I suppose when we're young, and think everything good in our lives has to happen now, that we can look at the surface of things and make a judgment call. But really, that's not how life is. It's in a constant state of commotion, so limiting it to a snapshot in time is a big disservice. The whole concept of the half empty or half full glass is flawed from the start. So much more to living life and navigating through it. :)
I tend to think that over time, everything in life is bittersweet (i.e. a cup that's Half-empty & Half-full).
Sometimes the sweet part of something is over emphasized, and sometimes the bitter part is over emphasized, but given enough time, everything that is "Sweet", will eventually be followed by a bitter aftertaste - and visa-versa.
Now that I know this... I think I will do much better in life.
A lot of my earlier hardship in life was caused by chasing the sweet and expecting that I could get rid of the bitter aspects of life - doesn't work.
A balanced life that is bittersweet, is the best case scenerio in my opinion, and it's actually REAL!