Dustsweeper Update - Voting Issues - New Contest

in #community7 years ago

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Dustsweeper Issues

After the blockchain issue this week, and the needed upgrade to version 0.19.5, many of the public RPC nodes had to replay, putting a higher burden and overloading the existing active nodes. This caused several @dustsweeper crashes and Dusty struggled to keep up with normal operations.

We even hit 100% VP yesterday!

To avoid wasting our VP we gave out random votes to active Dustsweeper accounts. These are free votes not deducted from your balance.

Hopefully we will be back to normal again in the next day or two.

Gifts and Donations

We have received some very generous donations, but busy times have prevented us from properly acknowledge them.

As you might know, we need SP to be able to operate. The majority of the SP we are renting, using the MinnowBooster market. The other part comes from donations from fellow Steemians. And recently we received an awesome 3K SP delegation from @gamer00, aka. Jaro. A big Thanks and Kiitos to you!!

@johndoer123, a very generous and caring minnow, sent a gift of 2.5 SBD to be distributed to other Dustsweeper users. Please read more about that below.

Refer A Friend Game.We also have a remaining 5 SBD donated by @jackmiller. Jack donated 10 SBD in total where the first 5 SBD was used in this

Suggest a Contest - Win Free Upvotes

This is a "Suggest-a-Contest" Contest. Your task is to suggest a contest that we can run linked to @dustsweeper.

  • What kind of contest would you like to see?
  • Give us a short summary and describe how the contest would work.

Please use your imagination and come up with a great contest idea. We will use the donation from @johndoer123 and hand out $1 of @dustsweeper upvotes to the 5 best suggestions.

Write your suggestion as a comment to this post.

The donation from @jackmiller will then be used in prizes when we organize a contest from one of the winning suggestions.

dust sweeper
Designed by @charisma777

Upcoming Changes

Things have not progressed as fast as we had hoped and we are still preparing to get the changes below released. Please stay tuned and we should have news in the next few weeks.

  • Discord Support server and a Discord Dust-Bot.
  • Opt-in for outgoing votes to reward other users.

Dustsweeper Stats

Here the latest Dustsweeper statistics. Except for the issues this week we have had a very smooth ride and an outstanding growth. Since the last update we have almost tripled the user base and we have saved a truckload of dust. Well Done Dusty.

  • We have almost 600 Users registered.
  • $950 in total outstanding upvote balance for all users.
  • A total of $210 saved from turning into dust.

ps. If you wonder about the cool @dustsweeper graphics above, they were all designed by @charisma777. Please check out her post: https://steemit.com/dust/@charisma777/a-gift-for-dustsweeper

Dustsweeper is an initiative supported by Witness @danielsaori. Daniel is also one of the co-founders, together with @davemccoy. Their shared vision is to help newcomers grow and prosper in the STEEM universe.

Seeing a 2 cents profit turn into dust doesn't sound like much, but for someone new, it can make all the difference. @dustsweeper is trying to prevent that potential disapointment by helping protect those tiny profits.

Do you like Dusty? Please give a Witness Vote to @danielsaori

SteemConnect Link

Steemit Link
Vote for danielsaori

Vote for danielsaori


Sounds good, I'm in. Thanks for this service!

I was frustrated when I was no longer getting a pay out for my low earning posts, glad someone brought dust sweeper to my attention.

One suggestion that I have, is since @dustsweeper mainly benefits newer people, that the contest be somewhat easy to participate in. Maybe a comment challenge, or a "who do you think could use distsweeper protection?" contest. Or a "post a pic" contest, dustsweeper can pick the theme. Even maybe a "what does your Steem name mean" contest. You could even do a "how many pieces of candy in the jar game. Or a "what will the post payout of this post be" contest. Hope my couple ideas help you great people out!!!

I like the keep it simple idea. I'm a simple type of guy. :)
I would also favour something that @dustsweeper can benefit from, like a Dustsweeper slogan contest etc.

Thanks again John for your donation.
Keep being awesome!!

