What sort of arrogant fool would claim to have foreknowledge of what is not possible on a two year old platform within a 10 year old technology that has simply never been seen or considered before.
And if you're asking me to explain how a blockchain works, there are far better explanations than I'm willing to provide in someones comment thread.
the arrogant fool I was referring to was @juxpost for his comment above.
I had no idea if you were being genuine in your initial reply to me because you didn't specify what you were talking about.
equating a blockchain to a simple ledger or some knots is like equating a telegram to the internet.
I have no idea what you meant when you said "keep the egg". Still don't.
I'm not even sure what you invited me to do or explain.
For the 5 reasons above, and your inability to recognize any of them, I assume you are trolling. If you are being genuine, I apologize, but I'm not tracking your train of thought here.
concise and well said, I like it.
That's not exactly how it works, but thanks.
What sort of arrogant fool would claim to have foreknowledge of what is not possible on a two year old platform within a 10 year old technology that has simply never been seen or considered before.
And if you're asking me to explain how a blockchain works, there are far better explanations than I'm willing to provide in someones comment thread.
Did you even read what I wrote or are you just trolling for fun?
some points:
For the 5 reasons above, and your inability to recognize any of them, I assume you are trolling. If you are being genuine, I apologize, but I'm not tracking your train of thought here.