The year 2017 has come to an end on this final last day.
Like each year I have made up some goals to talk about for when people ask me if I have some goals for the next year and so by this I will post them with your.
The goals that I failed to reach were quit smoking for good, become filty rich and to travel to japan.
So this year My goals will be:
- Quit and give up smoking for good once and for all, and maybe also vaping.
- Travel to Japan,
- Become Filty rich
- Become the greek god I used to be in my teens again :)
Wish you all the best! And see you next year ;)
Oh and ofcourse one of the main goals is to find more time to spend on building music and community environments for musicians to have a great online interaction and atmosphere where there will be things to learn and lots of fun and opportunity's for everybody!
So to give you a good start when reading this... Question yourself : Have I already joined the SMA community ?
IF not... then let's start 2018 the right way and join us. -->
I’m in SMA now, cheers!
Nice.. check my lastest post
What's your definition of being filthy rich? 😀
Good luck on your goals. I'm yet to travel to Japan as well, but I want to save my money so I can hop over to Europe again.
filty rich = in cold hard cash... being able to purchase a big ass mansion with a couple of lambo's
hahaha that's some nasty goals 👊
only aming for the stars here mate... No half work haha
No f**kin around ere haha
feel free to reach all your goals to 2018 im doin most times the same shit :)
Toen ik jou post las kreeg ik binnenpretjes...Ik dacht, stel dat de helft van zijn voornemens uitkomen dan,
*Stop hij met roken, maar blijft dampen
*Zal hij reizen (maar mss niet naar Japan)
*Zal hij hoogst waarschijnlijk ongelofelijk vuil worden
*en emigreert hij naar Griekenland
Het allerbeste voor dit nieuwe jaar
dat was de grap :P
hahah Happy New Year bruv! May 2018 be full of great health more success and growth. Woop WOop Big tings comin Big tingssss
Quit smoking is definitely a good goal. And the Japan trip too. I would love to visit Japan. I'd like to check out the music scene there. Cheers mate.