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RE: Making meaningful connections and overcoming fear

in #community2 years ago

Rob, it was a blast, and I did not expect this outcome at all. Thank you for sharing your stories, and speaking openly to a stranger, but I guess; it's all about the energy and easy way of being able to talk with each other.

Ruben, like myself, is from the Netherlands, and isn't it amazing that we made a connection through a guy from Massachusetts?

This indeed is something pretty cool haha. Kyle has been a friend of mine since the early days that I started here on Hive. Great guy. So, I'm not surprised he is the one introducing us to each other.

I'm really looking forward to see and read your posts about the frequencies and what you have experimented with.

On a spiritual note, I am sure @trucklife-family will love seeing another soul like yourself joining Hive. She's amazing and a very very kind spirit.

In La'Kech


Yes it was! Thank you for the suggestion, I followed het right away! Looking forward to many more awesome discussions brother..