My Newest Vintage Aluminum Christmas Tree Addition

in #community2 years ago (edited)
Oops ! I did it again !
Hello Ya'll !
I can't remember if I've ever shown you any of my vintage aluminum Christmas Trees before. I meant too, but am thinking I didn't. Of course I can't remember ! What do you expect out of this old girl ??? LOL I'll have to check and if I didn't, maybe I will when it gets closer to Christmas.
But ! The reason I'm showing you this one is because it just got here today.


I already have 2 6-foot trees that I bought in the fall of 2018 when I became determined to have one before I die. LOL.... and I have a 2 foot one I got the spring after that, that I expected to use for Christmas in July, although that has never happened.
Last Christmas I thought I might like to have a 4 footer too, maybe for my bedroom, but I didn't pursue it.


This past July, you know, a week ago July, I started posting photos on an Aluminum Tree group on facebk that I am a member on. I don't normally over post there, but I decided on July 1st of this year that I would post an aluminum tree related photo every few days and I did. Once I started it and announced it was "Christmas In July", a lot of members posted some photos and what had been quite the quiet page for months now, became a hot spot of fun vintage aluminum Christmas tree posts ! I was hoping that is what would happy and it did ! Because of that, I was caught up in the fun... or madness.... whichever view you choose.... and it got me to thinking about that 4 footer I thought I might want at Christmas, so in the last few weeks, I began to look at what was for sale out there. Last weekend I found this one from a seller on Etsy, liked the seller info, reviews and photos of the tree and the fact that they offered to send more if needed, so I pulled the trigger and it came today !
This is an Evergleam brand and although it is not the only brand out there, it probably is the most popular and recognized. I loved that the labels were still on it and readable. October 20, 1964


... and another end label shows it's a Fountain style. Yes... there are different styles.


The back of the box has the instructions for putting it up and taking it down. Looks like they could use the same print for multiple sized trees. Makes sense.


Since this is a 4 foot tree, it has this tri-leg tree holder. Most of the times if you see one for sale this many years later (This will be 60 years old next year)....usually they are missing one or all of the little plastic covers for the feet. It truly doesn't affect whether or not the stand works or will hold the tree properly, but most likely just to protect the table or TV or whatever you were sitting it on as most folks would not put a tree as short as 4 feet on the floor.


Previously when I've bought one, after I purchase I ask the seller if they know the history of the tree. One had a great story that I will tell when I post the other trees later (if I didn't already 😆 ) but all the others, the sellers acquired them from estate sales. This one also came from an estate sell, but the woman that sold it to me said the daughter of the woman's whose estate it was sold from told her that her Mom loved to deck the halls in a BIG way at Christmas with whatever was trendy and popular at the time. She bought this tree in the early 60's, but only used it a time or two, because she quickly bought a 7 foot one after with a color wheel and used that one instead. The daughter said that her Mom didn't get rid of any of the Christmas things, even after she wasn't using them anymore. One of the family had kept the 7 foot tree and color wheel, but after the children, grandchildren and some great-grands took what they wanted, this one was left.
Some of these trees, this one included, has a shiny foil cover over the wooden tree trunks. Normally those foil covers are very damaged or completely gone by now if the trees were actually used. Many have disappeared and someone has painted the trunks silver. The foil is all here on this one and in great shape, but it has let loose of the wooden pole partially, so I will need to make a project of figuring out the best way to stick it back securely without ME damaging it.
Although you can never know for sure till you get it in your hands if the condition was presented honestly or the stories about usage were true, the condition of this one appears to backup what was told. The end of the pole that actually hooks in the base has barely any wear or damage, so you can tell it was not been put in the holder, screwed down and taken back out much.


.... and the limbs themselves are in nearly pristine condition, something that is not easy to find. There was only one limb where some of the needles in the fountain end are a little scattered looking and I wondered if it was part way out of it's storage sleeve all those years it was in storage, but before I finished putting it together, I began to wonder if maybe they used some sort of tree star topper or something on it and some of the end needles got a light crush because of it.
I'll never know for sure.


There were millions of these trees made from the very late 50s and all through the 60s. Very "possibly" a few more made in the very first of the 70s. I don't really know what year that ended. There were so many that after a time, many folks threw them away and others were stored wrong and the needles got all crushed and ragged and many beyond being rehabbed. In the last some years though, they have become popular again with Christmas Nuts like me. My Grandmother had one when I was growing up. I was SO mesmerized with it, so sparkly and the light with the rotating color wheel that lit them up. Back then, you were not supposed to put electric light strings on an aluminum tree unless you wanted to take a chance that YOU got lit up along with the tree. LOL
When I first began to wish I had one some years ago and looked around, I thought I couldn't afford to spend a lot of money on such things, so I didn't get one for the longest time. My financial situation changed at some point and I was feeling too mortal and decided I was having one come hell or highwater and so, like I said above, in 2018 it all began !
I'm really glad I did get my bigger ones a few years back though, because the trees that are still in really nice condition like I bought then are at least double the price now online. Some folks get better prices if they find them in yard sales and estate sales and some have even found good deals on FB marketplace if someone was selling local and they could actually go see them before they bought them. There are a lot of scammers out there though, online and not, but you have to be diligent and learn what to look for and what the red flags are. I suppose everything is like that online. You research the best you can, ask the seller questions, look at reviews and ask for more photos sometimes and then.... there is still a hint of a gamble to it all.
That is my big news for the day. I'm excited and not only that, After I ordered this, I went online and bought a rotating tree stand to put it in since I'm not putting it away before Christmas. The stand came from Amazon today too. Does that mean I just started Christmas decorating already?? ha ha ..... I'm first ! ok, ok... I'm probably not. Oh .. that reminds me, on that group I am in on facebook, there are multiple people that leave at least one aluminum tree out all year and just decorate them for different seasons. I never wanted to do that for multiple reasons, mostly not wanting them to get dirty with dust and cooking and other things that cause light residue after long periods of time.
My mind can change though... yep.... it sure can.
Right now it is still on the pedastal in the middle of my art area. I didn't know where to take the photo, but near the window seemed the best bet. I hope she doesn't mind that I am showing her nekkid in the daylight. LOL..... I will have to figure out where she will reside around here in a little while.
Hope you are all doing well.
Love ya !



I am still haunted by the fact that I threw out my late uncle's vintage aluminum tree. You got a nice addition to your collection there!

Who knew? I think many trees were thrown out along the years. Probably still happening as some of the boomers pass on and families have no idea they are treasures to many people. There are really nice ones out there still, this one proves it, but you'd also be amazed at the terribly mangled versions some folks ask a lot of money for. Just like anything else, buyer beware !

I think I am done now There are bigger, nicer ones than my two larger ones, but even if I saw one at a good deal, I simply don't have room for anything bigger where I am.

Thanks for stopping over !