Who Wants To Be Part Of My New Project @steemaniacs? ⚔️ I Can Offer: Talent Fostering, Blog Coaching And A Lot Of Fun!

in #community8 years ago

Ideas are the building blocks of ideas. - Jason Zebhazy

And who would know more about "building blocks" than the people who communicate on the steemit blockchain, Jason?

Ideas are the result of team work.

My today's idea will try to accomodate a certain demand that has evolved on this platform during the past weeks. Are you ready? 😉

Aren't we all @steemaniacs?

There are a lot of curation projects running on steemit already.

However, I want this to be different. It's going to be rather a coaching than a curation project.

Actually a message I received from another steemian a couple of weeks ago, inspired me to start it.

I'm not kidding I seriously was sent this text message at steemit.chat:

Hopefullly she forgives me that I publish it today 😃

Hi so my boyfriend​ says that I should ask you about how to become a bikini Steemit model or something like that...

My first reaction: I laughed out loud. Second one: I asked myself if she was kidding or talking seriously.

After starting to chat with her, I found out: she - well, her boyfriend - was not kidding at all.

So I had a look at her blog, analyzed some of her last posts and sent her a list of 6 points that I'd recommend her to change / improve in her blog.

That conversation took place three weeks ago, and last night I thought: It's time for action.

And since I'm one of these "well then let's just do it people", I didn't think about it too long.

Let's help people to become bikini models or whatever they wanna become on steemit! 😄✌️

To bundle forces and give the idea its own home, I created the account @steemaniacs.

Btw I used the service https://anon.steem.network (@anonsteem) that is run by @someguy123 to buy the account.

It required only 5 minutes and 10 Steem. So that is excellent and highly recommended if you wanna skip long waiting times at steemit's official onboarding gateway, which is free but takes forever.

Why the name "steemaniacs"?

Aren't we all a bit crazy and maniac about steemit?

Don't we allow ourselves to be taken in completely by this platform from time to time? Don't we get lost in the middle of this amazing place sometimes?

Yes we do. Steemit is the healthiest insanity in the New World, haha!

So if you are one of those, that's your place to be: @steemaniacs 👈

If you are a new to steemit and need some boost, tips, recommendations on how to improve your blogging, then just drop a link of one of your articles in the comments section of this post: @steemaniacs Introduction

I will come over and provide a helping hand to improve your visibility on this platform.

Obviously I can't promise miracles, but I can definitely promise that we're going to have a lot of fun.

Isn't this actually our common purpose here - to have a good time?

Then let's just do it.

Marly -

PS: If you like the idea and believe that coaching newbies could be a good thing, then @steemaniacs would MUCH appreciate to be followed, upvoted and resteemed. Since the Voting Power will exclusively used to support minnows and their blogs, donations would obviously be celebrated even more. All for one and one for all! 😍

Picture sources: Bikini model found on the isle of La Graciosa, quotes found on pinterest.com and quotefancy.com.


With your expertise and caring heart, you are the perfect individual for the project. Great idea!

Oh that was so lovely, thank you!!! 😍
There couldn't be any better motivation!

GEEZ! At one moment you think "wow, what an amazing woman!" and then you start something new like this and I can't raise my appreciation anymore!


Sounds like a great project and a lot of new users can profit from your gathered experience (:

That was cute 😍 Thank you!!!
I really hope a lot of people will take at least a little advantage of my support. That would be anything I might ask for.
I appreciate your lovely support!

Yes! That's what I would like to have: a helping hand and a good time together!
I joined steemit in june and I already have a lot of fun reading, learning, interacting with other steemians, writing and creating posts, improving my english skills along the way and finally somebody looks at least at some of the thousands of photos I have on stock ... and even shooting new photos now feels different now and and and ...
But I still feel totally lost between all the possibilities an opportunities and options. There is so much stuff to do that I don't know where to start.
Yes, a little bit of help would do good ... Thank you for this in advance! 🙏🏻
I am going to accept your offer soon.
Have a nice day and surf on! ☀️

Well I'm definitely interested, even if it just means I have an excuse to 'hang' out with my beautiful friend more! And I would be happy to help with providing tips if you think I could be useful in this?

Haha, we can hang out whenever we want, even when we're not on steemit (like having pizza in New York e.g. 😊). Sure, I'm totally convinced that your help would be of huge value. I'll text you on FB later (am at work right now and shouldn't text on steemit but you know how it is... haha!). See you there 😘😘😘

Coaching was just part of what happened during the community engagement challenge and let me tell you... you might be getting more than you bargained for by officially putting out a service like this one. Heading over now to follow and upvote. :) I'm getting into some crazy home/life stuff but if you need a hand let me know!I love the idea of @steemaniacs!