Eww, a slogan contest, that sounds awesome! I'll keep my eye out and I'll continue to raise awareness for you guys, and as always I'll keep handing out accounts to people. Thank you so much for all you are doing...you keep being awesome too!!

Contest could as follows -

Come up with a poster for dustsweeper or a tagline. One entry per user.

Simple contest, not much detail required. Top 5 taglines and top 5 posters can be rewarded. One upvote for everyone who participates.

Shouldn't be tough with 600 users.

Thanks for building this. It has been extremely useful for me.

Thanks for the suggestion. Me likes. :)

Photo competition submit black and white photos of interesting dustpan and brooms. Ask for original posts with a link back to the original competition and to submit a link with their entry in the comments section. A panel of three judges to decide the winners (First, Second & Third 5Sbd, 3sbd and 1 sbd with 1 random winner (1sbd) and 10 runner-ups to be given dustbunny accounts worth 0.2sbd)

A photo contest filled with dust. If someone doesn't know the context, it can sound rather boring, but I'm sure people can make something great out of it. :)
Thank you for the suggestion.

Are we allowed to use the banners or graphics to add to the bottom of my posts? Just link to steemit images so we all don't upload the same graphic would be great.

Sorry I missed your comment.
Yes, please feel free to use the @dustsweeper banners. We are happy for all the free promotion. :)

Dust sweeper has stopped topping me off ahd I know for. Fact I wasn’t topped off even close to the number advertised for amount sent
Did I get ripped off or is there a bug? What’s happening?

Hi Artgirl, everything seems to be in order.
But in the last few days, you seem to have had no comments matching the criteria. Maybe you are not aware, but Dusty will not vote if there is only a selfvote.

So far you have received 24 votes and you have a total remaining balance of $1.54.
$0.273 saved that otherwise would have been lost.

Here’s a examples

I have no dustsweeper votes at all the last week or so.



As you can see here my last upvote was from
This 14 day old comment and since nothing. It has only one single upvote besides line and dustsweeper voted it. So clearly the two above as examples show something is up.... A99BD872-8B06-43B2-899F-B35D51EE5624.jpeg

please see the screenshot below of the latest upvotes.

One thing to be aware of is that Dusty cannot guarantee all dust votes to be covered. The demand is too high and we have too little SP, unfortunately. So we have filters in place to allow for votes to be spread equally among all users. So if you have many comments within a similar time window, some will likely be skipped.

Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at 21.59.46.png

Regardless of what was happening
Dustsweeper now toping off proper posts again👍

Hi it definitely missed ones that had other votes not self upvotes. I’m
Well aware self voting it not covered nor should it be.
I have stopped getting dust sweeper votes all together it seems

I want a contest where we can tell creative solutions to make dustsweeper better. It can be technical, emotional or other ways. What can make the sweeper sweeter?

Well. I am a newbie. A lot of us do not know so much about bots or dustsweep. Even if I read - I do not understand everything.
I think the contest name should be "Make the Sweeper Sweeter".
People can come with ideas that make the Dustsweeper more userfriendly, easy to understand or why they should use it.
I have a friend who help me a lot at steemit. But without him - I would be lost. HOW can the service be more simple to understand? To use? That can be the contest.

Thanks for the clarification.
That's a pretty cool idea. It would be an easy contest to host and people are free to propose all kind of improvements. Thanks for that!

Hi Minimining, can you try to be a bit more specific? Please try to give an example of such a contest.
Thank you!

Thank you for your excellent service. I am very happy for your continued support. I have not done any contest, but I will think of one. Your initiative is something very beneficial to minnows like me, and have been outstanding making my upvotes count. I will be back with an idea!

Great to hear that Silversaver888!

Excellent job @danielsaori ... I like the idea of the contest and a great way to get them involved with suggestions for the contest too :)

What a rare blessing to find @dustsweeper tonight in Kenya, Afrika. Not many folks round here have knowledge about this blockchain powered social media platform, but with accounts like @dustsweeper will help grow planktons for the minnows to grow into redfish.

