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RE: Building Friendships on Steemit - Tell Me Something About Yourself and Have a Chance to Win 10 SBD!

in #community7 years ago

Almost 8 years ago at the age of 50, I lost "half my size" with natural methods. I was the fat kid from the age of four, and had never lost weight before then. I was near death when I finally started to turn it around. My life since then has been healthy and dedicated to helping other obese people get here with me.

I have written books, made videos, done photos shoots, and posted on many platforms to get my message out. That is why I came to steemit and I have had very good interest and result since I got here.


This is inspiring especially to those who are thinking that they cant be physically fit anymore. It’s just a matter of determination and belief to oneselef that you can do change yor ways and have a healthier lifestyle :)

Exactly! :)

Same here @fitinfun I was also a fat boy in my early highschool life. Now I am thin. Still confused if whats really good for me. I was being bullied before because of my fat face and body but some adore me of my cuteness. Now I was being bullied because of my thin body but some adore me because of my big change. I dont understand tho .

Bullies are bullies no matter what you do! I stay mostly with unprocessed food as "clean" as I can get it. And I try to make sure any food I eat has a good amount of nutrition. So where I used to eat toxic, processed chips for a snack, now I will eat healthy seeds or nuts instead. This is just one example of hundreds of food changes I made over time.

That early high school weight was possibly related to going through puberty. If you keep on a healthy path now, it is unlikely to return.

Thank you for good advice my felow steemian @fitinfun I understand bullies are everywhere. I wont mind them😉

Haha! Great comment and so honest!

that's very sweet of you @fitinfun ! We need more people like you as obesity is turning in to one of the biggest problems of the 21st century and is getting day by day :-( Also it's good to resort to natural ways to loose weight rather than surgical methods as they are turning out to be very expensive and also fatal in some rare cases !

Now that my birthday has passed, and I just finished the last piece of birthday cake, I can start a new life style. Diets are for losers. I have the change my eating habits. I'm at my highest weight ever, and I'm not getting any younger.
Keep up the great work.

You can do it! I agree with your theory of diets. I changed my lifestyle completely. There is no such thing as a cheat day in my life. I just eat delicious and nutritious food each day. If I wanted some cake and it was not made of poisonous ingredients, I would eat it without regret. If it was cake from somewhere unknown with blue frosting on it - I would not even be interested now.

I watched my highest weight ever just get larger each year. It is so discouraging; I know. I have lots of information to help if you ever want to contact me, and there is always some sort of link to my weight loss work my post footers here - no matter what the topic of the post.

Hey Sharon! I have learned to appreciate the small things in life. I love pizza and other stuff and i don't know how to say..don't want to ban it from my life?! I think that describes i try hard to balance my greed for chips and try to eat just 2 slices or whatever. What a hard task this is..

I really like your comment. I have similar feelings regarding my body and i don't think it is a matter of weight. It is all about balancing. Let's try a train of thoughts: You have the feeling that your body needs food. We want to compare it to a car who's about to run out of gas. You are standing at the gas station -> how much do you fill in?

Exactly. You probably have no idea. You are trying out and...blop..the tank is full. If the gas is running have a mess.

The next time you are remembering that you should listen to the "blop" and you let it pass...Are you a step further now? Yeah, probably. But what if you take a book where someone explained his thoughts and knowledge and read about the part where the amount is written up? "Ahh..a 80l tank. Easy, next time i know how much to fill in"

If we want to change our habits, we might look behind the scenes and go on our path to find out what's inside and how much "food" our body needs.

I do have the strong feeling that the author of that book just wanted to share his knowledge in order to help other people out. And how knows...maybe next time we are the guy at the gas station and we see someone in help and doesn't know how much to fill in his tank. We show some brave and go a step ahead and just talk to this person to help out with our new knowledge.

wonderwop, i wish you all the best with your change and i hope that the picture i have tried to drawn is somehow helpful.

Greetings from Germany!

Thank you @jesuisgai that painted the perfect picture. I think I need to start running on empty. 🤔 But seriously, it didn't happen overnight and it's not going to be easy, but I have to do something or I won't be here long enough to spend my Steem.

I have the theory that we are "stuffed yet starving." Our bodies are crying out for nutrition and when we only eat garbage, the body is still hungry even though our stomach is full.

Once I started making healthy meals for myself, I was shocked at how good I felt after eating. I used to feel sick after my 6 slices of pizza. Now I eat a bowl of soup jam-packed with nutrition, and have energy instead. I even look at my food sometimes before I eat it and think I won't like it because it looks too healthy! Luckily, I am always wrong about that.

So much love! I have the same thoughts every time my girl prepares a vegan meal for us.

