Building Friendships on Steemit - Tell Me Something About Yourself and Have a Chance to Win 10 SBD!

in #community7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians!

I ran my first giveaway a few weeks ago and it was SO much fun that I’ve decided to do another one! In my first giveaway, I asked people to give their best advice to new Steemians. Over 100 people responded and I was absolutely BLOWN away by how wonderful and helpful you all were! There were so many thoughtful and meaningful tips given to their fellow Steemians.

What I Loved from my First Giveaway

It felt good to give back

I am beyond grateful to the many people who support me here on Steemit. I feel so honored that you guys take the time to read/watch my content and then engage in a meaningful way. I’ve gotten to know so many of you better by the thoughtful comments you leave on my posts. Often really fun conversations and new friendships come from that.

I Met some New Faces!

I was pretty excited by how many people I met that I had somehow never run across their blog before. Many of which, I am now avid followers of theirs! For example, I met @goldmatters through my last giveaway, and we have totally become friends! He actually just sent me a GoldMoney t-shirt... how cool is that!

We did something awesome for the community

By having people leave advice, we were able to create a bank of helpful and inspirational information for new users. I often have newer users leave questions for me on my posts and it’s really great to not only give them my two cents – but share the advice from over 100 Steemians as well! If that doesn’t get you stoked to be here, I don’t know what will!

Here’s What I Learned…

1.People love contests.
2.People love contributing to the community.

In the spirit of continuing to grow the community… I have a new giveaway that I think will both be fun and help us get to know each other better.

The Contest Rules

I want to get to know you guys even better and I want to encourage others to do the same!

Step 1. Comment on this post with some fact about yourself. If you are feeling stuck - here are a few examples of things you might talk about:

-What do you do outside of Steemit? Do you have a business or do you work at a job?

-What is a moment in your life that you are really proud of?

-What kind of hobbies and passions do you have?
-What about a fun fact? (For example… I won a sand castle building contest when I was 13)

Step 2. Reply to at least one other person’s comment! The whole point is to foster community building, and so what good is it if you just leave a comment to enter the contest and don’t read anyone else’s?

Step 3. That’s it!! You are entered! This contest is SUPER simple. You are not required to follow me, or vote this post, or re-steem, or create a separate post. Simply comment with something about yourself, and engage with at least one other person.

Choosing the Winner

I don’t think it’s fair to judge who left the “best comment” because we all have unique and interesting facts about ourselves. I will simply be doing a random draw! If you leave a comment telling us something about yourself and engage with at least one other person – your name will go in the bucket.

This contest will run all week and I will announce the winner after 7 days.

If you have any questions at all – please don’t hesitate to ask!

Xo, Lea

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A Few Of My Recent Posts

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What a great idea @coruscate! I love the idea of making people comment on each other’s comment. Thats genius!!!..... Okay Step 1: Proudest moment: winning the 6th grade hoola hoop championship. 2nd proudest moment..... Meeting Ned Scott CEO and founder of Steemit!! (This ones not a wax figure) BA8F5A39-1ACE-401E-8C31-B43FB5046935.jpeg

Cool that you won a hoola hoop championship.

This is pretty much what'd I'd look like trying to hoola hoop....

Hahahaha!!! Me too probably now. I retired after peaking in 6th grade....

Always a good idea to go out on top! :)

It all went downhill after that. My life just kept getting weirder until I ended up with my own bobble head?? 55257600-E9E8-4090-B85C-87334881132B.jpeg

cute bobble head!

Thank you! Its supposed to look like me :)

Winning hoola hoop championship...i wonder how flexibel is your body at 6th grade :)

Lol definitely more so than now

We should have a new challenge and see how we do now

I am super impressed by the hula hoop championship. I can't hula hoop at ALL.

We should have a new challenge and see how we do now

G8 !! I have a friend who also love hoola hoop, we use to call her the hoola girl, is always with thousand of hoolas (like 5) she likes the tricks and that haha is fun.

Sounds great! I guarentee she’s better than me!

I loved the t shirt you sent Lea!! (same shirt you are wearing in the picture ) . and i love how your first proudest moment is winning a sixth grade contest. You seem like a cool guy.. and how cool is it that you met @ned! .. where was that? at a steem fest ? btw, i am so following you now!! (i bet Lea got you a couple new followers) .

Keep being awesome!

Thank you! That shirt has been with me many places :) in the ocean, the top of a volcano.... I met Ned at a Steemit meet up in San Francisco. Super nice guy! Thank you so much for the follow

How cool! You are very welcome!

I hope someday I'd meet @coruscate too

She’s pretty awesome!

Oh stop you guys! 😜

Wow,be committed with your goals in life and keep steeming.

wear a dress and title is goldmoney, and also earned gold money. that's awesome dear.

Woooah you met Ned! (your wax figurine comment cracked me up 😆) Also, a hula hoop championship? I think that re-defines the term fun fact!

Thank you so much for supporting this post and leaving such a fun response. I am beyond thrilled to see how many great conversations have started up here! It is exactly what I was hoping for. 😊

I’m glad you had such a successful post! Lol this is going to take a long time to respond to all these comments, which I just unfortunately added to and made it even longer !

Haha all good my friend! Sure, it will take a while to respond to everyone... but that’s a small price to pay for all of this great interaction. 😉

Awesome, a bit jealous as well that you got to meet @ned! Where did you meet him / what is the background?

I got to meet Ned and present him with the #steemsilveround he s holding only hours after receiving it in the mail. This at a Steemit meet up in SF! Read the details :

Thank you! That shirt has been with me many places :) in the ocean, the top of a volcano.... I met Ned at a Steemit meet up in San Francisco. Super nice guy! Thank you so much for the follow

Alrighty guys,
I'm Annabel! I'm a CNA which is a certified nursing assistant. I love taking care of the elderly, and I plan to do so for as long as I'm able. In the US we sadly have a lot of issues with patient neglect and abuse which breaks my heart. That's why I plan to go back to school (when I can afford it) for an RN degree. I want to change the system and create a much brighter future for our grandparents and loved ones. That's just one thing about me, but I feel like that is a major role in my life. (:
P.S: If you have loved ones in a care facility I beg you to get to know the people taking care them. It's a major help for both the patient, the nurse, and the families peace of mind.

That is awesome that you love taking care of people, I bet they have some great stories, I remember when I was about 10 and our church went to a nursing home, a gentleman told me the greatests stories of how he helped install railroad tracks in Las Vegas when he was young.

We can make the world a better place, we are the change we want to see!
I help the poor people here in Venezuela teaching them English for free (not everybody but a few people who I see the desire and passion to learn) and I also work in a High School where most of the Teachers have quit due to the low payment (low salary). I love Teaching and inspiring, your post is similar, but in another field (of course your work is greater and harder than mine!)

I wouldn't say it's any greater or harder. The desire to make the world a better place is a noble task. I'm so glad to hear you're teaching others. The greatest gift anyone can give in this world is knowledge. You're helping ensure this world has a better tomorrow. I thank you for it!

I love to see the spirit of care and affection in people esp towards the elderly because it kind of tells the level of understanding that people posses about life. Cuz someday we are gonna be old too, so how would we take care of people @80-90yrs is a function of how we would want to be taken care of.
So hospitality is my thing and when I see it in others I encourage it.

I agree completely! How we treat others is a good reflection of our personalities. I was always taught to live by 'the golden rule' "treat others how you would want to be treated" So hopefully when I get too old to take care of myself I will have made a difference and get the treatment we all deserve. I wish you the best in all you do friend. (:

Love this message :) and not just because it has the word “gold” in it this time !

We do need to pay attention to our sick better in the US. It's all about the money. Glad to see you trying to make a difference!


i would be very happy to pay back people like you with good. People whose job is to take care of other people. Especially those who do it with a good sense of humanity. Thanks for your job. Let me drop off one of my most lovely quote. It concerns YOU. Here it is - CARE GIVERS NEED CARE!

The best way to pay back kindness is to pay it forward.
Being kind is something that we can all do which costs nothing, and that is a beautiful thing. (:

Good thing you have that kind of initiative, there are many grandparents needing love that sometimes their relatives can not give, the same happens here in other countries. In my country, Venezuela, I am a volunteer in the oncology hospital for children in the city where I live, I have learned that sometimes more than medicines, many people just need a hug from God. Greetings @aisforannabel

I hope that one day I'll be able to afford to do pro-bono work down there. (for both the charity and the fact I've heard it's beautiful there. )
I respect and appreciate the work you do! God bless you! Thank you so much for it, a caring heart goes a long way in this world! @tibyjimenez

We hope so. God bless you

Thank you so much for sharing with us @aisforannabel. It is people like you that give me hope. Paatient neglect among elderly patients is such a huge issue in the United States, and I so appreciate that you are on the front lines of that trying to make a difference.

Thank you for also giving some tips to those who have family in a care facility. Getting to know the nurses and people who take care of them is a great idea.

It is my pleasure to do this work. It's hard, back-breaking, and mostly hard on your heartstrings. But the emotional connection you get from your patients makes it all worth it.
Plus the elderly have the best stories! They've told me things that I will cherish for a lifetime, plus they give damn good advice because they've seen a lot more than we have. I just want to help our system become a little less broken in any way I can. Kindness is key(:
Once again, thank you for the lovely idea, I've found some amazing people through this post! @coruscate

Being a medico,I can say that this is a big issue not only in the US but all over the world.Irrespective of the age,gender,religion or colour all patients have to be taken care of and need to be treated as proper human beings by all medical personnel and all other people.

