I'm back ! .... with more drivel.... I knew you were waiting for this. 😄
Once again, the photos may or may not have anything to do with what I am saying between them.
I have times (like now) where I don't post much. Mostly it's because I am not doing anything exciting or important and it feels like I have nothing to say.
Yesterday after I logged off of my work computer, I went to Walgreens. I went to get poison. .er.. uh... .candy... same thing... right ? On the way home, on the horizon, the sky was on fire. I know these photos are never as wondrous as they look to your eyes, but I also understand why everyone tries to capture it anyway. It was SO amazing that I turned off from my normal route home, so I could stop and try a click or two anyway. Really, it was amazing.

Do you have a doodad box and does it stay in a kitchen drawer? This is mine. I sometimes call it a doodad box and other times I call it my Pa box referring to my Grandfather who was a mechanic as a hobby. In his basement, where all the tools-of-the-trade were kept, he had a old tall can that was full of this and that, random screws, nuts, bolts and various other doodads. If you looked in it, you would have no idea what all was there, but if something was needed, HE knew if one was in there or not. I keep leftover screws, nuts, small nails and also random things, mostly left over from projects and items I bought that had to be put together, where the companies sent a little extra, just in case. One year there was a Christmas tin that had been in and out and not used, so I adopted it to become the doodad box. It makes me think of Pa, every time I take it out to see if it has an item I need in it.

I visited my mailbox yesterday... ha ha .... it is across the street from my house since I am in the county and not the city. Stinks, but that's the way it is. The road I live on is randomly busy or not, since it runs from our closest little city, to the far reaches of the county. The next road closet to me has a junior high and high school on it, so you might can imagine. Of course like many rural or almost rural roads, people tend to fly up and down them, so it can be clear as far as the eye can see, but two steps into the road, some hellboy is rounding the curve ! 😲 😂 Bad too is that when I am at the mailbox, I am only a couple of feet from the road and the people whizzing past don't have a tendency to slow down at all, so to me, it is a hazard just to retrieve my mail. See... what a whine, right ??... .and I told that to say that in the pile of mostly junk mail I retrieved, my W2 was in there, so this morning, I went online and filed my taxes. North Carolina has state taxes too, so I filed them both. BRUSHES OFF HANDS.... so that is done and I can check it off the invisible list.
Birds on a wire ! I was in a drive through line at Popeye's last Sunday on the way to Moms. While waiting I noticed a lot of birds sitting on the electrical lines. I don't know why I thought I needed to take a photo of them up there. I knew I was too far away for any kind of decent photo, but I couldn't stop myself from taking one anyway. At the base of the photo is the top an overpass on the super highway. There are many fast food restaurants on either side of it. I had time to wonder if they were just waiting for someone to drop a french fry !

I didn't show my new Christmas decor thingy in the Christmas posts before. You thought all of that was over with... didn't you? Well.... I still haven't put away all my Christmas things, something I do intend to work on today if I ever quit wasting time at my computer....LOL !! It actually was a Christmas present, so I didn't have it till Christmas Eve. It was a little costly, so my Mom put the funds from my Christmas present and my birthday present together and paid for most of it. It's two pieces as you can see, Santa with an icing decorating bag in his hands, some sparkly sugar on his clothes and gingerbread men and holly on his apron. Beside him is the table with the gingerbread house that he is working on and that house lights up. It's adorable !... and I thingadore it.

Here's another photo when the room was a little darker. What's not to like ???

Going back to the mail, I can't believe all the junk I get. In the last few months, like I told before, I have been bombarded with an avalanche of mail from companies that sell Medicare replacement or Medicare suppliments. It's awful the trees that had to die for this crap. It's nothing but garbage. Sure, at some point, do some folks need and want supplements and the such? Sure ! ... but how many people decide that by these unending mailings? What a sad waste.
That brings me to Spectrum, who is my internet provider. They send me things trying to get me to buy more of their products, which is somewhat understandable, but they also send duplicates with names on it from the folks that lived here last... AND the folks that lived here BEFORE them !! Did I tell this before?? Sorry if I did, but I did call them and try to get them to stop sending in the name of folks that have not been here for 5 or 20 years, but even when a supervisor was included, no, they have another company marketing for them and they have no control over it. What ??? Yeah.. .one more company that is too big for it's britches that has farmed out parts of the work, causing them to not be able to control stuff that is done in their name. I hope they are paying out the waazoo for all the extra that company is sending out for them. Pumping the numbers.... pumping the numbers, killing the trees.... and causing more garbage.... .which is a total nother rant... right?? Good heavens !!!
My kitchen window, snow and stained glass. I love colored glass hanging in windows.

