I Wish Donald Trump would Come on Steemit and Check out the People from "Shithole Countries"

in #community7 years ago (edited)

If you do not take the time to understand someone or something, you run the danger of saying and believing "ignorant" things

Case and Point... Donald Trump's Comments

Last week the President of the Untied States made comments about certain Countries and its people as it related to US Immigration Policy. Basically, he said why do we need people from Haiti and Africa as they are "shithole countries"

Racist Comments ?? That's Debatable ! Factually Wrong ? YES, Absolutely !

In my opinion, I believe there was some racists overtones in his Comments because Trump has a history of showing this in the past. But what cannot be denied is that he was factually wrong about some of these Countries. It's well documented that 43% of immigrants from ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population.

Maybe "Shithole Countries" but NOT "Shithole" People within those Countries !!

As I noted the stats don't lie. These could be seen as "shithole Countries" based on corrupt governments ( many with dictators). bad economies, faulty infrastructure, horrible school systems and in many cases catastrophic events like earthquakes and floods. As a result, many of the citizens are forced into poverty and oppression at no fault of their own.

Why Donald Trump Needs to Come to Steemit to Check out these People from "Shithole Countries "

I go to the 'introduceyourself' section a lot here at Steemit. To check out new Steemians and look for new talent. And I can tell you I see many people from Africa and the so called Countries that the US President has deemed as "shitholes". For instance, many of these people I see are from Nigeria. These people are warm, intelligent,educated, capable,resourceful and highly successful. There is no disputing that ,and they're true assets here !

People like Donald Trump are Lost

They just do not take the time to get to know others outside their circle and comfort zone. and consequently become sadly ignorant and not knowledgeable about the 'real' World.

If only people like Trump would take the time to learn more about others outside the US , he would see that these people are in no way, shape, or form, "shithole" people !!

Many of them are right here on Steemit. And we are very , very fortunate to have them as part of our growing Community :)

Thanks guys and thanks to the Steemit Community for welcoming anyone from anywhere who wants their voice to be heard and contribute to the platform here !



This last election was like being in the movie Idiocracy. Out of the entire adult population of America, those two were the ones to get the nod.

There was no winner, we all lost.

Yeah, two horrible candidates. No question !! I was more than willing to get behind this President right after he won. He goes on 60 Minutes the following week after his Win. And says he probably will cut down on the harsh rhetoric and probably stop things like Twitter rant. He did it to win because he is a "winner" . And he says since he is a "winner" then he would only succeed if ALL America wins..

I say "okay, sounds good to me ". Let's move forward. Then he goes the other way and becomes more vulgar and more divisive than before the Election. Unreal.

I actually do like him

Hey @thomasedel, to each his own. He had a chance with me but seemed to go back on what he said and divided our Country more and more. Seems like he only cares about his Base. An effective leader knows how to bring everyone together