Anyway i would suggest weekly Sudoku contests sice the game is strategic and intriguing and is loved by many folks including me and my friends @steamboy & @coldboy.

Before i tucktight in my duvet i gotta give @danielsaori a witness vote. welcome back @dustsweeper cheers!!!

Sorry I missed your comment Tonytrillions and thanks for the suggestion.
Sudoku contest, you are thinking of posting one or many sudokus and see who completes them first?
I'm just thinking of those automatic sudoku solvers... ;) How to avoid that? :)

Thank you for your support and I'm happy you like Dusty.

So happy this initiative has taken off the way it has. I don't think I can thank you guys enough. Someday when I actually start earning I will definitely be donating.

Happy to hear that Tryskele. Don't worry about actually donating, the support of helping to spread the word is worth as much. Thanks for your support.

I'd be curious to know how many of the registered users have let their balance run out and not topped it up.

Also, it would be useful to be able check and see if a member is registered to see if your potential dust vote would be save or wasted, or for running contests where you want the winner to be a new user.

I did a quick check and it is around 35 users with that haven't topped up.

I'm hoping we can have the Discord server up soon. There you will be able to search for users and check balances etc.

35 out of over 600 is a pretty good retention rate. Less than 6%. Well done.

How about a contest for contest creators ?

  • Meaning, the contest is to create a contest that gives out at least one starter @dustsweeper account.

This will have many benefits to all involved. @dustsweeper will get the extra exposure that comes with the many threads that will be created. There will be many winners as you @dustsweeper will reward the contest creators and the contest creators will be rewarding the winners of the contest they themselves have created.

  • Such a contest likely brings in lots of new participants into the program.

Thank you for your suggestion. That's a very interesting idea. Hosting such a contest will be a win-win for all. Like it a lot.

Just as a side note. Can't help but to think about Inception. We are talking about a contest, within a contest, within a contest. :) Three levels.

@dustsweeper has been missing a very large portion of my comments.

Unfortunately yes. It is too much dust and too little SP. :(
With the current load, you should be able to get at least 2 votes per day.

I was unaware of that. Thanks for the clarification.

Such a good movie .. Leonardo DiCaprio in general has done allot of good movies. Quick and the Dead / Catch me if you can / The wolf of wallstreet ... Shutter Island .. so many ..


You could have a fun contest where entrants substitute a word from a song or movie title with the word dustsweeper - funniest/coolest answer wins

Simple and fun contest idea. :)
Thanks Sparkesy for the suggestion.

To avoid wasting our VP we gave out random votes to active Dustsweeper accounts. These are free votes not deducted from your balance.

Oh, so that's what happened! I got worried when I noticed Dusty had been voting my comments that no one had voted yet and before the 6 day mark. I thought Dustsweeper was going berserk and eating all my balance! I'm relieved that this isn't the case.

I'm eagerly waiting for the outgoing votes feature! I had considered using @tipU to upvote other people's comments in the meantime, but it seems tipU has too much SP and can't vote at $0.03 (its minimum vote and the minimum value we have to spend to cast the vote seems to be around 0.10). It's really up to Dusty then. I'll continue waiting!

I quickly made a script so we could hand out some free votes. But I messed up the first time around. I used the wrong order of the account history to check for posts/comments. So Dusty upvoted several posts that were months old.... ;)

Please stay tuned and the outgoing votes should be available soon.
The only problem I see with that is the high load on Dusty. At this moment we can't guarantee all votes to be processed. And that might be a bigger problem with outgoing votes. Not sure what you think?

I missed many upvotes from you for two-three days on this week.

Yes, the load on all the RPC nodes made it difficult for Dusty to function normally.
Should be working better now.

How about a bring @dustsweeper to your country contest?

It consists of two parts:

1.) Create a small info/ advertisement text for @dustsweeper in the comments (maybe five lines), the top entries would get an upvote

2.) In the next step everyone, especially newbies, post a translation of the winning entry in their native language. Each translation post gets an upvote. Translations into local slang would count for english steemians :)

Thank you! Amazing with all these ideas coming in.
I know there are a few users already @dustsweeper in their own language, but this would be an excellent contest.