Do you ever take photos of your storage area? You don't ? Oh.... My bad. 🙃 😉
click click click, click click click, click click click

A very starry night with shooting stars?? Ummm... no.... my vintage Evergleam aluminum Chirstmas tree, taken with no lights on. It still finds a way to sparkle ! Such a fun shiny thing. I have taken it down.... but I didn't want too.

Sometimes the universe gives you the finger ! I had used this glove for taking glass out of a frame. It came with my stainless mandolin slicer to help you keep from slicing the ends of your fingers off. After I used it, I laid it down and days later when I went to put it away, it was giving me the finger. I swear I was not doing that when I took it off.
I don't know what I did to deserve that, but I'm sure it wasn't good. LOL !!

I'm thinking this is the drivel limit for this post. ha ha
Hope you are all doing well and that your hearts are happy.
Love you !
I love this post.. Stained glass in the windows is a favorite of mine, too. My guy died 5 years ago in January and there are continuous mailings arriving addressed to him from AARP. Wouldn't you think that just by the nature of who their clientele is that they would have a system in place to help them realize when they should stop sending mailings. We have had some fire sunsets this winter, too. It's always a great reason to pause during the day and watch the spectacle of nature!
I guess we are all just names on a mailing list. It does seem like however they originally found out you were getting to an age you might be interested, they could also recheck to see if you are still here, but maybe not. I wonder if responded to them on one to let them know he is not there anymore, it they would remove his name from their list.
Lots of those things at least use to send a prepaid envelope for a response. I read one time years ago about a lady that would put some sort of non related trash in them (maybe another piece of junk mail) and send them back so the company would have to pay for the postage for nothing. LOL.... her small way of protesting against the company that sent it.
Those firey sunsets sure do make you stop for a minute... they sure do!
Yeah, I tried various way to notify them, but my postman finally solved the problem recently by notifying them that delivery was refused.
My daughter just bought a new mandolin and I was telling her about your glove with the attitude. Hers didn't come with a glove. 😉
Oh ! Delivery refusal ! I did not think of that.
You know what ? After Denise said hers didn't come with a glove, I began to think about it and my gloves didn't come with my mandolin! When I was researching the mandolin there were multiple recommendations about getting the gloves. There was no guarantee they would prevent a "slice", but it was an additional precaution. I bought them at the very same time I order the mandolin and so, over time, my mind melded the two together.
My bad ! It was an accidental fib.
I had a similar pair of gloves in the boat for handling fish. They worked great for filleting fish too, but gave a good grip on anything slippery
Now that is something I would never have thought to use them for, but it is definitely a great idea.
I too enjoy my poison candy, and I too have had the universe give me the finger. Sigh. Oh well :)
There is something about fire skies that just make you take a picture.
Sugar is my CRACK ! I wish it wasn't, but I mean, I wouldn't trade it for an addiction to real crack... ha ha.... die faster that way. I think I got enough for a few days....LOL
That universe has NO manners !
That is so true about fire skies. I just can't stop looking when I see one, I want to stand or sit there until it is gone. So beautiful !
Me too. Total sugar addict. Chocolate, to be more specific. Any chocolate, really:)
I am not a choc-a-holic although I do eat some occasionally, it is usually not my first choice unless it is amazingly decadent. (or the only sugar there... ha ha)
That junk mail issue is one of my pet peeves too. My brother said there is someplace you can go to opt out of many of these catalogues and offers. I will need to look into it more. Some of these full color mailings seem like they would be very expensive to produce - I feel a bit guilty just tossing them in the recycle bin but I not interested in a lot of this stuff.
I have heard there is somewhere that you can opt out of junk mail too and I have thought more about looking into that recently. I kind of think if you do business with someone, they can still send to you (in multiple names .. heh )...... but I may try that. The huge amount of waste with all of it is a total shame.
I know !... but what are YOU suppose to do with it if you are not interested, store it ?? LOL... no... of course not, so throwing it out is all you can do unless you figure out some other way to recycle it.
It's a little crazy and should be outlawed.
Hehehe... the glove!
Okay, I am so entertained.
I live alone. I have to find entertainment anywhere I can. LOL !!
Naughty glove !
now we just call him Phil.
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What can I say about a post so filled with stuff!?
Santa piping icing!? That is so cool. Where did you ever find that? I have never seen anything like that before. I love it, but, I'm no baker, so I will just admire yours. I like that your mom gifted you the $$ to make it from her. Now every time you look at it, you can thank your mom. Before I forget, Sweet Jesus! That is a huge storage room for how big your house is! It looks like you could make another bedroom out of it. I mean, seriously. I'm not sure mine is half that size.
