The Law of Marriage to Create an ideal and quality family

in #community7 years ago


The people of Nibong Baroh, Kecamatan Nibong, North Aceh District, Aceh Province -Indonesia are very enthusiastic following the Ta'alim Assembly and regular Review every Monday night in Meunasah.

In addition there is pengajian pengajian special pengajian pengajian Youth and also mother-thousand. After Magrib, the pilgrims were asked to attend Meunasah for the congregation prayer then he continued the study and praying in the congregation.

it is necessary to return Muslims to deepen the faith by studying the contents of the Qur'an.

awareness of the deepening of faith in today's society is increasingly declining then we must strive for it can grow and re-sprout for the sake of the birth of a young generation who mentally tough.


The reciting teacher that night Abi Hasbullah explained about the Laws of Marriage in the Household with Detail in order to create an ideal and quality family. With these provisions, God maintains the relationship of each individual to always be harmonious.

Women who are unlawful married according to the Koran there are 14, seven are labored because of blood relations

Among them:

mother and parents, children and their descendants, sisters, sisters of fathers, daughters of brothers, and daughters of sisters

Two people from milk, milk and milk

Four people are forbidden to marry:

mother of wife (in-laws), wife's children, if the mother has been taken care of, the wife of the father (step mother), and the wife of the child (son-in-law)

One more person because of marriage, ie sister wife (can not be mixed siblings together).

A woman should not be combined with her aunt. All that is forbidden because of blood ties, is also forbidden to the dairy relationship.

Thus Hopefully Helpful to all of us. 🙏🙏🙏

Masyarakat Nibong Baroh,Kecamtan Nibong, Kabupaten Aceh Utara,Propinsi Aceh -Indonesia sangat antusias mengikuti Majelis Ta'alim dan Pengajian rutin setiap malam senin di Meunasah setempat.
Selain pengajian ada majelis taklim pengajian khusus para Pemuda dan juga ibu -ibu. Seusai Magrib para jamaah diminta hadir ke Meunasah untuk Shalat Berjamaah kemudian dia lanjutkan Pengajian Serta shalat insya berjamaah.

sangat dibutuhkan kembali umat muslim untuk memperdalam keimanan dengan mengkaji isi Alquran.

kesadaran akan pendalaman keimanan di masyarakat saat ini kian hari kian merosot maka kita harus berusaha keras agar hal tersebut dapat tumbuh dan kembali bersemi demi lahirnya generasi muda yang bermental tangguh.

Guru pengajian pada malam itu Abi Hasbullah menjelaskan tentang Hukum-Hukum PerNikahan dalam rumah tangga dengan Detil agar Tercipta keluarga ideal dan berkualitas. Dengan ketentuan tersebut, Allah menjaga hubungan setiap individu agar selalu harmonis.

Wanita yang haram dinikahi menurut al-Quran ada 14, tujuh diusahah karena hubungan darah
Diantaranya :

ibu dan orang tuanya, anak dan turunannya,saudari,saudari ibusaudari bapak, putri dari saudara, dan putri dari saudari

Dua orang karena hubungan persusuan, ibu persusuan, dansaudari persusuan

Empat orang yang diharamkan karena hubungan pernikahan:

ibu dari istri (mertua),anak istri, jika ibu sudah digauli,istri dari ayah (ibu tiri), danistri anak (menantu)

Satu orang lagi karena perkawinan, yaitu saudari istri (tidak boleh memadu kakak-beradik bersamaan).

Seorang wanita tidak boleh dimadu dengan bibinya. Segala yang diharamkan karena pertalian darah, diharamkan juga pada hubungan persusuan.

Demikian Semoga Bermanfaat bagi Kita semua. 🙏


I love your creativity. It's amazing.

Telah kami upvote dan resteem ke 3782 follower yah..

Terimakasih sudah berbagi ilmunya.

Trimakasih sudah mengunjungi blong saya 🙏

Semoga terus berlanjut dan jadi pengetahuan untuk pedoman hidup khususnya religius


Masallah nice looking

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sudah ai vote ya.. kanalinfo

Bereh tgk