@ameet77804 I agree completely! It's a serious issue that we need to make more clear to the public, a lot of people don't realize where we are all headed if we don't take action to care of our elders now.

Beautiful and inspiring, I love to see that people help when they can !!

It is really admirable how dedicated you are in taking care of elderly. I believe you will get the reward you deserve because you have the kindest heart. Not all people have a heart like yours. I mean some have a bad and short temper understanding and taking care of the elders. I used to live and grew up having my great grandmother beside me, she took care of us in every way she can. She cooks for us and we, her grand childrens feels the love she have for us. Then one day she got sick and got hospitalized. That's the time that we returned the care she has given us. We took care of her and attend to her needs to the best way we can. But sadly she passed away almost 7 years ago at the age of 88. I remember she told me this "I am sorry I became a burden to all of you." I told her that It was our turn now to take care of her. I was teary eyed that time but I am glad that I've been able to tell her how thankful we are for taking good care of us when she was still strong.

Beautiful girl with a big big heart, we need more people like you

Almost 8 years ago at the age of 50, I lost "half my size" with natural methods. I was the fat kid from the age of four, and had never lost weight before then. I was near death when I finally started to turn it around. My life since then has been healthy and dedicated to helping other obese people get here with me.

I have written books, made videos, done photos shoots, and posted on many platforms to get my message out. That is why I came to steemit and I have had very good interest and result since I got here.

This is inspiring especially to those who are thinking that they cant be physically fit anymore. It’s just a matter of determination and belief to oneselef that you can do change yor ways and have a healthier lifestyle :)

Exactly! :)

Same here @fitinfun I was also a fat boy in my early highschool life. Now I am thin. Still confused if whats really good for me. I was being bullied before because of my fat face and body but some adore me of my cuteness. Now I was being bullied because of my thin body but some adore me because of my big change. I dont understand tho .

Bullies are bullies no matter what you do! I stay mostly with unprocessed food as "clean" as I can get it. And I try to make sure any food I eat has a good amount of nutrition. So where I used to eat toxic, processed chips for a snack, now I will eat healthy seeds or nuts instead. This is just one example of hundreds of food changes I made over time.

That early high school weight was possibly related to going through puberty. If you keep on a healthy path now, it is unlikely to return.

Thank you for good advice my felow steemian @fitinfun I understand bullies are everywhere. I wont mind them😉

Haha! Great comment and so honest!

that's very sweet of you @fitinfun ! We need more people like you as obesity is turning in to one of the biggest problems of the 21st century and is getting day by day :-( Also it's good to resort to natural ways to loose weight rather than surgical methods as they are turning out to be very expensive and also fatal in some rare cases !

Now that my birthday has passed, and I just finished the last piece of birthday cake, I can start a new life style. Diets are for losers. I have the change my eating habits. I'm at my highest weight ever, and I'm not getting any younger.
Keep up the great work.

You can do it! I agree with your theory of diets. I changed my lifestyle completely. There is no such thing as a cheat day in my life. I just eat delicious and nutritious food each day. If I wanted some cake and it was not made of poisonous ingredients, I would eat it without regret. If it was cake from somewhere unknown with blue frosting on it - I would not even be interested now.

I watched my highest weight ever just get larger each year. It is so discouraging; I know. I have lots of information to help if you ever want to contact me, and there is always some sort of link to my weight loss work my post footers here - no matter what the topic of the post.

Hey Sharon! I have learned to appreciate the small things in life. I love pizza and other stuff and i don't know how to say..don't want to ban it from my life?! I think that describes i try hard to balance my greed for chips and try to eat just 2 slices or whatever. What a hard task this is..

I really like your comment. I have similar feelings regarding my body and i don't think it is a matter of weight. It is all about balancing. Let's try a train of thoughts: You have the feeling that your body needs food. We want to compare it to a car who's about to run out of gas. You are standing at the gas station -> how much do you fill in?

Exactly. You probably have no idea. You are trying out and...blop..the tank is full. If the gas is running have a mess.

The next time you are remembering that you should listen to the "blop" and you let it pass...Are you a step further now? Yeah, probably. But what if you take a book where someone explained his thoughts and knowledge and read about the part where the amount is written up? "Ahh..a 80l tank. Easy, next time i know how much to fill in"

If we want to change our habits, we might look behind the scenes and go on our path to find out what's inside and how much "food" our body needs.

I do have the strong feeling that the author of that book just wanted to share his knowledge in order to help other people out. And how knows...maybe next time we are the guy at the gas station and we see someone in help and doesn't know how much to fill in his tank. We show some brave and go a step ahead and just talk to this person to help out with our new knowledge.

wonderwop, i wish you all the best with your change and i hope that the picture i have tried to drawn is somehow helpful.

Greetings from Germany!

Thank you @jesuisgai that painted the perfect picture. I think I need to start running on empty. 🤔 But seriously, it didn't happen overnight and it's not going to be easy, but I have to do something or I won't be here long enough to spend my Steem.

I have the theory that we are "stuffed yet starving." Our bodies are crying out for nutrition and when we only eat garbage, the body is still hungry even though our stomach is full.

Once I started making healthy meals for myself, I was shocked at how good I felt after eating. I used to feel sick after my 6 slices of pizza. Now I eat a bowl of soup jam-packed with nutrition, and have energy instead. I even look at my food sometimes before I eat it and think I won't like it because it looks too healthy! Luckily, I am always wrong about that.

So much love! I have the same thoughts every time my girl prepares a vegan meal for us.

Then i try it..get to know it better...and like it and appreciate her work and love to care about my health that i too often forget about...

wonderwop, we are a community and are here to help. My english is more..hmm..amateur-level so i don't know if i get you correct. If you want, we can talk in private and i can try to show you some ways that helped me a lot. If you want to talk about it in public, we can extend our room and can discuss it here in steemit. Your choice :)

Are you on

Belated happy birthday!! :D

When was your birthday, Feb. 14?
you should have invited us for the birthday bash
Life got different stroke for different folks
while you might wish to cut down on your weight
I would Have wish to wear some more weight on.
but notwithstanding since you have taken steps to resolve the issues
before long you will count the reduction in large numbers

February 8th. We can only hope. 😉

oh I see jt has come and gone...... though you still a beneficiary of the month of love I thought you struck the 14th day

I hope you have been up and doing with your procedures to drop some weight off

This is Awesome. Good Lesson. It's never too late to do anything.

Thank you. So true. I know many know how have done this when they were older than I was.

That's fantastic @fitinfun!!! My wife is actually in the process of losing weight, we've been trying to get pregnant with our 2nd child since April and no luck so far....the doc says that losing a few pounds might be beneficial. Do you have any tips? I followed you as well, I hope one of us wins the contest LOL. Have a great night!

I have tips galore! The main things I did were:

  • start eating healthy food. (not processed, no gmos's, eat organic etc)
  • stop eating the garbage over time
  • exercise 10 minutes a day - every day - and then build to an hour.
  • get way more healthy fluids
  • get more rest and sleep
  • throw the tv out the window (so to speak)
  • stop believing the lies of people like oprah and weight watchers.

All of my posts link out to my various sites. A recent post I did here for the danceweekend tag can give you an idea of my exercise habits.

Overarching all of this was getting over my excuses and taking action instead. That is the subject of my weight loss book and "excuses" info is free on my fitinfun website. I have had many people tell me over the years was that reading that book was all they needed to get on the path to success.

I was:

  • too busy
  • too broke
  • too sick
  • too old

to lose weight for many years. Once I realized those were only excuses, I really did not have trouble losing weight and now keeping it off.

Thank you for the follow - I got you back :) Best of luck to your wife. I know from sad experience that only one person can turn it around for her. I tried to do this for my son and could not.

He has ptsd from the results of my not losing weight earlier. Finding your obese mom screaming on the ground is traumatic to a little kid and he would try to pick me up. I was fat, sick and nearly dead until he was 17 and had many terrible medical crises during his young life. He bears the brunt of it and his ptsd is my most horrible result from obesity.

This is why I do what I do - to help other parents and children escape this awful fate.

Hello ma'am! Your insipirational words are like beautiful footprints that have been etched my head and mind. I'll definetly follow your instructions you gave above as I want to reduce some weight, If you can do it at the age of 50 then why shouldn't me at 25. Wish me all the best!

Yes you can do it. I wish I had done it at 25! Good luck :)

Thankyou ma'am! but still you look not more then 30. Hope to interact in future as well.

Aw! Thank you. Now that I lost weight, all I can see is wrinkles, but many people have told me I look much younger now.

Awesome. In 2015, both the wife and I started--I lost just over 50, and she lost like 35. But then...with a 7-year gap, we were surprised by another little one, which came with some medical concerns, so between that and the related stress (and in her case, the pregnancy itself), she gained back, and I gained just over half of it back.

Our schedules are packed with medical-related appointments now, but we're easing back into the groove.

I lived my life with doctors when I was obese, so I know how that goes. It must be more difficult going there for your child. Best of luck to you all for healing.

Thanks much!

I love people who struggle to get out of their bad situations.. KUDOS to you

Thank you. Persistence is the key.

@davidsiedoma, one positive quality that I admire in people the most is resilience.

I have a one life story here that you might want to read. We had a lot of bad situations but I'm thankful for all the help that we received to bounce back from those troubled times.