I am glad you don't have all of your Christmas down. I don't either. :) I always leave a few nutcracker cans sprinkled around the house somewhere and half a dozen other small reminders of the season. It makes me happy to see that you still do it. I have my poinsettia hanging out with Valentine's hearts, it won't die, so it will have to live with the shame.
I agree with you and the paper thing. I hate all that junk mail. I think I have gotten more and more since Covid, you know... they have nothing better to do and they know many people are home, just so they can collect their junk mail when it gets in. I just love those back roads in NC and other places. Those cars do zoom by, because who is going to stop them? Being far and away from town, well, unless they need a speed trap... our policemen set one up right near the high school.
I really love the stained glass and I have some too. It just makes the room so happy with the sun streaming in through all the colors. One of mine is flowers also. Well, I have to say that I would never give you the finger! Throw that dirty glove out. I got a mandolin and I didn't get a glove with mine! Pfft. I don't think. I would remember that I am sure.
Well, my friend, I hope you have a great rest of your night. xo
Ha Ha... I know ...right? A most random random post.
Good Morning !
I found Santa on Amazon. I was looking for gingerbread things, preferably for my kitchen, which this is not, but once I saw it, I really wanted it too.
Did you see that the back wall of the storage area is a mirror and that it is reflecting again everything that is in the front of the photo? That is an additional area off my bedroom where the original owner closed in half of the front porch that use to go across the entire front of this house, to put in a hot tub. When my uncle bought this house in the late 80s, he disconnected it so his renters could not use it and he built a cover for it that you could walk up on, which actually had looked very nice... well.. .for what it was. He took the hot tub all the way out before I moved in. I originally used it for my prissy dressing area, until I needed to bring my work home almost two years ago now. I then needed some of my spare bedroom for my work area and the things I had stored there had to go somewhere. This house I am in has no reasonable attic access and the the additional closet that had been added in the hot tub area is nice, but will still barely hold all my Christmas things... ha... I love working from home, so I guess the sacrifice of my dressing area was worth it.
I do always leave a thing or two of Christmas out all year. It's not usually big and prominent. This year I got a new bubble light night light that I put in my kitchen and it's staying there. I even bought a set of replacement bubble bulbs in case it burns out before next year. I'm not sure what else will stay out this time.
The mail thing is extra terrible, because when they send to someone else's name at my address, places like Spectum also include a second line that says "or current occupant", so you can't really make the post office "return to sender".... which is really crappy too. I didn't notice it one time and had written the "return to sender" on it and next time I went to my mailbox, it was still there and that line had been circled ! arrgghhhhhh
Soon I will call Mom and see what she is up too and maybe go out for a visit. yeah... that means I will have to actually get out of my nightgown today... ha ha... wah
I love random posts. Most of mine are anyway and I have no idea how or why it came to that. I feel like one subject can be covered and then I need to move on because there is so much to say and I don't have time to do multiple posts like a lot of people.
Where do they get the time???
I am already back from Church for hours and did a quick walk today as it is freaking cold out there. Not cold. Freezing. Okay, 38 is not freezing, but, so close, I am reacting to it. My laundry is done and put away, I vacuumed because I made a mess of the floors bringing in pieces of grass and such yesterday. I was going in and out, so I didn't take off my shoes... then my mother's voice was in my head. I wish she would stop that, it is always when I am doing something wrong. :)
Anyway, dinner is made, I have leftovers! LOL Who knew, right? I am all done with work for the day, so I am finishing up #MarketFriday, and maybe because it is already Sunday then I started another quilt and I may work on that in a while. The girls wanted to try to do it together, it is more fun that way. I was trying to make it for my brother, but, I won't give it to him until Christmas. I am trying to make most things, or whatever I have time for. If I start early, it is fun instead of stressing on me getting it done on time.
There have been those years too.
Have fun at Moms!! Don't you dare go to Popeye's and tell me about it later!!
Sometimes I have a lot to say about one subject, sometimes not.
I don't know about where that time comes from. I think I have a lot of time, but I still don't think I have time for daily posts or multiples in a day. Sometimes I think it takes me longer than it should to do a post. Maybe others are more organized and can whip one up and post it in 30 minutes, but that rarely happens with me.
Sounds like you were a busy girl this morning and got lots done. I really didn't get anything extra done here, but the time I slept in, talked to Mom on the phone, took a shower and got dressed. I then went by Wendy's and picked up some baked taters for our lunch Visited till about 5:30 and headed back. Put things away, answered a few family emails, got in my nightgown and I will be chilling the rest of the evening I think, probably inf front of the TV.
Doing a quilt with others sounds fun.
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The first part was good.
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