And thank you for your Witness vote!

Upvoted, resteemed and voted @damielsaori for witness - my way of saying thank you for the great initiatives - for helping the newbies and for dustsweeper. May you be justly rewarded for your selfless work. Cheers!

A big thanks for your support!

You are most welcome!

I am dreaming of the day when I can do it for myself. I understand that when I have about $300 worth of Steem Power, my account will be large enough so that my votes are worth $0.02 and I can sweep my own dust.

At that time, I tend to bid farewell to @dustsweeper ; So, maybe you might have a graduation ceremony for people when they reach that magic moment when their Steem Power is sufficient for manual sweeping.

Graduation party would be something. :)

But even if you are above that $300 level, you might be interested to vote with a smaller percentage, like 5%. That way you can still show appreciation and can vote on 20 times so many users.
So Dusty could still be interesting for those with more SP.

Hey Guys,

Just a quick question.

If I send over 10 steem how long would this keep me active for on the bot?

I always have a heap of my comments upvoted to 0.01 over the platform.

So I think I can definitely benefit from this service.

Hi there o07, 10 STEEM would give you a shitload of votes, somewhere around 900. :)
We are seeing a very high demand at the moment where Dusty needs to skip votes to be able to catch up and give a fair share to everyone. Being able to receive 6 votes per day under current conditions is very optimistic, so that would keep your account active for at least 5-6 months.

Witness Upvoted 😎 Good job!!!!
And Resteemed!!!!

Awesome! Happy to have your support.

When shall I get starting upvotes on comments?. I transferred steem to your wallet yesterday.@danielsaori

Hey Shivam,

It seems to be working. I see you have received 4 votes so far.
Two of them in this post:

Due to the high load, all of your comments are not guaranteed to be swept by Dusty.

apologies @danielsaori didn't see it.

hmmmm.. that's a great idea soliciting the community for some brigther idea. haha sorry, i mumbled.

anyways, i like joining contests/giveaways because it is one way of interacting within the community. so during my spare times i try to be active and be engage in fun activities, not only posting personal things.

so, the following are the my suggestions. i hope you dont mind.

  1. GUESS THE PICTURE - you can blur or pixellate or zoom in images, then might be everyday you drop out some CLUES

  2. 4 PICS 1 WORD - use some pictures to describe a word, people will guess what the word is (actually there is an app on that hahaha and i love playing it when im bored)

for now, that's all i could think of. i'll pass this way again if another idea came to mind.


Thanks for your suggestions. I haven't closed the contest yet, so your entry is still valid.

I wish you a nice day.

can you simply give those steps for joining in dustsweeper? please!

Step 1:

DONE! :) Transfer SBD or STEEM to @dustsweeper.

Send around 0.15 SBD and you should be good for about 10 dust votes.

what type of good ?will you explain please :)

The steemit engine rounds down small votes to zero. So, if you have $0.015 upvotes on a post; you won't ever see that money.

The Dustsweeper bot looks at your posts before for payout. If you have upvotes from other users and the total value of the votes are less than 0.02; Dustsweeper will give you an upvote that assures you will receive a payout.

SteemIt is really frustrating for new users. I had 80 comments with upvotes. But because the votes were less than $0.02, SteemIt simply rounded the payout to zero and I received nothing.

So, Yes, we are talking about 40 cents, but I was really ticked off because I worked hard to get that 40 cents. Anyway, if you transfer some of your steem or steem dollars to @dustsweeper, their program will upvote posts that have just a few votes assuring that you get a payout.

i got u :) thanks

Thank you for taking care of the explanation. :)

I hope you can read, I would like to be given permission to do the translation into Spanish

Please feel free to promote this in Spanish. The more exposure Dusty can get, the better. :)

Just found out about DustSweeper! This is great for us small minnows. Just joined DustSweeper :) . Thank you!

Resteemed and upvoted; ....voted for @danielsaori for witness!!

That's great Elizabeth. Thank you so much for your support!

