It seems I go through more drive-throughs now with covid and all, than I ever have before.
On this evening, I was sitting in line at Walgreens with nothing to do but look around, play on my phone and wait my turn. Next door was a Cook Out, which here, is drive through or walk-up window only. There never has been any Dine-In area.
The longer I sat in the Walgreen's line, looking over at other folks in the Cook out line....well... you know....

....... after I got my drugs, I whipped right over and got in the Cook Out line. Oh yeah... the thought of a Carolina Style burger had put me in a trance.... and I had to have one.

The Cook Out line was worth waiting in and while I was waiting, I turned and took a photo of the Walgreen's line where I had just been when I took the first photo above.

I thought it was kind of funny and I wondered how many folks were enticed to go to Cook Out while waiting in the Walgreen's line. There is no way to know the answer to that.... .but I still wondered.
Lines, lines everywhere lines.....being in one and taking a photo of another and then going and getting in THAT line..... and taking another photo of the first line.
Who does that ?? ... ha ha.... me !
Hope you are all doing well and that your hearts are happy.
Love you ! Mean it !
I've never seen a Cook Out. Sounds good to me!
They have many kinds of milkshakes too. They are pretty good, but if I ever buy anything like that, I usually get a Cheerwine Float. Yummy !
Oh! Cheerwine! Not something you find in the North.
Yeah.... I believe it is a southern thang.
When I lived in Texas, no cheerwine, no Duke's mayonaise. I had Duke's shipped to me and when I would visit back here at home, some Cheerwine always went back with me. They do sell Duke's in Texas now, at least some stores do.
Dukes mayo? I have never seen that here.
I don't know where all it is distributed now, but for many years it has been a southern thing, I guess I would have said an east coast thing, but I never really looked at their distribution area, just knew it was nowhere in Texas when I was there. It was the only mayo my Grandmother used and my mother and pretty much any of our family that I knew of. Although I know it is all what you get use too, things like potato salad, chicken salad, sandwiches and the such, just don't taste the same if some other mayo or dressing is used and for me, if I take the time to make any of those things.... or deviled eggs, I'm certainly wanting them to taste just like they always did. 😃 I am guessing that anyone that was raised with another kind may also feel the same about the taste of things it is used in.
I found some that I could order and it is supposed to be here Monday. I am looking forward to trying it. 😛
What exactly makes a burger into a Carolina Style burger? Sounds like I need one!
Well.... down here, an "all the way" hamburger would include slaw, chili and onions. Most folks would say mustard too, but I can take that or leave it. It's a southern thing or it use to be. A lot of restaurants that have hamburgers, don't include chili, but that is a must here. You can hold the slaw, or the onions, but you never "hold the chili" LOL