I have read about people who commited suicide because of this kind of challenge, but am motivated by your desire to turn your situation around and your success so far. Never give up my dear

I too know of that happening. It is very tragic and unnecessary.

Sure. Its inspiring to know you overcame all these and succeeded. Thanks to your unwavering spirit

@fitinfun you're such a role model! congrats for what you achieved

Thank you very much. If I can inspire anyone to lose weight, I will have done my job :)

Thanks for stopping by @fitinfun!! I have actually been a followers of yours for a while because I thought your story was so compelling! It’s so amazing to hear about how you were able to come back from a place of being close to death and have since brought so much joy and light into the world. It’s really inspiring that you have devoted so much of your time to helping others get to a better place as well.

Love and light to you. ❤️

Thank you so much @coruscate. I am so glad to have a chance to tell my story. I am not the only one to succeed at this feat. This is one of the things that drives me. I still cannot got over how easy the weight was to lose once I had the right mindset and took action.

Currently 7 out of 10 Americans are obese and overweight, so I often feel like a big failure. I really appreciate your idea and a place to post where I can find new people to talk to.

A very inspiring story.

Thank you!

Your story @fitinfun is very inspiring, I hope your testimony continues to motivate others.

Thanks for the initiative @coruscate, I am new here and what I like about steemit is the fact of being able to read and know other stories and new people.

I am 26 years old and I am from Venezuela, at some point in my life I was also overweight, product of an eating disorder, since I was 15 I have a normal weight according to God. I am also a journalist and an acting student, I love reading, that is why I am hooked to this network.

But I can still enjoy many stories. I apologize if I have a problem with my English.

Good for you to keep your health and weight in line with a healthy path. I wish I has done so as early as you did. Your English is very understandable :)

@fitfun congratulations on your success. That is impressive. Obesity is a difficult thing to combat, I’m sure. Your mission to help others is admirable as well

Thank you. I am very glad to have this new lease on life :)

It is great for the both of you @fitinfun and @carlitojoshua that you have cope up with solutions as your self measures. I hate bullies. Let us not be bullied again. No to bullies. stop bullying !!!!

You can't stop bullies most of the time, but you can have strategies to avoid and reduce their effect.

Yes, I also believe that a proper guidance from parents and a good reflection/insights of the children will mean a lot to minimize bullying. Thats the very important precautionary measures for me.

Wow, that's amazing. I too am very much into natural and alternative methods, especially for healing. I have CPTSD and I'm allergic to medication. That allergy has saved me from addictive drugs that would cure symptoms without healing the source of my illness. I've already healed depression, so I figure I can take care of the rest, CPTSD, anxiety and burnout ;)

It's so awesome that you're sharing your journey and ti's inspiring to know that someone else who turned to natural remedies is sharing. It encourages me to share without fear of judgement.

Thank you. I have been doing this work for about 7 years now. I used to get a lot of argument when I promoted natural methods. But now if seems the tide has turned and people are seeking this information instead.

I'm very sensitive to medications and have avoided many over the years. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis now and know many people having problems with some very toxic and addictive Rx meds. At this point, I would rather be in pain that take them.

I understand. There is a stigma on natural remeedies that mainstream media keeps reinforcing, sadly. When I was young it was very difficult but my mother took a homeopathy course and went on a retreat with Amerindians. When I say I'm like a witch because, like my mother, I have jars of herbs and I make brews and "potions". There was no internet back then, so it was tough to get a hand on this information. Now it's easier and more and more people are getting informed of the benefits of natural remedies and of the bad effects of medication.

I don't know what remedies are good for what you have, but I'm pretty sure there is a homeopathic granule that could help you or a combination of herbs and such.

Most of what I have is for mental things and colds and flus, BUT, I found this in what I do have:
Nettles: good for sore joints, weakness, fatigue, stabalises blood sugar.
Plantain: uninary infections, anti-inflamatory, anti-allergenic, good for bites, blood purifier.
Burdock Root: arthritis and rheumatism, sciatica dn lumbago, tonic, blood purifier, has minerals, especially iron.

Might be a good combination. You'd need to brew the root first in boiling water, turn it down to 3, for 20 minutes. Then add leafy herbs, turn off the pot and let steap for 20 minutes. I'd add to that Hibiscus and Rose Hips for flavour and vitamin C. Because that combination of herbs is not going to taste good :p Nothing's as bad as comfrey though, that was the worst tasting brew I had ever drunk.

Alternately, you can make a compress with Burdock Root, using a face cloth and putting the boiled roots into a cheese cloth. But it won't be as effective as drinking it.

Thank you for this information. I copied it to my files. I'm in Bangkok now and it's hard for me to find some of these things, but I will be on the lookout. I'm not too worried about taste :)

That's good, if you can handle the taste, then you're good to go for almost any kind of brew. I'm glad I could help :)

Very well done, is never late, I used to be the fat girl when I was a kid, now I'm 21 and I just took the initiative at my 20 to make a change, I have lost almost 20 kg and feeling proud of myself, I encourage my mom and she trains with me too, since when we have healthy life and we support each other. :) !!

Hello Lea, I've been enjoying your posts, vids, and songs! I don't usually comment on them but wanted to play along with this one, great idea. I'm a professional photographer who loves to shoot landscapes. It's hard to make a decent living selling prints and licensing images so I also have a boring "bread and butter" side of my business that I don't usually talk about on steemit. I shoot tons of real estate photography... Homes for sale and rent. It's not very glamorous but it's nice to be using my camera and good practice for the landscape shots. Cheers!

Very cool, can I buy one of your pictures... Just something you pick, maybe of a beach scene and I will pay you 1 SBD:-)

Haha! Thank you @jaquith! Comp. low res downloads are available from my website, whatever image you want. Feel free to use them for personal use (no SBD needed) but contact me if you want to use them for commercial purposes. Have a great day!

Sorry, I almost missed your reply, thank you... I was just thinking about printing out a cool beach scene for my 9 year old daughter for her room, will check out your website:-)

Thanks for sharing a but about yourself @scottshots. I’m so excited that you decided to comment on this post! 😊 Pretty brilliant that you have found a niche for yourself with real estate photography so that you can pay the bills and still pursue your passion for photography!

Thakn you @coruscate. Just watched your latest "steem" song, now that was brilliant! Had me laughing, nicely done!

Thanks @scottshots!! I’m glad you got a kick out of it! 😉

God Lea!! you are the sweetest steemian ever!! and you have such nice ideas to bring people together! you are becoming an influencer! good for you!! i am so proud!

A little about me:

I was born in Colombia, however, I've spent the last 17 years of my life in Costa Rica. I have a kind of split identity . I mean, i totally identify as Colombian, however, whenever i visit, i feel out of place, because much the Costa Rican culture got rubbed in me. But when in Costa Rica, i also don't completely fit in either. I am kind of half and half haha! .

Costa Rica is one of the most visited countries by Hollywood stars every year. I've been lucky to get to meet a couple of them.

I've met Sean Paul (the singer) , I also met a Playboy Bunny (Kendra). I met Jonathan Kite (from 2 Broke Girls ) and got to have a couple conversations with him (saw him 2 different times) and last year i met pro Skater Ryan Sheckler . He stayed at the hotel i work at.

Woah, that’s an awesome picture! Sorry that I am just responding now, but thank you so much for joining in on the contest! It was great to learn a little bit more about you. :-) I think I knew you were Colombian, but I wasn’t sure because I thought you lived in Costa Rica. Now it makes sense!

Cool that you’ve been able to meet so many celebrities. I would love to visit Costa Rica one day. Maybe I’ll run into someone famous on the beach or something. :-) P.s... if I ever visit, you know I’m going to hit you up to hang out while I’m there! Maybe I could bring my ukulele and we could jam!

Haha yes... i am Colombian.

Haha yes.. many people come al year long.. of course it’s not as easy to run into them.. but you might.. who knows!

It would be awesome if you came! I think you would like it here!! And i would be your personal tour guide! Haha.. and translator too haha, even though many people speak English.. at least a little.

So a little about me (this is big, I've tried to stay anonymous on here)... Well half anonymous.

I play volleyball, have done so for about 17years now.
I am the Treasurer of my Volleyball club
I have in the past played soccer, basketball, karate, judo and for about 2 terms at school trumpet and the flute.So I know I have no musical talent.

But I've always been good at being the class clown.

I just started a comedy competition. I won't post a link because I don't want to divert your followers. I would however like to talk to you about participating. You have a great voice that somehow works with you ukulele. Here I spent most of my life thinking only Elvis and that big hawaiian guy could have a ukulele cool then you popped up.

Anyway I would like to invite you to sing a funny song and post in my competition. And If I happen to win you competition, pick someone else's name. I've read your followers comments below, they are far more deserving.

Hi @idikuci!! You’ve been so kind to be a consistent supporter of my posts, so it’s great to talk with you and get to know you a little better!!

So cool that you are still playing volleyball after all those years. You know you have a true passion when it is still fun 17 years later. Unlike the flute and trumpet... sounds like you determined you didn't like those pretty quickly. 😆 Still, it’s really cool that you have it a shot. Learning an instrument is no easy task and you tried with two!

Thank you for thinking of me for your contest! I just read through all of the rules, and it is such a great idea. :-) I can’t wait to go check that tag and just listen to some of the funny entries!

