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RE: Community Giveaway: Tickets to Enter the Metaverse

in #community3 years ago

Hive is my home, my classroom, my much needed escape from stress, and a way to expand my creativity in ways I would have never have imagined before signing up. And I have quite an active imagination.

There was a learning curve to figuring out how to use the blog site and what a blockchain even was!

Thankfully, I've always loved to learn new things and, having been a gamer for years, adore figuring out any tricks or shortcuts to make anything easier.

Even better, my way of sharing what I discover with people without the technical jargon and while keeping steps simple really helps people.

It's become one of my favorite things - putting people together with either how do something they're trying to accomplish or with someone who CAN help them if I can't.

I am not shy about asking questions. Attending the Enter the Metaverse Conference would be a way for me to take in all I can see, ask as much as I can, and be able to pass that along to others so they can get as excited as I am about the possibilities awaiting us all. Because I'm not shy about sharing the joy either.


Disqualified, you used 201 words.
