I Just Finished Auditioning For "The Voice" TV Show, And It Was AWESOME.

in #community7 years ago

Hi Everyone!

Today has been a whirlwind of adventures and new experiences!

Today I auditioned for the "The Voice" TV show, that airs on NBC, and the wildest part about it all is that I found out about the open call audition very last minute and spontaneously went for it!

I've always enjoyed watching the show itself and one of my dreams was to audition for it, and I am SO glad that I did! 😏

I found out they were holding an open audition in a city near me today 30 minutes before it officially began (I found out how fast I really could drive, but let's just keep that a secret 😉) but I made there in time and it was so worth it!!!

Along the way I made some AWESOME new friends that I will continue to stay in touch with for years to come!
Making friends with people around gave everyone some great memories and good vibes!


This was a HUGE reminder to me though that life will often present opportunities to you very spontaneously and spur of the moment, but what you decide to do in that moment will alter your future.
Sometimes huge decisions about the dreams you have in life must be made instantaneously, and it's up to you whether you will move on from them or go for them.

I went for it today in a heartbeat, and I am SO SO SO glad that I did!

I hope you go for your dreams and the opportunities presented to you whenever you get the chance, and I hope those experiences and decisions make for a beautiful adventure and journey 💗

Keep Dreaming On!
Sarah Nicole ❤

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Very cool! Good luck!

Thank you so much!

Wow! Awesome @lifestylebysn! That’s a great show and hope you get on. Good thing you didn’t get a speeding ticket 😉


Thanks, Ken!
And I am SO very grateful that I didn't get any kind of speeding ticket either 😉

That's amazing! The best things some to us spontaneously, don't they?

How did the audition itself go? I bet you rocked their socks off ;)

Thanks for the encouragement!
The audition itself I thought went really well! And I had such an adrenaline rush from doing something I love so last minute and spontaneously 😏

Ah! Good to know!

And yes! Spontaneous things are generally always the best as we don't have much time to freak out think, "WHAT AM I ACTUALLY DOING?!"

Just do it!

When will we know about any sequels to this spontaneous story?

That's exactly what happened when I just went for it! I really didn't have any time to freak out 😏
And I will definitely try to give out more info whenever I receive some!

Awesome! Can't wait!

That's SO cool! Hope you get it!

Thanks! I really enjoyed the experience so much and am SO glad that I just went or it! :)

That kind of spontaneity is a good thing. No regrets!