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RE: Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?

in #community6 years ago

Well said, @hlezama.

Being able to enjoy what is in front of us, even if we wish for more, is how we're going to get through life without making ourselves and others around us miserable. Wanting more is not so bad, as long as we're willing and able to work for it, which many more of us are than those who can't do it. Sacrifices may be needed, and it may mean years of hard work, and it might not show until the next generation, but the opportunity, however small, is there, and so must be the will.

And reassessing our situation on a regular basis is a good thing. Not obsessively, but periodically, so that enough time can pass to see where we're going and how fast. Also, humans have a fascinating way of acclimating to new norms on a regular basis, so what may have seemed so bad is viewed as somewhere in between (and likewise for what appears good), even though materialistically, little has changed.

Always more than one way to look at things—the layers of which you speak—and the more we're aware of them and know what they mean and interact with one another, the better decisions we can make, and the better off we'll be. :)