Quick question on the contest... I see that it says original work only, which makes sense. My only dilemma is that I’m not very good at writing songs! It is something I am actively working on, but most of the time I just end up staring at a blank wall. Maybe this will be just the push I need to finally get something completed!

On a similar strain of thought, does the entry need to be 100% original work, or would “spoofs” be considered eligible? I was just thinking it might be fun to take a popular song and change the words to make it funny. Let me know your thoughts on that!

Ps... if you want to put a link to your contest here... I don’t mind at all! Up to you, but I think this sounds like an awesome contest and I’m sure lots of people would enjoy hearing about it. 😘

Spoofs are original!. Well I think so. Sorry no musical talent so I don't look at it like a musician.

So by original content I mean I don't want things that I can get elsewhere on the internet by googling or going to reddit or facebook or whereever. So a spoof of a song absolutely counts. As an aside, back in high school my friend and I (now this will show my age a bit) wrote a spoof to "I'm bringing sexy back" called "I'm shaving hairy back". Unfortunately the words are lost to the ages, but I absolutely encourage you to do a song spoof, would be awesome.

Mmmm okay now my brain is turning!! I’ll start working on making a fun spoof video!

Now that I know “I’m shaving sexy back” is taken... I’ll have to go to plan B. lol

Also, that song came out when I was in high school too... so I’m pretty sure you just called us both old. 😆

Wow you must have been smart to start high school at the age of 7.

Awesome, I look forward to your entry :)

Funny. Let's try an other train of thoughts:

You are watching at a cover in a music store that arises your attention. You are looking around and you discover a poster for a great party the next day. You are stepping ahead the poster to remember the exact date and location.

A few days later you are listening to a song on youtube that you really like. The voice is in your ear and you want to know more about the artist. You are using a search engine and find out that the cover from the music store matches perfectly to the song and you laugh about yourself that you got sooo much attracted by a simple poster in a store that you ignored the beautiful picture that attracted you at first.

Find your own cover. Kind Regards.

'I see and I forget.
I hear and I remember.
I do and I understand.

  • Confucius

I like karate and judo too!
But I haven't played any of them^^

I don't have any talents in music too. But there is a saying that everybody has a talent. So I'm going to enter your competition believing that!

Awesome news. :-)

wow i think i should come to you for tutorials on Karate

this little about your history means a lot to many like me who have tried our hands on big things but have not gotten the recognition we deserve, I just found out from you that being anonymous would even mean you won half the prize.

and maybe wen you win the competition forward you prize to me...... you will be deeply appreciated.

If @coruscate does include me in her draw and pulls my name out. You may have the prize instead.

that is so interesting.......
thank you
thank you
your far too kind
but you deserve it and more @idikuci
we all should not afraid of the spot light
i will stand up for you if you turn out to be the champion
thank you

Oooh! Another fun one. Count me in 😁

Fun facts about me:

  • I'm a girl. It's giving me super facepalm moments when people refer me as a guy. Not sure where in my username that would make people think that I'm a guy 😂
  • I'm a cake decorator. I prefer to be on Steemit though, because although am happy when I get a cake order to do, delivering a wedding cake or tall tier cake is always nerve wrecking! Too bad I can't make Steemit my full time job yet 😂
  • I like Netflix and chili con carne. Yep, you read right. Not Netflix and chill, but a bowl of chili con carne for real 😂

Hope that's enough?

Thank you for this ❤️

Hehe, I get mistaken for a guy too. I'm thinking of changing my icon image to one of my face. I wanted to use my logo, but when I see "bro" in the comments, I'm like "did you read my post at all? because there's a picture of me right there!" :p lol Those are usually bots though.

I love baking, but I'd never be able to do it full time. I'd like to make making cordials more something I can live on, but here in Quebec, it requires several hundred dollars just to ask for a liscence to be allowed to sell an alcohol made thing, and then they'd have to inspect my place every year. Though making cordials for bars and clubs would be fun, though they'd have to make their order 3 months in advance, because it's a long waiting process with those. So instead I make bath bombs on the side, which are a nice little extra.

Dang I hear you @binkyprod. I make homemade liquor infusions (ginger vodka, jalapeño lime tequila, strawberry rosemary vodka...things like that) I’ve thought about trying to brand it and sell it, but the hoops, laws and taxes are ridiculous!! I live in the states, but it sounds like you have similar issues up north.

Anyway, your cordials sound lovely!! Maybe one day it will work out for you to sell it. 😊

One can only hope. The goal is to make enough money that the $300 that it will cost just to fill out the form and ask if I am "allowed" to sell, won't be an issue. Right now I have other priorities on my expenses list, but hopefully this can become a reality. For now, I drink them, I gift them, and my friends and family drink some when they come over.
Oh and that strawberry rosemary vodka infusion sounds delicious :p

Well your friends are lucky to get sips of your yummy cordials! I hope it all works out eventually for you to start selling it! 😊

Yeah it would be fun. Perhaps selling it to the SAQ store and having the cordials be part of their rare stock section.

I think most guys just assume other people are guys. Though with baking and having a name like "thekitchenfairy" I now can't help but imagine you in a pink apron in a white kitchen covered in flour...

You know what, I actually don't have any pink aprons! A black, an orange, and the rest are cream color 😂

See, that's what I meant. Which guy would call themselves as fairy..I haven't met any!

A gay one.

You gay one?

not everyday.

I like the response "not every day" :p I need to use that response at some point.

Wow..super talented you are.....i wish i could bake a cake some day ...keep it up :)

Weird... I totally thought you were a guy. KIDDING! lol That’s weird that you’ve had people think that.

Man I never thought about how nerve wracking it would be to DELIVER the cake! Yikes ... I would be so nervous the whole drive too!

I like your spin on Netflix and chill... hahah. Con Carne sounds pretty damn good right now!

Thanks for participating @thekitchenfairy!! It was so fun to learn a few new things about you!

Hello @thekitchenfairy I do not know why people are mistaking you for a guy!!

what I found most interesting about you is that you are a cake decorator! I am not a big cake lover..but somehow I find it really very satisfying to bake and decorate cakes. I would be willing to get great cake decorating ideas and would look forward to see your work!!

We're at the same ground though, during dance contests? they keep on asking if I'm a boy since "we" are all boys. Well, perks of being one of the boys. -_-" guess you're pretty! :) All girls I know with your hobby are gorgeous. Yeee! <3

Facts about me

  • I will be graduating this spring with a Bachelor in Computer Science.
  • I like extreme sports. I use to skateboard and race my dirtbike
  • I am super into health and fitness, and actively trying to improve my physique
  • I enjoy exploring and researching cryptocurrencies
  • I love inspiring, promoting positivity, and helping others
  • I have a belly button

I want to add that coruscate is absolutely amazing. Since I've joined steemit she has been an inspiration. She is incredibly supportive and has built herself a lovely community. While you don't have to follow or upvote to participate in this giveaway, I highly suggest it - she's awesome.

I was the winner of her last giveaway. If she somehow pulls my name out of the bowl again then I'm literally running to buy a lottery ticket.

Ha ha.. a belly button thats original. About that lottery ticket, better don't buy it. Even with your luck that you have thats waste of money and time. Better invest in steemit to help others like @coruscate does it. And I totally agree about her, she is one of a kind. Good luck to you too.

Aww thank you for the kind words @samaritanfriend!

Your welcome @coruscate, by the way great response from all steemians in this contest, you have done it my dear. I know you are busy women,but have you seen my 2. weeks honorable steemian. If you have some free time you could check him out. He has started a great project in his country. God bless

Waooh. Another Coursemate. This is great. Goodday friend, how are you doing. You are second guy that studied Computer Science am meeting on this platform. Hope you are doing fine. I specialized in Wordpress webdesgn and blogging. .Here is my tech blog. . Thanks for revealing your course of study. This platform is greatly helping people in various places to connect. Especially people who are pursuing the same career. Thanks for being here

Aww @chasegapo your comment made my day!! I am so glad that you ended up being the one to win last time, because you are seriously awesome! You always leave such thoughtful responses on my posts, and that means so much to me! You are definitely an up and coming steemian, and I am so excited to be part of your journey!

If I pull your name again, you should definitely go get that lottery ticket! 😆

I know you have mentioned being in school before, and now I know what you’re studying! How smart of you to study computer science. If it is something you’re passionate about, you will never have a hard time finding work! With the changing technological landscape, you are definitely setting yourself up for plenty a future success.

Thanks again for participating and sharing some of your story!

Aw, thank you so much for the kind words. :) Computer science is a great field to study, we are moving into a digital/computer world and work should be pretty abundant. The response you have gotten from this post has been amazing! So many people getting involved and engaging.

Oh man it has totally blown name away and I am beyond thrilled to see so many people having great interactions! Thanks for being part of it! 😊

Hey, I have a belly button too XD What do you know! lol

I quite enjoy inspiring, and spreading positivity too. I was depressed for so long that now that I've healed, even if I still have other illnesses, I want to share and help others going through things that I went through. Spreading the happiness :)

Fun fact... I started the Butler program at The Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, over 15 years ago and still randomly get mentioned on The Howard Stern show:-)

Whaaa that’s awesome @jaquith!!