Then i try it..get to know it better...and like it and appreciate her work and love to care about my health that i too often forget about...

wonderwop, we are a community and are here to help. My english is more..hmm..amateur-level so i don't know if i get you correct. If you want, we can talk in private and i can try to show you some ways that helped me a lot. If you want to talk about it in public, we can extend our room and can discuss it here in steemit. Your choice :)

Are you on

Belated happy birthday!! :D

When was your birthday, Feb. 14?
you should have invited us for the birthday bash
Life got different stroke for different folks
while you might wish to cut down on your weight
I would Have wish to wear some more weight on.
but notwithstanding since you have taken steps to resolve the issues
before long you will count the reduction in large numbers

February 8th. We can only hope. 😉

oh I see jt has come and gone...... though you still a beneficiary of the month of love I thought you struck the 14th day

I hope you have been up and doing with your procedures to drop some weight off

This is Awesome. Good Lesson. It's never too late to do anything.

Thank you. So true. I know many know how have done this when they were older than I was.

That's fantastic @fitinfun!!! My wife is actually in the process of losing weight, we've been trying to get pregnant with our 2nd child since April and no luck so far....the doc says that losing a few pounds might be beneficial. Do you have any tips? I followed you as well, I hope one of us wins the contest LOL. Have a great night!

I have tips galore! The main things I did were:

  • start eating healthy food. (not processed, no gmos's, eat organic etc)
  • stop eating the garbage over time
  • exercise 10 minutes a day - every day - and then build to an hour.
  • get way more healthy fluids
  • get more rest and sleep
  • throw the tv out the window (so to speak)
  • stop believing the lies of people like oprah and weight watchers.

All of my posts link out to my various sites. A recent post I did here for the danceweekend tag can give you an idea of my exercise habits.

Overarching all of this was getting over my excuses and taking action instead. That is the subject of my weight loss book and "excuses" info is free on my fitinfun website. I have had many people tell me over the years was that reading that book was all they needed to get on the path to success.

I was:

  • too busy
  • too broke
  • too sick
  • too old

to lose weight for many years. Once I realized those were only excuses, I really did not have trouble losing weight and now keeping it off.

Thank you for the follow - I got you back :) Best of luck to your wife. I know from sad experience that only one person can turn it around for her. I tried to do this for my son and could not.

He has ptsd from the results of my not losing weight earlier. Finding your obese mom screaming on the ground is traumatic to a little kid and he would try to pick me up. I was fat, sick and nearly dead until he was 17 and had many terrible medical crises during his young life. He bears the brunt of it and his ptsd is my most horrible result from obesity.

This is why I do what I do - to help other parents and children escape this awful fate.

Hello ma'am! Your insipirational words are like beautiful footprints that have been etched my head and mind. I'll definetly follow your instructions you gave above as I want to reduce some weight, If you can do it at the age of 50 then why shouldn't me at 25. Wish me all the best!

Yes you can do it. I wish I had done it at 25! Good luck :)

Thankyou ma'am! but still you look not more then 30. Hope to interact in future as well.

Aw! Thank you. Now that I lost weight, all I can see is wrinkles, but many people have told me I look much younger now.

Thats the best compliment for women that she still looks younger then her age. Well for wrinkles i would suggest to apply a homemade mask with natural ingredients so it would b very helpful.
Take half ripped banana, one teaspoon honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Peel and mash banana so that no lumps remain. Now add honey and olive oil. Mix well and here it is. Leave it on for 15 mins now rinse with luke warm water. Final rinse with cool water to close pores.
You can use it once or twice a week.
Banana improves skin elasticity and controls saggy skin. Honey and olive oil also have antioxidants that will helps to repaire dead skin cells.
Hopefully it will be helpful as my mom experienced it.

Awesome. In 2015, both the wife and I started--I lost just over 50, and she lost like 35. But then...with a 7-year gap, we were surprised by another little one, which came with some medical concerns, so between that and the related stress (and in her case, the pregnancy itself), she gained back, and I gained just over half of it back.

Our schedules are packed with medical-related appointments now, but we're easing back into the groove.

I lived my life with doctors when I was obese, so I know how that goes. It must be more difficult going there for your child. Best of luck to you all for healing.

Thanks much!

I love people who struggle to get out of their bad situations.. KUDOS to you

Thank you. Persistence is the key.

@davidsiedoma, one positive quality that I admire in people the most is resilience.

I have a one life story here that you might want to read. We had a lot of bad situations but I'm thankful for all the help that we received to bounce back from those troubled times.

I have read about people who commited suicide because of this kind of challenge, but am motivated by your desire to turn your situation around and your success so far. Never give up my dear

I too know of that happening. It is very tragic and unnecessary.

