How are you this lovely Sunday? Well I hope it is lovely wherever you are.
I would like to get to know YOU (my fellow Steemians) better, so I am posting some fun questions, which I hope will bring some interesting comments, conversations and new friends.
Today's question:
Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
This is difficult, unknown or known. I think maybe past so that I could try and change something for the better for the future (yes I know I'd probably end up not existing - but I'm thinking Quantum Leap style.
Now it's your turn.
See you in the comments.
Hope and Hugs
Hope Huggs
Previous I Want to Get to Know YOU Questions to Have Some More Fun Answering
If you could be a cartoon character for a day, which one would you choose?
I Want to Get to Know YOU: What did you do this past weekend?
If You Were to Name One Piece of Clothing that Describes You, What Would You Say & Why?
If you were a flavour of ice cream, which one would you be and why?
Very interesting question! I think I would go for the past actually (will I know what I know now?). Maybe because I feel quality of life was quite good 100 years ago or maybe it is because AI scares me :-P
I think the future scares me a little too. Maybe we would be allowed just a peep before we decided. I guess you would know what you know now as I suppose it means from this point in time.
very intresting question buddy i think :P in past i wont get that kinda technology and but also in future i dont have money to afford technology xD :D so kinda difficult question to answer :D
If money was no object, which would you choose?
future :D with high technology driving in cars which can fly :D :D
100 years in the past! Definitely! I just think people were kinder, more neighborly, weren't so PC back then! Everything seemed so much simpler too! No cell phones, kids ACTUALLY played outside, food was home grown and delicious 😋 I totally was born in the wrong time period so I'd go back any day!
When an apple was just a fruit and Coca Cola still had cocaine in it lol. I agree I think people were a lot kinder then, it is scary to think what the world could be like in 100 years.
thanks dear @hopehuggs
Future as long as I can take my Cryptos with me. : )
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A multi billionaire by bitcoin or other crypto
I wouldn't like to die from Typhus or Measles so I would rather live 100 years in the future.
However if we can bring our knowledge with us, it would be possible to actually bring the cures for those with us, plus probably invest very wisely becoming rich and maybe even preventing the WWII.
That'd be interesting.
But the mystery of how life is in 2117... that's something interesting too, and probably would choose that.
I'd be too afraid of being the only human, or full human to go into the future. Maybe 100 years is too soon for that, but would you still choose future if it was 3117?
The past. The air was clean, the water was clean, the food was clean and life was simple.
I just thought, 100 years ago would have been during world war 1, but is that any more dangerous than the unknown?
Being near where they were fighting would not be good, but other than being a soldier that would possibly be the worst of it. Being near the front or being a combat soldier. The technology for war was such that it was mostly close range combat with close range bombing.
Now your enemy could be across the world "playing a video game" with a drone and wipe out civilians along with soldiers and you would never see it coming. Happens all the time in the middle east. Who knows what the war technology will be in 100 years. But there will likely be war, always has been.
My whole practice is about living in the NOW. Otherwise, i`ll be eaten up by fears and desires. Thank you for remembering me. :-)Hallo @hopehuggs,
You are absolutely right @bluepergrina. I love learning about mindfulness and being in the moment, not so good at practising it yet, but the one breath technique has saved me from shouting many a time :)
Future for sure! I am just too curious. I already kind of know what happened in the past and I know the now but I would love to see the future.
The more I think about it, I am getting more and more curious about the future, rather than past. As long as there is still Steemit in 100 years.
** As long as there is still Steemit in 100 years.** - TRUE! :)
I rather have an extra 100 added to my current score - stay at current age for 100 years before I start aging normally :-)
Yes that would be a good way of doing it.
Pretty easy question for me, being 40something and assuming I'd live for about 30 years I'd get to live through the Great Depression and WWII and die just about the time things are getting good. I'll take the future for 100 Alex.
That is a great thought process. Reading everyones answers I think I want to change my mind now.
I've been living in the future, in my head, all my life...
Forward to the future!
I've already gone 10% of that 100 years; heres's a recent 10-year leap that I took.

Excellent, I enjoyed that. I will have to let some of my stories out of my head. I'm trying to enjoy the now, as in 10 years I'll have two teenage girls (help).
We have a teenage granddaughter that we, mostly, are raising... Condolences!
Lol. I'll be A minion @hopehuggs