Hey @coruscate
OK, so, I'm a musician like yourself, a songwriter and love the techy side of life..
I can play guitars, Drums, piano, percussion, vocals and banjo. I record everything myself at home, on an old 8 track recorder.
I work full time at a school for special educational needs children, with conditions such as; Autism, ADHD, Emotional and behaviour difficulties and a whole host of other physical and mental challenges.
I'm in charge of horticulture at school and spend a good part of my week in the gardens, greenhouse and polytunnel.
I'm passionate about sustainability, composting, recycling and permiculture and think of myself as a future eco warrior!
We are now growing food to serve in our school cafe, which is such a rewarding achievement!
I also deliver small group instrumental lessons as enrichment.
I also have a passion for Bonsai, woodwork and exercise.
I'm just a big kid at heart and really embrace my day job!
I can still climb trees, do the splits and walk on my hands! Not bad for a guy in his 40s!

I'm a devoted father and have two naughty children, 1 of each brand! They are 8 and 4.
Thanks for reading.
Darren FB_IMG_1513366071782.jpg

It was so great to hear more of your story Darren! Your kids are so freaking cute! Being able to walk on your hands like that is pretty impressive too, I’m pretty sure I would break my neck if I tried that! 😆

It’s pretty great to hear how much you have been able to influence the kids you work with at school. From growing sustainable food, to giving instrument lessons, those kids are lucky to have you! Not too many people feel so passionate about their jobs, and so that is pretty cool to see.

I am a blogger, and through my partnership with Disney, I have been able to meet and interview George Clooney and Steven Spielberg!

Umm... WOAH!!! That is so cool @keciah! You should definitely share about that experience in a post! It would be so fun to read about what that was like.

Do you still partner with Disney? What kind of blog do you run? Pretty cool that you were able to make such great connections like that!

@courscate I haven't worked with them in a while. But it was a connection with the PR rep that got me invites to the two separate events where I met Clooney and Spielberg. My blog is a parenting/lifestyle blog but I used to share lots of Disney news too.

Is George as nice as he look? He would be somebody to meet :) good post hope your blog here explodes!

He was super friendly, @dizzyjay!

Ooh how cool!

Any pictures??? Would be awesome to share in Steemit 😉

I do have some photos. I will dig them up and post the story of that day. Thanks for the idea, @thekitchenfairy!

You have to get these people on Steemit!!

Haha, that would be awesome, wouldn't it?! :)

Wish you the best in your ways

George Clooney would be so awesome to meet !! And working with Disney sounds like quite the accomplishment 👍🏼

Great contest idea! Here are some random facts about me.
I live on Ft Lauderdale Beach, I do several things for income; I own an advertising agency, manage a Paddleboard shop, am half owner of an Odor Removal Service, Blogger, cryptocurrency and stock trader... I have had over 20 jobs in my past and only fired from one. I enjoy traveling and spending time with my Princess. I like trying new foods and restaurants and enjoy fruit juice smoothies from Jamba Juice. My favorite hobby is snorkeling. I never thought of myself as a poet or writer but since I won a few poetry contest on steemit I have found a passion for poetry. I also enjoy photography and art like paintings and sculptures.

What an interesting life you lead!! You definitely have a fun mix of ways to bring in income. It’s so great that you have found your love of poetry through Steemit! This is such a supportive and safe space to try out new things. 😊

@coruscate Very good idea I liked you last one, with being random this seems very fair.

My name is Cam I am an artisan baker. I found my job not by choice but by chance and I took to it like a duck and water. At the moment I am extremely passionate about block chain technology and mining.

My life motto is brutally honest always beats a liar!

I love to bake and do not have a kitchen to do it in right now. I find baking to be very relaxing and fulfilling. Lucky you to have this for a career.

It is quite a thing being able to work out frustrations on the dough, it is very resilient to abuse! That said it is one of two zen places the other is behind the wheel with no destination!

Yes, that is a good way too. I like kneading dough and will do it anything I get a chance.

You are passionate about blockchain and mining I wish I knew a bit more about mining
maybe you might help me wit the process of getting into mining and the formula/platform that work for u

@maxiemoses-eu I am still learning about all there is about mining but consider myself successful, long term goals remember!

So yea I will redo that terrible post I did about my mining experience into a how to for yea, shouldn’t be too difficult I have 2 options very simple for basically starting with what ever you have to get the feel. From there think about upgrading as I have if it’s still to your fancy! I’ll tag you in the post for favourable mentions.

You don’t need to understand the programming to run the network, just trust in the developers and choose simple solutions. If you understand programming there is possibility for huge rewards getting on the right projects during premine but most times it’s problematic and I take the kiss method keep it simple silly, install and payment!

I am looking forward to that post
its been something i have wished to apply my hands on.
maybe what works foor you might be a great point to start from

Congrats on finding a job you love, i hope to find that one day! :)

You will, first step believe, second go make it happen, third don’t be afraid to fail. Failures are just added context to success, that said don’t give up either!

sure you will just as our dear friend

Hey nice to meet another baker!, Although mine is by choice as it's my passion as well

It has become a passion that is for sure, I don’t believe any baker can say they are good at their job without being passionate. Do you find all bakers a little crazy too? I know I’m a nutter and we talk like the old guys you would see sitting around the barbershop, “good riddens” is saying “have a good sleep” 😂.

I love the fact that artisan bakers are excited about blockchain technology. I think we are just now learning about decentralized approaches and it's inspiring people with exciting ideas to try, so the more people who get excited about it, the more ideas we will explore!

Well I am the first in my bakery, aswell the first in my social circle! I have introduced 2 into gpu mining with nicehash a 3rd is on the fence about it, 5 people into the concept of crypto, 2 people interested in steemit one is a drummer/programmer/baker waiting for approval the other is my buddy euphorik he’s on iTunes and is interested in the concept of blockchain media distribution so that’s a side project I’m watching for him.

Don’t be too surprised that bakers are interested there are plenty on here from reading comment, we are a funny bread don’t quite follow the norm. Most bakers I know are not 1st a baker but it’s something they can do well that works around their normal interests since we work first thing in the morning and have evenings off usually.

I think it’s exiting because I get to be apart of the evolution, first real interest I have had in years!

Hey cam! I'm pretty passionate about blockchain tech, and have been very curious about mining lately. I'd love to mine, but I have always been skeptical on how profitable it could be for someone with a very small budget.

I dig your life motto... and I totally agree. I would much rather know the truth in most circumstances.

Well truth, right now it’s profitable with an average return on investment 6-8 months depending what your starting with and what your willing to pay.
I was able to locate used parts check my article my first article I will be rewriting eventually in a more how to format 😂.
In short if you have a gpu try either minergate or nicehash you could toy with cpu mining but it’s really not worth it unless for a little boost $.20 ish a day on xmr. I have killed alot of free devices.

Truth is bitter but when said, it turns sweet. Good write-up

I like that, I’m going to have to steal that one to explain my motto “Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar”

@odesanya seriously thank you everything I’ve thought of is long winded.

Great my dear, keep up the good work. And never forget the days of small beginning

That’s right it’s all about perspective, coming from a recent bottom I know feeling small well and wish it on none. Bring others up with you and you will never forget how far you’ve all evolved, live vicariously through those you aid so their joy is your and their mistakes are not repeated.

Dude, Artisan Baker....Good for you, that sounds baller. I'd be honored to accumulate skill in baking. Nobody can turn down a good pastry. Cheers.

It’s a good gig, if I complete the final exam I’d be Red Seal Certified accepted world wide now that’s baller!

What’s your favourite pastry?

Thanks for participating @d00k13!! Mmm an artisan baker! I wish you lived closer to me so I buy some of your lovely creations! What is your favorite thing to bake?

Also, I like your life motto!!

@coruscate Well I made a post to show you! I’m a lazy baker lol always trying to do things the easy way. All time favourite is a pizza veggie bread, go to quick fix late night munchies mug brownie. If there is a dessert you desire I could put a recipe together for you?

This is AMAZING!! I love that you responded to my question with an entire post! You are awesome and now I’m craving a brownie. 😊

Hmm ... I LOVE any kind of lemon dessert. If you know any good lemon dessert recipes, I’d love to check that out! Let me know if you do a post so I can make sure to check it out!! 😊

Lemon hmm.... my mind goes lemon coconut cream cake, that will be much more of a write up lol not so late night munchie.

I’ll be sure to let you know, thank you for the idea! Seems to be the hardest part, what do I write now.

Mmm lemon coving cream cake sounds divine!! That definitely sounds more complicated than brownies in a mug. I’m still craving brownies since reading your post a few days ago! I might need to try your mug recipe soon!

There’s a reason I called it late night munchies 😊
I have another easy peanut butter cookie recipe, time is the issue for me lol just the comments on your post here is keeping me busy between my 2 jobs!

Seriously good job making a name for yourself as a community voice.

Honest is way to go for the lies come out sooner then later .

 I adore you and your immense contribution to the community while reading through your work since it engaged me. 

Why don't you wish people should follow you, your content is sleek enough and attractive....... thats my thought anyway but perceive you've got your reasons most likely.

The contest has been a big party on

In the early days of 2017, my country took a nose-dive into recession with all economic activities slowing down, as an architect 

squarely remunerated by designs works and development

the effect of the situation took its toll sequentially. 

 Then I got wind of from a close friend @sbamsoneu, though I was skeptical due to my sour experience of the past with INTERNET scam,  over the process of time, I got signed up and decided to apply hands on it. The financial reward may not have been massive but the bold impression I got is: it won’t be passive either over time. 

Outside steemit I am a prolific architect and designer who ply’s his hands in almost all sorts of things related to designs 


and also a design software instructor so it is very clear that I slide my hobbies around plying my hands on almost all kinds of designs software.