Sure. Its inspiring to know you overcame all these and succeeded. Thanks to your unwavering spirit

@fitinfun you're such a role model! congrats for what you achieved

Thank you very much. If I can inspire anyone to lose weight, I will have done my job :)

Thanks for stopping by @fitinfun!! I have actually been a followers of yours for a while because I thought your story was so compelling! It’s so amazing to hear about how you were able to come back from a place of being close to death and have since brought so much joy and light into the world. It’s really inspiring that you have devoted so much of your time to helping others get to a better place as well.

Love and light to you. ❤️

Thank you so much @coruscate. I am so glad to have a chance to tell my story. I am not the only one to succeed at this feat. This is one of the things that drives me. I still cannot got over how easy the weight was to lose once I had the right mindset and took action.

Currently 7 out of 10 Americans are obese and overweight, so I often feel like a big failure. I really appreciate your idea and a place to post where I can find new people to talk to.

A very inspiring story.

Thank you!

Your story @fitinfun is very inspiring, I hope your testimony continues to motivate others.

Thanks for the initiative @coruscate, I am new here and what I like about steemit is the fact of being able to read and know other stories and new people.

I am 26 years old and I am from Venezuela, at some point in my life I was also overweight, product of an eating disorder, since I was 15 I have a normal weight according to God. I am also a journalist and an acting student, I love reading, that is why I am hooked to this network.

But I can still enjoy many stories. I apologize if I have a problem with my English.

Good for you to keep your health and weight in line with a healthy path. I wish I has done so as early as you did. Your English is very understandable :)

@fitfun congratulations on your success. That is impressive. Obesity is a difficult thing to combat, I’m sure. Your mission to help others is admirable as well

Thank you. I am very glad to have this new lease on life :)

It is great for the both of you @fitinfun and @carlitojoshua that you have cope up with solutions as your self measures. I hate bullies. Let us not be bullied again. No to bullies. stop bullying !!!!

You can't stop bullies most of the time, but you can have strategies to avoid and reduce their effect.

Yes, I also believe that a proper guidance from parents and a good reflection/insights of the children will mean a lot to minimize bullying. Thats the very important precautionary measures for me.

Wow, that's amazing. I too am very much into natural and alternative methods, especially for healing. I have CPTSD and I'm allergic to medication. That allergy has saved me from addictive drugs that would cure symptoms without healing the source of my illness. I've already healed depression, so I figure I can take care of the rest, CPTSD, anxiety and burnout ;)

It's so awesome that you're sharing your journey and ti's inspiring to know that someone else who turned to natural remedies is sharing. It encourages me to share without fear of judgement.

Thank you. I have been doing this work for about 7 years now. I used to get a lot of argument when I promoted natural methods. But now if seems the tide has turned and people are seeking this information instead.

I'm very sensitive to medications and have avoided many over the years. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis now and know many people having problems with some very toxic and addictive Rx meds. At this point, I would rather be in pain that take them.

I understand. There is a stigma on natural remeedies that mainstream media keeps reinforcing, sadly. When I was young it was very difficult but my mother took a homeopathy course and went on a retreat with Amerindians. When I say I'm like a witch because, like my mother, I have jars of herbs and I make brews and "potions". There was no internet back then, so it was tough to get a hand on this information. Now it's easier and more and more people are getting informed of the benefits of natural remedies and of the bad effects of medication.

I don't know what remedies are good for what you have, but I'm pretty sure there is a homeopathic granule that could help you or a combination of herbs and such.

Most of what I have is for mental things and colds and flus, BUT, I found this in what I do have:
Nettles: good for sore joints, weakness, fatigue, stabalises blood sugar.
Plantain: uninary infections, anti-inflamatory, anti-allergenic, good for bites, blood purifier.
Burdock Root: arthritis and rheumatism, sciatica dn lumbago, tonic, blood purifier, has minerals, especially iron.

Might be a good combination. You'd need to brew the root first in boiling water, turn it down to 3, for 20 minutes. Then add leafy herbs, turn off the pot and let steap for 20 minutes. I'd add to that Hibiscus and Rose Hips for flavour and vitamin C. Because that combination of herbs is not going to taste good :p Nothing's as bad as comfrey though, that was the worst tasting brew I had ever drunk.

Alternately, you can make a compress with Burdock Root, using a face cloth and putting the boiled roots into a cheese cloth. But it won't be as effective as drinking it.

Thank you for this information. I copied it to my files. I'm in Bangkok now and it's hard for me to find some of these things, but I will be on the lookout. I'm not too worried about taste :)

That's good, if you can handle the taste, then you're good to go for almost any kind of brew. I'm glad I could help :)

Very well done, is never late, I used to be the fat girl when I was a kid, now I'm 21 and I just took the initiative at my 20 to make a change, I have lost almost 20 kg and feeling proud of myself, I encourage my mom and she trains with me too, since when we have healthy life and we support each other. :) !!