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RE: Celebrating 500 Followers Milestone with a DIY Haircut!!! Giving back to #hayrunners initiative by @teamaustralia

in #community7 years ago

As for the making dolls thing I have to do some research lol..(dunno how hard it is to make one!!)
I posted the pic of the hair on Instagram and one person said to use it as compost and another told me there are places that take bleached hair too.. just not a charity.
I’ve bagged it up and I’ll do some research and see what I should do hehe

Posted using Partiko iOS


I would go charity over compost 😂 Maybe they have some interesting uses for it still. The doll thing would be very interesting to see, imagine that would be a ton of work but what a learning experience. You could make a d00k13 onelove doll and push it right here on the blockchain lmao dunno who would buy it other then me but hey it’s an idea!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Omg I saw a YouTube video of someone taking out the fake barbie hair and putting their real hair in it!! Looks doable but might take ages haha! I’ll have to go scout out the salvos for some barbies first haha..

Posted using Partiko iOS

Maybe you can find one that has suffered a brutal haircut, certain the doll will be appreciative of having real hair.... like Pinocchio becoming a real boy?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeh that’s a good idea! Haha you’re full of ideas 😉 cos I know the staff I could see if they can keep some barbies they would otherwise chuck (they usually only sell the good ones haha)

Posted using Partiko iOS