A more passionate thing I love is travelling and spending quality time with my kid cousin

And a moment I wouldn't forget in a hurry is the moment in time when I won my first competition on steemit it was where my rising started,

trying to make a mark was real hard work as a new recruit to the network but God had other plans. 

Out the clear blue by a stroke of fluke (I thought a neighborhood guy like me who is a newbie, shouldn't be wining a strict contest like this) 

I won with this post

and it has been passively massive ever since. took an untalented blogger like me through ranks in a journey to make a mark on the long run. What an opportunity this is.   

Thank you for sharing your story and photos of your designs!! I’m glad to hear that you have been finding success here on Steemit and have been enjoying yourself.

You never would have done a better guess...
for now I am living in the cloud with steemit
..............and with your engagement plan
I have been taken to cloud nine
I have you to thank for birthing relationship in its highest Definition
I love it .............. Love it ......... Love it
And Love you more

Dang now that’s an eye grabber! Huge post. Very well written.

I took a course in high school working on object designs and architecture on the computer, also took computer sciences but neither I did well in. It takes a certain eye for architecture, knowing what oddities will feel right on the eyes.

My introduction onto Steem was also one of turmoil turned into passion, I didn’t understand the depth of our relationship I had with my late bud Tristan Watterworth(I always use his full name in memory) we were soul mates. Life made it clear as day his purpose was to change me, so here I stand still alive. While dealing with his passing I dove head on into what ever I could eventually finding crypto then Steem, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him! I mean on Steem and alive!

Waooo @d00k13
am glad the post caught your attention I must say
I didnt tell you I studied electrical/electronics as well
.....and I took a course in computer architecture myself
that course came with a large and massive chunk of arithmetic maneuver
associated with zeros (0) and ones (1) binarys and hexadecimals
................................. I will never forget
I dreaded the course and have since wished I don't meet it ever again
Not even in my next life.

and yet again I just notice you lost the brain behind your birth to steem (Tristan Watterworth)
my dear friend
I feel so sorry for your loss.
Life must have brought you two together for a reason and
am glad you already know better..........................
so in other to make your late buddy proud
I guess you know you have to strive hard
birthing a bit more passion............
turning out eventualities surrounding his best wish for you
into becoming more successful than normal
by now you already know that there is someone watching've got to make him proud....................

Words of a wise man! Including avoiding computer sciences 🤦‍♂️.

Thank you, I do try to live my life as he did
I Smile everyday even if only for the other person
Make certain I never leave a conversation lingering
Most important, say I love you
My only regret is not telling him I loved him while I had the chance(no I’m not gay soul mates surpass any notion we have of physical love)
We made a pact, I will honour our arrangement till my death which will not be at my own hand thanks to him!

you might not have told him how hard you love him but you should be glad he already knows that why you friendship turned out fine like wine in time and even in times after his passing
and I must say I am yet to see someone on steemit who follows through his conversation tread like you do ............. honestly speaking am not just saying
I speak from the bottom of my heart

Acknowledgement is an equal proportion contest, The least I could do is reply, the most I could do write you a whole post as a reply then follow you and possibly come to an agreement of curating each other‘s work as I have done with @gasparcha I even wrote a post about it here
Doesn’t always have to be formal like that or announced but my slogan is brutally honest always beats a liar and the easiest way to defeat accusations of lies is by being the first to disclose information.

I have the day off work today so I’ll try plug that mining post I did into a how to format for you rather than it being a life story as it is currently🤪

you have been my first and best pal out this relationship summit and I have God to thank for the opportunity
I like your policy about the truth
i also had the day off as well
please don't forget to get me notified when you round up with the mining post


great idea!

And true!
I have done some same experiences like you @coruscate !

People love contest but me I LIKE QUALITATIVE good contests!

I am here since August 2017, I work as a freelancer so I can live my passion and work with it! An artist lifestyle of yoga, lifestyle, health, blogging, art, sports ...
.... I just say fuck lucky go happy!

Before steemit I was blogging without getting any money so when I heard from this platform I thought “ok, let’s try!”
And see what happens!
A great community is here!
International and local!
Both works perfect!
I know steemians in my hood (Germany berlin), but also from my home country austria. I met the Steemit-austria fellaz also when I was in Vienna!
And see I like your profil and we also write each other!

So because I couldn’t sleep I wrote here for the Contests...but I don’t worry if I win or not! I had also answered without getting because the idea of this post is really lovely!


steemit can change your life

Hugs to ya

Hi there...
I really appreciate you doing what you are. I think it's very important for us to give back to the community after what the community has invested in you.
And now about myself, I'm 24 and I'm pursuing MBA from a university in Kashmir. I'm not doing any job because it's very difficult to find a job in Kashmir because of it being a disputed state and the dispute being between India and Pakistan. So you can see lots of people from my place always on the move after studies in search for job opportunities and other business services.
I happen to fall in love some 6 years ago and God I want us to work for my life. Because I don't want to imagine a world without her and that I love her so much.
I love music poetry , photography. In addition to that I love playing cricket and hanging out with friends.
Apart from that I love to travel and I want to travel some places I have in mind and as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest and I really want to make myself count in these terms.

I also love to travel but im at station now because I am a final year student and i want to pass my exams. After that, i will travel to every corner that i have heard to be attractive and relaxing

did you @showboybeezy say travel to every corner that seems attractive if yes, you need to see this

Good to know that despite everything, you still want to travel. This only means that despite all the negative stuff in this world, you still has the attitude to look on the bright side. That's the spirit bro. We can never really feel the life that God gave us if we won't feel the pain and challenges in life. Just like what my mother said, you will really feel that you're alive (and you're closer to God) if you'll experience the challenges that are put in front of us. The problem is- We son't really know if the things in front us are challenges (that we have to strive hard and win this battle) or it's an omen from God saying that what we're doing is wrong (and we need to change our answer). Life is a mystery after all

Hi @wa2qr! Amazing that you are only 24 and are in the middle of earning your MBA! Good on you for making that happen. So sweet to hear that you have found the love of your life as well! ❤️

You obviously have a lot of passion for righting injustice in the world. Thanks for participating and sharing your story! It was great to learn more about you!! 😊

Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate it. Lots of love @corcuscate

I couldnt agree more! Steemit is indeed life changing :)

Ok two things.

  1. do you find it weird having an Austrian accent speaking German
  2. actually just one thing. I was going to do a joke about Viennetta being like a little female Vienna but it failed.

So true, sometimes winning is only a matter of the perspective of our minds. Cuz if we give in what we feel is our best we've won already even within.

This makes my hips hurt....

Happy to hear read about your success. And its so great to know you believe in giving out freely and helping others. Both in life and in blogging, giving out and helping others is fundamental to happiness and getting back in return (even if reaping rewards may take time). Thanks

I'm a fellow yoga fan.
And I think I can do that.
Let's steem on!

Impressive yoga pose @akashas!! So cool to hear that you are a freelancer! I have just started doing a little bit of freelance modeling/voice acting and it’s really fun to work with people on creative projects like that. Good for you that you’ve been able to make a living from your freelance work. 😊

I couldn’t agree more with your statement that “Steemit can change your life”. This has certainly been true for me too. 😊

Love to you my friend!! ❤️

@coruscate nice me I work sometimes for lululemon ambassador and community classes!
Also I worked in a model agency
Great to read this!
You will rock it!

I know!!!

Love back to ya my friend🦋💫🍀🕊🍪💗FromHeart2Heart

I am probably the only person on Steemit or that you will ever meet who has been hit in the face with a running chainsaw. And lived to tell the tale. And still have both eyes, my nose and all my teeth.

7 years ago I was clearing brush with a large Husqvarna chainsaw with a 24" bar. Too large of a saw for what I was doing really. And while I was cutting small branches the saw kicked back hard and caught me right in the face. The force of the hit broke my glasses and left me dazed and staggering. I had no idea I was hurt until I saw the blood starting to drip in a steady stream onto the ground. I reached up to feel my left cheek and was stunned to feel bone, not skin. I sorta pushed the hunks of my cheek back together and stumbled out of the farm windbreak and started looking for my Dad, who was there that day working on a piece of machinery. After wandering in circles (as the blood trail I was leaving behind testified) I found him and he about passed out looking at the bloody mess that was the left side of my face.

Cutting to the chase (cutting...ha ha!) 6 hours later I was in surgery with one of the areas best plastic surgeons who cleaned up the mess and put me all back together and closed me up with 50 stitches. The turning saw blade had hit me square in the cheek from the corner of my mouth to just below the corner of my eye. A half inch higher and I would have lost my eye. 1/2 and inch lower and I would have torn my mouth open and wrecked my teeth. Two inches lower and I would slit my own throat. Pretty blessed eh?!

Today you wouldn't know anything that traumatic had happened to my mug if I didn't point out the scar and let you run your finger along the obvious groove in my cheekbone.

what! your story is huge my dear @armadilloman
I deeply appreciate God for your life...... my friend you
were save from the claws of death for a reason.
I wish you trauma that incident brought you and your does not stay for long
stay blessed

Wow, as scary as it is to say "That happened in the best way possible" when someone tells that story. Glad you are ok.

It was fun though calling my wife, who was out of town...."Honey how are you.? Me? Oh not so good. I got hit in the face with a chainsaw. I will call you when I get out of surgery...."

