Yesterday, I and my colleagues from IAIN Lhokseumawe Shari's Faculty discussed some things about Steemit. This very long conversation leads to a question about the community. What if this community is terlegalitas ?. Moving from the discussion I have an idea to explain it through this post.
Komunitas dilegalitaskan ?
A community is a collection of people who share common goals, interests, talents and visions and missions. With the formation of community, the purpose of this community pioneer will be more easily achieved because of the cooperation among members of the community as well as an increasingly open network. It is not surprising that there are many communities in this world that have a tendency in certain areas, such as education, health, social and humanity. As with the Community Steemit Indonesia is a community that moves within the world of technology blogs steemit the best blockchain producer in the world.
Saya sempat berpikir, bagaimana jika komunitas ini dilegalitaskan ?
Menurut saya, Komunitas Steemit Indonesia merupakan sebuah perkumpulan yang termasuk kedalam perkumpulan badan hukum. Pada dasarnya, perkumpulan adalah badan hukum yang merupakan kumpulan orang didirikan untuk mencapai makdud dan tujuan tertentu. Dalam hal ini, untuk melakukan kegiatan hukum keperdataan, perkumpulan atau badan organisasi tertentu perlu mendapatkan pengesahan dari badan hukum dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (KEMENKUHAM). Peraturan Menkuham Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 telah mengatur jelas tentang tata cara pengesahan badan hukum atau perkumpulan.
In my opinion, Steemit Indonesia Community is an association that belongs to the association of legal entities. Basically, association is a legal entity that is a collection of people established to achieve certain purpose and purpose. In this case, to conduct certain civil service activities, associations or organizational bodies need to obtain legalization from a legal entity from the Minister of Law and Human Rights (KEMENKUHAM). Regulation of the Minister of Defense No. 6 of 2014 has set clear about the procedure for legalization of legal entities or associations.
The Applicant is any person, either individually or jointly submitted by directly authorizing the notary to file an application to the Administrative System of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, which then the party referred to is referred to as the "applicant". Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights No. 6 of 2014 which was enacted in March 2014 has arranged several matters concerning the submission to legalize certain communities and organizations.
Tahapan Permohon Pengajuan Nama Komunitas
Permohonan pengesahana badan hukum perkumpulan terlebih dahulu harus mengajukan pemakaian nama komunitas melalui sistem administrasi Badan Hukum. Permohonan tersebut diajukan dengan mengisi format pengajuan nama komunitas, yang berisikan hal-hal :
The application of the legal entity legal entity must first apply for the name of the community through the legal system of the Legal Entity. The application is filed by filling out a community name submission format, which contains the following matters:
Nomor Pembayaran Persetujuan Pemakaian Nama Komunitas dari bank persepsi.
Dan Nama Perkumpulan Yang Dipesan, atau yang ingin diajukan
- Payment Number Approval of Use of Community Name from perception bank
- And Names of Books Ordered, or to be filed
The fee for this submission is in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning non-tax state revenue applicable to the Minister of Law and Human Rights. Any applicable fee is for 60 days from the date of payment. The name to be filed must be in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia. In relation thereto, the applicant must fill out a statement form containing the statement that the name of the proposed community is in accordance with the rules of the law and is fully responsible for the name of the proposed community.
Kementerian Hukun dan HAM akan memberikan persetujuan secara elektronik terhadap pengajuan nama komunitas/perkumpulan, yang memuat :
Nomor Pengajuan.
Nama Komunitas Yang Dapat Dipakai.
Kode Pembayaran.
Tanggal Pengajuan, dan
Tanggal Daluarsa.
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights will give electronic consent to the submission of community / association names, containing:
Submission Number
Used Community Name
Payment Code
Filing Date, and
Expiration Date
Kemenkuham may also refuse to submit the name of the community through electronic if the proposed community name is not in accordance with the rules of law. The approved community name then lapsed within 60 days or 2 months since the community name was approved by Kemenkuham.
