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RE: Steemit Meetups in August

in #community8 years ago

I'm a huge interacter in social media for 6 years now. I spout my message everywhere. Steemit is huge compared to anywhere else I've been. The internet world is mostly a cold, dead place where I get few replies. Here I get enormous amounts of interaction.

Aside from the high level of internal interaction here (as seen in the Alexa/moz rankings) the real world interaction is astonishing. I've never seen meetups catch fire like this before. I've never seen people out on the streets promoting. I've never seen this level of friendship.

I just met @world-travel-pro in Bangkok last night for a couple of hours. He was here for a few weeks and we met up twice for dinner and talked steemit and other topics. Dan is from the us, lives in Ecuador and is now in Laos after touring Thailand. He's only the second person I have met in person from social media in all these years. He took the time to get to me since I'm not that mobile.

I'm at this post to upvote, resteem and promote on Twitter for a few days. These meetups are highly unique and exciting and get attention from my Twitter following (5500 non-steemers). I currently tweet out some of the meetups as they occur. I think this round up post will definitely call attention.

My Twitter has gone from 20 notifications in a day to close to 100 in the 4 weeks I decided to focus some time tweeting. I have over 100 steeming tweeps on a twitlist (so fast!) and they engage! If you are on twitter - come on down!