Wao I am glad to know that after that episode you are well and above all there are no traumas in you, I do not want to imagine the face of your wife when you called her to tell her that hahaha ... tremendous experience. Greetings from Venezuela @armadilloman

Thats so bad.
Thats isnt easy. Thank God it didnt hit you at the wrong place .
And bless those who took care of you

Its funny when I was all stitched up the men I know all said "but you are going to have a great scar!" and the women all said "Oh and you are going to have an awful scar!"

Love the pic, “see it’s still attached” 🤣 man o man you a lucky sob!

I bet you picked up the saw again as soon as you could?

I did right after the stitches were out. Although I did get a face shield and eventually started using an electric saw as they stop the instant your finger is off the trigger.

Waooh. Such a fearful thing to experience but very glad you overcame that situation and lived to say it. Much like your experience, people wont know what you pass through in life before you succeed. Unless you tell them. Before, i feel great that you shared this experience with us, it can serve as a source of motivation to any who is going through a very difficult period in life

We had just buried my mom two weeks before. Then this. The whole thing was more then my poor dad could take. And he is one tough hombre.

Such a tough time then. You can overcome bigger mountains. All of us can overcome all challenges if we are determined!

Oh my god, @armadilloman, your story gave me chills. That must have been one of the scariest moments of your life. Pretty amazing that you were able to get in with such a skilled surgeon so quickly.

Thanks for participating in the contest and sharing your story.

And I have to tell you, for all the trauma to flesh and bone, it never really hurt beyond what tylenol would deal with. In all honesty the dozen or so shots they gave me to numb the pain hurt worse then the pain did.

Wow, that’s pretty crazy to hear! Maybe your body was in such shock, you didn’t really process the pain in the moment.

Glad you made it through everything okay!!

Gotta love endorphins.

Wow,that is really terrifying, thank God you are okay.

Yes thank God. I am reminded every time i smile.

I am probably the only person on Steemit or that you will ever meet who has been hit in the face with a running chainsaw. And lived to tell the tale. And still have both eyes, my nose and all my teeth.

Wow how is this possible!!!!!!!!


When I was in the hospital I had an endless stream of nurses and doctor's poking their nose in. I finally asked someone about it and the said "you're a celebrity. No here has ever seen a chainsaw accident above the knee."

Hi out of steemit I work as a cost engineer in an oil company, but besides this I love to cook and read about spirituality and self help issues. I also have 2 children of five and seven years ... so I spend my time enjoying the adventure of being a mother ... I am about to start a specialization in baking and bakery ... and also start an orchard on the balcony of my apartment ... I hope to document all this and share it with you, I trust in God blindly and I know that with love and creativity you can get out of any circumstance however obscure it may seem ... I try to enjoy the trip on this road of life .. I believe in the expansive power of love and in the practice of nonviolent communication ... and I love being able to participate in this original contest! And if I do not win, the most important thing is to get to know each other and create a support network of steemit! I send you positive energies, blessings and success;) hugs.

Greetings from another (homebased) bakery owner!

I have two littles as well

Good luck in opening your business ❤️

❤ Hello, I'm happy to say hello, success and blessings for you too, hugs.

Wait, back that truck up. What on earth does a cost engineer do?

Well, jajaja, I live and work in Venezuela here is an economic crisis that has increased in recent years, here a professional engineer, lawyer, doctor earn very low wages, as a blogger I help with extra income, happy day! success in your ventures

As a baker, a cost engineer, a mom and a blogger??, you're already winning take it from. Me!

Thanks friend! :) I send you positive energy, a hug.

Waooh. You are multi-talented and only God knows how you are able to combine all those things without breaking down. Thanks for sharing. And continue to invest time on your family. It truly worths it

Yes thanks. Here in my country, we are going through an economic crisis. That forces you to reinvent yourself, to be creative, and more so when you are the mother of two children. But the best thing is to enjoy everything that is done and do it with love, life is TODAY. Hugs.

Thanks too. I admire your courage. We need such courage in the face of adversity. It worst in my Country Nigeria. If one is not creative, you will automatically join the millions of unemployed graduates. so you see why i decided to start small. Other, people like relatives will view you as a failed project. Thanks dear. We will all become shining examples for others

Wow, you are talented in so many ways @annaycris09! The garden on the balcony of your apartment sounds like it will be lovely! I also live in an apartment and try to make it as beautiful and full of life as possible. I would love to see pictures of yours once it is all set up! I am always looking for inspiration for my own deck!

I also love your your approach to peace by encouraging nonviolent communication. The world could use more people like you.

Thank you so much for participating and sharing your story! ❤️

I loved your contest, great ...! I send you positive energies, a big hug. Greetings.

Aww you are so kind! Sending positive energy back to you too! 😊

i see your love for God is off the hook
I personally would wish to get to the point were I love God that much.
but............. am trying

on a lighter not how would you combine you job and being a mother plus baking all together....
have thought out a plan on this

I’m @dizzyjay I’m 25 I’m a father and a gamer. I was 14 when I won the BC community achievement award in 2008. I am/was the youngest ever recipient and they flew me out to a five star hotel. It was fun. I won because I had spent 5 years volunteering at the Canadian cancer societies relay for life. Where I wouldn’t cut my hair all year and each year would shave my head at the relay. I love helping people. I love community. I love my family. Much love!

Hi @dizzyjay! Thank you so much for participating in sharing a bit of your story. That’s pretty amazing that you won such a great community achievement award when you were only 14! That must’ve been such a fun experience, especially because they flew you out and put you up in a nice hotel!

Do you live in BC? I actually have quite a bit of family up there. I live in Bellingham, Washington, but I have family on Vancouver Island, in the greater Vancouver area, and in Kamloops.

Good on you mate I’m participating in this contest but I really do hope you win five years is quite the contribution!

Wow...i admire your commitment to helping people.

You are a young father! I am 24 and cannot imagine have children now. I shave all my hair off ever so often instead of cutting it, but I never did it for charity.

My son just turned 1 Jan 27th and my second is due March 8th :) @bxlphabet also to everybody thanks so much for the kind words!

Yay another Canadian!

I did relay for Life twice. Very rewarding feeling, fundraising and doing the run 😊

That's awesome @dizzyjay! I applaud your hard work. I too was a young dad, my son was born when I was 24. He's now 17 and an incredible kid (@enak). Young dad's make the best dads!

damn did you say you didnt cut you hair all year
waoooo....... i cut mine every other week
how did you cope with that?
may be that why the dedication paid off

I used to love having really long hair. It was out of love that I let them shave it off. In solidarity to my aunt. I have had a severe head injury since then leaving somebody born so nice scars on the top of my head so I no longerever shave it, burn in reference a befor and after pic of me last year around the time when my son was born and a pic from two days ago after a shave. CF2FAE1F-2515-46A6-B945-54262EEEE028.jpeg

waoo I now see................ the both pics are lovely you look handsome either way.

you said you got injured, how did that happen

I love reading novels particularly series. When i get my nose out of a book,i would likely be making clothes.

Good for you, I happen to be part of the millennial generation that can’t seem to be able to focus enough to read more than an article. That includes me.

You just haven't found the right kind of books/articles. There is something for everyone's taste. I agree us millennials need our info fast though, we lose interest quite quickly it seems.

That’s what I like about crypto, I can absorb the data and discard the rest. I think I might be more a writer then a reader and I never knew it till I found steemit, just having a hard time being satisfied with the resulting article.

My kids are all millennials and only the youngest doesn't seem to read anything longer then a twitter post. The middle is an author who literally has read tens of thousands of books.

So why do you think so many millennials have reading issues? Is it the effects of media? Being in front of computers so young? Having to many attention choices from a young age? Generational hyperactivity? What do you think?

Well, I'm a late millennial I'm 21 so I have the weird in-between stage where I didn't grow up with a phone in my face, but I've always had technology. I think this generation has so many issues reading because of both
A. The desire for instant gratification stemming from always having instant access to all the info we need.
B. The fact we grew up in a world where reading isn't a major past time. People use to read for relaxation and fun, but now kids see it as a chore because it's what they have to do in school.
I believe it's the platform that's the issue. Kids don't get the same joy of turning pages these days. I personally feel accomplished when I've finished a long book and I can shut the back cover with pride. A majority of kids don't find that to be fun anymore, they see it as a task. It's easier to read a two-page article than a book. That's my insight on it at least. @armadilloman

Couldn’t say it better, mine is an extension of impatience and reading difficulties but it’s how my mind works.
I can grab data in a scan it comes from mass rpg play and wanting to power through dialog without missing key info and having to back track for hours in game, I got straight A’s in physics but have always struggled with history or anything with dates or places.
So some has to do with self trained behaviour aswell?

@armadillioman great question!

Self training, martial artists train all their lives it’s all they know! If all you know of education is punishment and video games are your training then you will end up with great reaction time and failing eyes (me)just like the ma with arthritis and brain damage(my bro).

Then you could get into conspiracy with the earths frequency changing with the introduction on our man made frequency devices(in your hands), it’s known that frequency has effects on living things so could these issues some have, be relevant to evolution to this new frequency? Just sayin!

Hello!! We share that hobbie..I love reading too! And now I have discovered the audiobooks, but nothing like a good book I enjoy until I turn the pages!

which books?

Ah! I love reading also. Series are my favorites as well because it's so easy to get lost in them. I just got done re-reading 'A Series Of Unfortunate Events' It's one of my favorites.

I would make sure i read that!

