jealous here) which makes it much more fun.

He's even less bothered about what he talks about so that inspires me. He ends up with a wide mixture of topics which I hope is where I'm heading.

1000SP. Imagine that!! I'm still trudging my way to 500 and the Steemit slider. Although I've started using the one on Busy which is a big help with my VP.

Did you see I was listed as one of the top 201 commentors too? That was pretty vindicating since most of the others are bots.

Anyhoo. For the time being I am staying, whilst learning to manage my rampant competitive tendencies and my huge mood swings due to a lack of justice blah, blah.

Hope you're having fun again soon. That way you'll make it to whale faster and drag me along with you. Oh, how we'll laugh!!! 💙

I understand your frustration brother, we all know what its like to put your heart and soul into a post, for it to be basically ignored. And it is annoying to see ludicrous posts getting such high payouts. What you are doing, whatamIdoing is marvellous , such a fantastic service for us minnows! You are well loved and much appreciated here!
I think we all owe it to ourselves just to post quality material regardless. That its important that we dont lower the standards, rather let us be the trend setters of posts that enrich others someway, somehow.

That's a good way to look at it. I don't know if I will hold to that all the time but I try to with at least a majority of what I share, simply because the 7 day limit and the saturation of posts makes this place more suitable as social media rather than a place to showcase your best work, although it can certainly be both. I try to make my shitposting as awesome as I can too!

Thanks for your kind words. It seems you aren't very active these days

Hi there whatamidoing, just after spotting your reply! 7 day posting is serious going, fairplay!
I haven't been active for quite a while now and feel terribly guilty about it.
The reason being is that I am totally consumed by this art piece that I am working on, it has been in the making for the last 3 years and its very close to being finished now. I cant focus on anything else until its completed. When it is, there will be big celebrations and I will no doubt write an article here on the making of it. Keep up the great work dude and thanks for the message. Many happy days to you.

So I don't really even know what goes on here on Steemit for the most part. I spend about three hours writing every morning, and I simply don't have time for more than that. I didn't even know that you were doing this deadpost initiative. It's a great idea, and I'm surprised bigger people aren't helping out.

Well, I'm going to keep my nose out of things I don't like, and I'm going to keep focusing on the people I like and my writing. I hope I can stay innocent that way. :)

That's really the way, I don't want to limit my steeming time with a certain number, but I'm going to start limiting my activity when I don't feel super excited about writing and interacting. There is too much BS, it's sometimes hard to forget how awesome this place can be. the Deadpost has brought a lot of frustration out for me because it's exactly what dolphins and whales say they want to support, but many don't support it because it doesn't benefit them.

I'm going to spend less time thinking about these things though and adjust my activity accordingly. :-D Stay innocent!