Yeah that is actually what I'm seeing now, @merej99 😉 That's why I posted in my introduction that I would do (only) weekly updates at the moment. There are a lot of people asking for help, and I hope I can somehow manage it. Haha! Everybody deserves full attention, so I'll do that step by step.

As previously said to @dreemit, I'm pretty sure that helping hands would be of big value! I'll start to reply to the first inquiries today, then let's see how it works. It would definitely be awesome to have a team of coaches and do this as a team work! Let me organize it, and I'd be happiest to have you on board 😉

I started on the site last year, but then I got frustrated, and gave up because the whole thing just seemed just too complicated for me. So much to learn, and I just couldn't figure out really how to make it work for me. I have the most trouble with finding good keywords, so if you have any suggestions, please stop by!

Same here. I didn't earn anything in the beginnings. But I kept going.
It took me 8 months to earn "real money" on steemit. So yes, you definitely need some patience here 😉

One for all and all for one! If you wanna have me a look at one of your articles, just drop your link in the other channel @steemaniacs.

Thanks! Are there anything like video tutorials about this platform anywhere?

Yeah well, I've done a couple of them in my blog. Not many, but some :-)

Here is one called "how to start blogging":

and here another one on "how to write a blog post":

Also, if you type "steemit" into the YouTube search field, you may find a lot more of tutorial videos from different users. Unfortunately there is still no centralized training school or something like that, but you've already come to know @steemaniacs (the account who is replying here :-)), so there we try to give some coachings and help new users to understand the platform and improve their doings here :-)

Please let me know if you have any further questions!

That is a must follow for me, i got no choice my dear friend!

Haha, that's good. I love it when you have no choice 😃

😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

upvoted so hope my small bit helps your project :)

It's never about the money, it's always about the gesture 😊
Thank you!!!

can you turn little hairy man in bikini models?

nice initative

LOL 😄😄😄
See above:

Obviously I can't promise miracles, but I can definitely promise that we're going to have a lot of fun.

We may give it a try @flipstar, haha!


I am having second thoughts actually

Trying to get these images out of my head! Haha

I guess it would be easier to turn a bikini model into a little hairy man, lol :D

You forget I am in Thailand :-)

LOL I'm dying now

Up-voted and resteemed! Great idea! Let's get this out there and grow it to the moon and beyond.......

Yeeehaaa! Moon sounds good to me 😉 Thanks my friend!!!

wow, just saw this post now..awwwwwwwwwwwww!!! upvoted . I want to be a bikini model who surf with sharks!!! hiyaaaaaaaa pls help me.
My current post about downvoting is causing big issues, feel free to send in your comment. Bless you my buddy and more success.

Uuuuh downvoting... that's something I try to completely avoid, hehe
Thanks for your kind feedback!!! Glad you like the project 😃
We can help you out with bikinis, but I don't have sharks available, sorry!!! Haha

Ok, then lets do the bikini one and go searching for a big white shark to surf with us..hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Downvoting is bad indeed but can be ok in some special cases...hence why i posted about it today.

Best wishes on your new project, Marly! :D



Thanks my friend!!! I'm very excited 😉

This sounds really great... I want to be a bikini model too... I'll be 72 tomorrow- what do you think???

Seriously this sounds like a wonderful addition to the Steemit community. I'm a writer and would love to be involved. I also know several artists that would likely be interested. Tell me what to do.

Everybody can become a bikini model!!! 😎 LOL, oh dear what have I started!!! Haha

Are you really having your birthday tomorrow? Then I will definitely come over and congratulate you on your day.

My goal in the mid term is to build a team of curators / coaches that help newbies to get pushed. At the moment I have to organize myself, get the idea well defined and have a look how the first coachings work. If I get positive feedback and the idea takes off like I expect, I'd love to get more people (a team) involved.
Right now, all I may ask for is to support the introduction post and like that help the @steemaniacs account growing.

Thanks for your lovely feedback and support! I'll definitely get back to you (not only for your bday) 😉

Believe me... even I don't want to see me in a bikini!!! Just let me know how I can help with your project!

Well this is really a good concept. I would say a unique one. You have started something unique to help people with questions and needed tips. I like this idea. There has never been anyone on steemit who tries something like this. So, a bigh thumbs up for your work @surfermarly

Thank you!!! That's actually why I started it 😉 There is a lot of curation, but no actual coaching.
Let's see how it works!
I appreciate your kind support!!!

You're welcome ma'm. Actaully I would like to have a little bit of your attention on my blog if thats possible. I am working hard on it and may be you could help me to get some exposure :)

While you were typting these words I already jumped over and left some positive vibes 😉

Please remind newbies about steemit etiquette too, Marly. If creatr and lydon back you, that's enough recommendation for me to follow :)

I will give them all I have 😊
Thanks for your support! You can trust me, I'm a surfer.

cool initiative!

