
I really need to write too...but all I want is to battle!!! ARGHH!😀

Me too, but I seem to spend most of my time sending cards from one account to the other, lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, I've been buying betas and leveling those up. Then leave in the accts to play.

Been doing that too, but with those daily quests... i always have the wrong color in my account. So I keep all alphas in one accounr, and all betas in another. Keep wondering ifI should put all of them in one account to have a better overview (you can put them in a tdam together , right?)

But leveling up betas is pretty expensive, I think.

And the overviews of how many cards you need are way off (or I read them wrong, which is more probable, lol)

Posted using Partiko Android

One thing for sure, SM is keeping us all busy on the Steem blockchain!

Betas are pricey at the moment. It does take more cards to level up with betas; you read it right! Either cards were undervalued before or demand has driven up card prices. I think demand will only increase.

You'll find the best path for you once you try out more variations. :)

I have no idea about prices. I've done some buying yesterday - I wânt to have least 1 maxed splinter :0)

Posted using Partiko Android

Just one? I want them ALL maxed. My goodness, when did I become such a greedy bee?!