Permohonan Pengesahan Badan Hukum Komunitas/Perkumpulan
The application for community endorsement may be submitted electronically to the Kemenkuham party by filling out the legalization of the establishment of legal entity form. In this case, again the requestor must first pay the fee for applying for the legalization of the community through the perception bank before completing the formatting data. The fees charged are in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
The establishment establishment format shall be supplemented by several files and supporting documents sent electronically. The letter is a letter of statement from the applicant stating that the documents and documents submitted for the establishment of community / association has been complete. The contents of the filing documents of the establishment are kept by a notary public including:
Akta Pendirian Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Notaris, yang memuat hal-hal tentang ;
a. Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga,
b. Program Kerja,
c. Surat Keterangan Domisili,
d. Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak atad Nama Komunitas/Perkumpulan,
e. Sumber Pendanaan,
f. Surat Pernyataan Yang Menyatakan Tidak atau Dalam Sengketa Keorganisasian atau Tidak Sedang Bermasalah Dengan Pihak Pengadilan.
Deed of Establishment Issued by Notary, which contains matters concerning;
a. Statutes and bylaws,
b. Work program,
c. Certificate of domicile,
d. Taxpayer Identification Number atad Name of Community / Association,
e. Sources of funding,
f. Statement Declaring No or In Organizational Dispute or Not Problem with the Court.
Setelah melengkapi data-data dan dokumen yang tersebut di atas pihak pemohon pengajuan pendirian Komunitas/Perkumpulan juga terlebih dahulu harus mengisi surat pernyataan secara elektronik. Surat pernyataan itu berisi tentang pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa seluruh dokumen pendukung yang dilampirkan telah sesuai meurut ketentuan hukum perundang-undangan. Selanjutnya pihak Kemenkuham akan merespon balik bahwa tidak keberatan terhadap pengajuan permohonan pengesahan pendirian komunitas/perkumpulan apabila format pendiri telah lengkap dan sesuai ketentuan hukum perundang-undangan.
After completing the data and documents mentioned above the applicant for the filing of the establishment of Community / Perkumpulan also must first fill the letter of statement electronically. The declaration contains a statement stating that all supporting documents attached are in accordance with the laws of the law. Furthermore the Kemenkuham will respond back that does not object to the application for legalization of establishment of community / association if the founder format has been complete and in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
Itulah sedikit paparan dari saya sebagai pembuka jalan untuk melegalitaskan komunitas.
Bagaimana pendapat Anda jika Komunitas Steemit Indonesia yang didirikan oleh @levycore dan @aiqabrago ini dilegalitaskan ?
Silahkan terterakan jawaban Anda dikolom komentar !
Untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam penulisan ini, tulisan saya ini telah terlebih dahulu di saring dan mendapatkan persetujuan dari mahasiswa lulusan ilmu hukum UNIMAL.
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Look forward to the next post in upcoming post steemit education.
Regards Steemians
Scout salute
Tem Work Scout Education From Indonesia
@ponpase @pojan @bangmimi
Thanks For @steemiteducation
Kalau buat saya sih, lebih baik bebas saja karena sistem blockchain ini memang desentralisasi, jika dilegalkan secara hukum maka akan kembali pada sistem sentralisasi dengan segala birokrasinya... ini pendapat saya sih...
Yup.. kalau sudah di desentralisasi, apa bedanya kita dengan mereka?
Lebih baik menikmati ini dengan apa adanya, kalau apa karya bilang "lage na aju". 😁
Seru nih kalo ada yang komen gini.
Ayoo.. Yang lain pada kemana, mari dijawab pertanyaan dari judulnya. Hahai...
Thanks for reading...!
Postingan yang menarik bang @ponpase.
Terima kasih telah berbagi dengan kami.
Balik dong!
Terima kasih @meutia. Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang tulisan ini?
Thanks For Sharing, I like this post. Regard @ponpase... Good job this your community.
Thanks bro.. How about you community?
Thanks bro... How abou your community?
Post yang sangat bagus bg @ponpase
Terima kasih bang @irwansyah883
Dengan adanya komunitas kita lebih cenderung kepada, pendidikan, sosial, kemanusiaan dan hal hal lain yang bermanfaat untuk masyarakat. Terimakasih postingannya @ponpase sangat bermanfaat.
Lalu bagaimana jika komunitas ini didaftarkan dalam lembaga hukum ?
terima kasih bang @munazirpuwan
This post has received a 0.20 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.
Good job @drotto, thanks community...