Thank you Brian!! 😊

Very cool idea with the coaching :-) Full 100% and resteemed :-)

Danke Jochen!!!!!!!!!!! 😍

Have a great evening in Berlin! I've seen that you also voted the @steemaniacs article, thank you so much!!! Will reply step by step to all of the lovely comments.

I'd be more than happy to give a helping hand with this project if you're looking for people to assist you. This is a great idea. Steem on @surfermarly ! (You really don't want to see me in a bikini... I just don't have the right physique for it.)

Haha that bikini issue is going to be THE running gag here! 😄
No worries, I won't ask you to wear it!
Thanks for offering help. Maybe I'll get back to you. This thing just took off, so I need to get a lot of things done at the same time. Do you have an account at steemit.chat?

Just registered one... it's...
drum roll

I would like to get support. You could look this post: https://steemit.com/story/@dlina-v-metrah/beware-of-unfamiliar-grandfathers

Sure! That's why I'm here 😊
I'll give you some feedback within the next 48 hours (there are a lot of links that have been sent to me). Good things need their while.
Thanks for stopping by!!!

Great to see more minnow support projects rising.

Let's gives rise to some steemit bikini models hahaWhat a superb idea @surfermarly I'll be sure to check out the @steemaniacs service and direct new comers to the initiative.

Hahaha, yeah let's all become bikini models in the future. What a lovely perspective 😆
Thanks for your great support!!! It's much appreciated as always!!!

Good idea. As long as it is going towards bring more quality content to steemit then I'm all in for supporting it :)

That's the idea! To both improve personal success and general quality.
I can't promise to do miracles, but I'll at least try to do it 😃

I'm down :)

Down? 😳

I got denied :( its fine lol

Denied where?

Your project is good, but i can't to join your project..
Because i can't do that..

You have brilian idea @surfermarly.. But, i am @viqral will support your project.. Keep steem on @surfermarly

thank for sharing @surfermarly

Thank YOU for stopping by @raviyanda 😊

Not sure if I was meant to comment here or the other post so played it safe and doing both :)

One thing I noticed early on here is the sense of community is so unlike what I have seen everywhere else and this is another greta example of this such a cool project your doing, I have bene here coming up to 5 weeks and without a doubt any guidance would be appreciated

I've already seen your comment on the other post. Well done.
It'll be my pleasure to have a look at it 😉
Have a great day @tattoodjay!

Thanks kindly
You to have a great day

Good post my friend
Check out my post and give upvote

Marly can you help turn me into a bikini model!?? ;P jk jk

You will do a great job helping and inspiring the newbies that join.@steemaniacs is a great idea though!!

YOU were the first person that inspired me to keep rockin on Steemit!!!!

Hahaha, I will try to do my VERY BEST 😄😄😄
I think I'll have to do a t-shirt for steemfest. Front print "Bikini Model Coach" haha

Yeah, I always knew that you have great potential, and look where you are now!!! SO happy for you 😍

Big hugs!!!

Interesting take to blogging, can't wait to see what this grows to! Cheers!


Me neither 😊

All the best to you and your new project.

Thank you very much!!! It feels really good to do that 😊

A really impressive initiative, my amazing surfer. This couldn't have come at a better time for me.

Hehe, I'm glad to hear that 😃
Tomorrow I'll get back to you (your article). You're the first in the row!

I want to know how to become a successful steemian. Teacheable

Define "successful" 😉

good idea ...

Thanks 😉 Is that you the avatar?!?

Great idea! We need to change the way we think on Steemit :D

Awesome idea! Rather new here my self but I will follow this and later on when you start to get settled I'm interested to be part of the team and help newbies. This is important and needed, it will sure help Steemit to be an even better place!

Hi @surfermarly Im glad I stumbled upon this, count me in. Really need this today-motivation to keep going. So thank you and I would loved to be involved in this effort. Upvoted, Reesteemed and followed you :-)

i followed, please help me @surfermarly

How do I join?

Do you want to join as a partner or do you want me to coach you? :-)

Great idea! It's always good to learn and pick up some tips and tricks! :)
Thank you for doing this project, it's very nice and generous of you.
Followed @steemaniacs

You are very kind, I Invited a Niece to come stay in Panama for the winter who is in film school to help me with panama-blog and practice her trade following this old fart around going to all the big events ( Parties) and choice locations. Plus she could start a blog of her own and I can film her too.
Have you ever seen Ian Write from Lonely planet/Pilot guides? He was my favorite ( like minded soul I guess) He seemed to have more fun than anyone else who did them. I want his job I Thought, Now I have the chance :-)
Cheers, Surf is up @ Coiba lets Go....
big surf.jpg