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RE: Community Guidelines

in #community6 years ago

hi ! which images you talking about , i guess everyone doing the same thing download images online to do better post , i undestand we have to do good post but at the same time ,don't make us discouraged by asking tomuch ,trust me i already feel discourage because i try my best to put more in my post and everyone have their own original way to do their post like we don't have the same DNA thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android


It doesn't matter what everyone does, what matters is what you do as you're responsible for your own actions. If you're posting images downloaded from the internet, you must post the source link as the image is not yours. Otherwise it's plagiarism and it's not tolerated.

what you mean the source link .

Posted using Partiko Android

i try to do the source link images you was telling me i don't know how to do it but you hide my post because of the image it's not fair what you guy's doing ,you need to stop you gonna kill the system .

Posted using Partiko Android

Rules are not negotiable and apply to everyone. Consider yourself warned. This matter is closed.

i wish i never put my money in that's thing .

Posted using Partiko Android

you need to accept not everyone have the same skills to do their post.

Posted using Partiko Android