I am looking forward to the day when we can protect our outgoing votes also. There will of course need to be Protections and limitations in place, or someone could easily manipulate the system.

Contest wise, see who can attract the haiku bot. First 5 win. But it has to be a real comment, and not one the haiku bot has done before.

Thanks, Bashadow! Yes, outgoing votes is something we need to prioritise. But with the instability over the last few days, there are also a number of things to be updated in the code first, before implementing anything new. I'm not sure what to expect in terms of abuse, but I hope we can manage it. We have filters and limitations in place now, and most of them will be valid for outgoing votes as well.

You got me curious about that Haiku bot. Have to try to go and find it... ;)

@bashadow introduced me to Dustsweeper last week. I ended up sending some SBD to Dusty and voting for @danielsaori as witness.

It is fun seeing Dusty upvote the comments that I forgot about several days ago. I love the fact that it encourages more commenting and more voting on comments.

Have you tried having Dusty upvote a comment for a non-user and leaving a comment about how Dusty just saved a little dust from being wasted? It might be good advertising.

Thank you Professor.
It could be good advertising, but considering the number of bots around that send unneccessary spam, we want to avoid as much as we can spam-like activities.

And at the moment we are getting an enormous support from the community. Amazing to see the amount of work some people spend to spread the word.

@haikubot, pretty funny some of the things it gets as haiku, some like some dislike it, kind of like most bots. He doesn't post, just comments.

Contest idea:

The context for this idea is that I have noticed that there are very few political contests or united groups on this site that share a political agenda. There are groups and contests for photographers, builders, investors, short story fiction writers, STEM subjects, etc. This surprises me a lot since this site was practically build on politics - a crypto self-regulating market.

Therefore, I think there should be a contest that deal with political articles. As for rules, all content would need to be OC and express some political opinion. The winner would be the person who has the best written, most well researched, and most convincing piece. I don't think the precise political issue being debated should be that important. Maybe put a word limit on it so people don't go absolutely crazy - something like 2,000 words.

The payout would be the payout of the relevant post from you all about the contest. People would be required to upvote to qualify, and then leave a comment with a link to their post.

I think such a contest would fill a unique niche that doesn't get that much attention, get a new group of writers involved in the site, and be easy to take part in for new users.

It is an interesting idea which could be turned into something great.
But I see a risk for conflicts, people with strong beliefs fighting for their thing. It is nothing wrong with that, but for a service like this, it is probably better to take a more neutral stance. I like the idea, but I hope you see my point.

Ah, I was wondering why I had received votes in comments that had no vote whatsoever. Keep up with the good work, guys! 😃

Consider it a Dusty Summer Gift. :)

Congratulations @dustsweeper! You have completed the following achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - Quarter Finals - Day 2

Participate in the SteemitBoard World Cup Contest!
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Support the Gold Sponsors of the contest: @good-karma and @lukestokes

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - Quarter Finals - Day 2

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Support the Gold Sponsors of the contest: @good-karma and @lukestokes

Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 22 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 9 SBD worth and should receive 100 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - France vs Belgium

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - Semi Finals - Day 1

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Collect World Cup badges and win free SBD
Support the Gold Sponsors of the contest: @good-karma and @lukestokes

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - Home stretch to the finals. Do not miss them!

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Collect World Cup badges and win free SBD
Support the Gold Sponsors of the contest: @good-karma and @lukestokes

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - The results, the winners and the prizes

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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
SteemitBoard World Cup Contest - The results, the winners and the prizes

Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

I really like dustsweeper, but I am curious how it can vote with twice as much power as it receives. I think probably because of "float", or the credit it has that it has not paid out yet? Thanks!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hello Knight Rider, Sorry to hear about your issues but I'm happy to hear that Dusty brought you some light in the tunnel.

I like your proposal, but it could be a bit complex. How would you propose running it?
Do you think it is best that each contestant writes a post dedicated to another Steemian, a post where they try to convince that person to stay? They can mention several reasons Why, but @dustsweeper needs to be one of them. Something like that?