Hmmm me too. Not the making clothes (I make accessories of sorts. But reading novels in series I particularly like really stupidly long science fiction series like James S.A. Correy's Expanse books (which I think are up to eight).

So yeah, what novels, what series, what authors. Spill it!

What kind of accessories do you make? I am currently reading the house of night series by P.C Cast.

I am a leather craftsman artist. Or arty craftsman. Or crafty artist. Hop on over to my blog where I have some galleries of some of my stuff. Or just hop on over to say Hi!

I have read few books of house night series. It's quite interesting actually.

I was like, ohhh @cheetah commented here! Then, as I look closely its @cheekah... It sounds like chika... In the Philippines, chika is a slang word meaning "conversation/dialogue". I like your username... because for me it sounds very inviting to conversations and dialogues.

I hope we will have more cheekas over your books and dressmaking. are not the first to comment on the similarity of my name to cheetah. My name is chika and i am a Nigerian. Chika in my language means God is great. I hope we would have more cheekas too.

Wow. What a beautiful name it is.! Because God is truly great! are not the first to comment on the similarity of my name to cheetah. My name is chika and i am a Nigerian. Chika in my language means God is great. I hope we would have more cheekas too.

@christianyocte maybe with here we could learn the native of your country if you follow up the conversation with a language class....

at least now I know the word for conversation in your native language

I love reading novels. When i was in college, i used to hide novels in my course books and pretended to study in class while my eyes were on thrilling chapter of some novel. XD

I did that too.

lol... this is amazing..... i for one would have wished to love novels the way you do but am afraid I dont

Hi @cheekah! Thank you for participating and sharing a bit about yourself! How cool that you make your own clothing. It’s not very common to hear that it anymore. Are you reading any good series right now? :-) I am always looking for a good book as well!

I am currently reading P.C Cast's house of night series. Thanks for the compliment.

I am yet to see a party like this on steemit
I have never been excited to be on steemit like I am now.
Not be cause of the contest but the relations and the relationship been built
I wish to suggest:
Why not you @coruscate start up a tribe or a nation on steemit
where we can party like this for long and you know forever is long
it might turn out to help people met more people
knowing steemit is all about people... people... people
what do you think?

Great idea! I like the sound of having a place where we could have this kind of great engagement/conversation everyday, but I’m not sure what that would look like.

Hmmm........ okay I see
I perceive it would look like heaven on earth
lets say something like a group with a discord channel
a telegram group (depending on your choice) where the post link is published and
one is directed through link to the party venue on steemit or
developing of a tag on steemit preferably................
you can call it anything
something like #coruscaterelatives
where you could make a post on a topic
that allows the conversation tread
to follow massively like its doing now.
it doesnt have to be a contest (if it is fine and square)
knowing people like to talk themselves new to relationships
the party becomes naturally supernatural
it just continues till it hits cloud nine
What do you think?

I've been fighting depressive episodes and made steemit as my outlet of my emotions. Outside steemit, I love playing Dota 2 with my boyfriend and watching TV series and Anime series ( currently: One Piece, just finished: Shokugeki no Souma). i also love cooking and eating of course :)

I also do love watching One Piece :) Yey! I am so glad to found you here :)

I'm glad, too :)

Steemit is indeed a blessing to us @debilog , I am an animer lover too and I used to draw anime but i've been so busy lately and havent found time to do another drawing

Hi @johnrel , that's nice to hear. You should post your artworks on steemit too. I'll be looking forward to it :)

Thanks for sharing with us sweetie. I’m so glad that you have found steemit to be a good outlet for you. ❤️

hi,I'am student in viet nam.I am a bad guy and always fail in the affair.Recently I was introduced to steemit friends and I feel it is quite interesting.Here I get acquainted with many friends around the world.I consider steemit as my own passion. I also like the humor in each of my posts.steemit is my small job, because my current income is not stable.My life is quite difficult.
You can make friends talk to me by commenting below.

Stay strong and keep moving forward! Life is sent to try us all but, with ambition, endeavour, resilience and inclusiveness, we can embrace each others ways of life and share some experiences along the way.
I would love to visit Vietnam one day... It looks like a beautiful country from the pictures and films I've seen.

The poor life has made us stronger. Thank you for your encouragement. You can use facebook. If you want to. chat with me via facebook:

I have cancelled my Facebook account! I just concentrate on Steemit now.

oh, we are currently fond of facebook because of its good interaction. why you do not try.steemit are still having trouble with the communication issue. you can follow my posts to be able to chat with me.

Thanks for sharing your story! I’m glad you’ve found Steemit as a way to share your passions and make new friends. 😊

You've really reached out to the Steemit community and beyond with this genius post!!
I don't know you personally, but I like what I see and embrace what you do.
you're a beautiful human being!

Aww thanks Darren!! Your comment just made my day! ❤️

Truly meant it!
I say what I mean and mean what I say!
Much love

Hi. I am married and I have a son that has autism. He is a lot of fun and super smart. Some days can be challenging but all in all, the extra work is worth it. He was able to read at the age of two and he is now in 2nd grade. I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments.

Hi @annparenting! Thanks for sharing your story! I followed you to check your son too :) I hope and pray more happiness for you and your family!

Aww @annparenting thank you for sharing your story. It is beautiful to see how much you clearly love your sweet boy. ❤️

One of my earliest jobs in technology during the 90s was as a computer technician for a large retail computer company. I was old enough to do the work, but too young to be allowed to drive the leased work van for insurance reasons. So I literally had a much older Coworker who drove me around from job to job while he stayed in the car to read the paper. It was very embarrassing. I still remember the first question I was asked during the interview for that job: "What is the difference between a 486sx and 486dx?" I would be shocked if someone commented the answer today without first Googling it :)

The 486SX and 486DX are identical chips (access memory the same way, 8K
internal cache, etc.) except for the fact that the 486SX is "crippled".

Explanation: The math co-processor on the 486SX is disabled.

That's it. If you do work that requires a lot of number crunching, then you'll
see a noticeable difference in speed (if the programs use the math
co-processor). Otherwise, the difference is minimal. Graphics will be
slightly slower.

There was a big fuss over the disabled FPU when the 486SX was released. Some
people are still upset about it. The 486SX is still faster than most 386's,
but the big advantage of the 486DX is the integrated math co-processor.
Without the FPU, an i486 is nothing more than a more efficient 386 with an
internal cache.

FYI, the AMD 386-40 MHz chip is faster than a 486SX chip.

I think you're correct!!

Impressive :) indeed the explanation I gave was about the difference of the math co-processor. One of the easiest job interviews in the tech field I ever had.

Hey Jeftek, I wanted to ask you if you might want to review a whitepaer and let me know your opinion on the technical aspects? If you have a little spare time, that is.

Secretley googling 486sx and 486xx before responding to this comment...

Hahah Do you still work in the world of IT, or what are you up to these days?

The days of the 486 chips are ancient history in technology it would seem, so totally Google away! :)

Yes, I am very much in the world of IT still and love it. I have had many roles over almost 25 years from small companies to very large enterprises always doing IT for different types of businesses.

A few years ago I knew I wanted to work more for a technology company, and made the leap to work for Microsoft. My focus is on the area of Identity and I help companies modernize their enterprises for the cloud era in identity and security.

However I also get to work with great people on fascinating technology and solve complex challenges, get to mentor and teach, and see the impact on helping people which I come to really enjoy. It is great to be in a culture where you feel empowered and a goal is to contribute to empowering others.

Identity is what allows us all to use apps and services whether it's in the enterprise or as consumers. Steemit is in itself an app and platform that is built on identity concepts which is one of the reasons I have become very interested in it. It is very exciting to see ideas come into reality and I feel we are at the verge of the beginning of the next generation for some of advances in technology that are unfolding and it is great to be a part of it.

It's a long way from that guy who wasn't allowed to drive the work van for sure, and I feel like I am just getting started as the world of technology is rapidly evolving. There are downsides to that as it can be a struggle to keep up with so many different technologies and their pace of change, do finding balance is always an elusive goal.

I don't blog much on Steemit, but I enjoy discovering interesting posts like this and the conversations in the comments, so thanks for asking!

Thanks for asking!

So cool to see that you are still passionate about your career. Pretty cool that you got on with Microsoft! I live in the greater Seattle area, and everyone I know who has worked there seems to like it. I imagine they let you drive the van to jobs anyway. 😆

I got my black belt in Karate twice. Once when I was a peewee at age 7 and then again as a junior at 13. I stopped doing karate when I had to go in adult classes because the entire thing changed from being a place of learning and growing into a place to beat people up.

Man how unfortunate that you had to quit something you clearly loved because the culture of the classes changed as you got older. Thanks for participating and sharing your story!

Thank you. I feel like I got a lot out of it and I'm glad I succeeded in the belts that I did get. Thank you for doing such a good post idea. You got a lot of comments here!

To me karate should just be like a sport for exercising if you don't have the intention of beating up people who offend you in life.

It was like that in the lower classes and I am really glad I did it, but the adults were a different story. They liked to take it out on the young kids that had black belts. I did not want to continue just to learn to hurt people.

I really want to know karate when I was 7yrs old but my parents wont let me enroll in a karate class because they thought that I might become a bully! hahaha well now im 21 and I still dont know karate

Some people do turn out like bullies from it, but you also learn very good skills.

i want to learn that skills too when needed

Maybe you can find a dojo near you. It takes a lot of work to do karate, but it's fun in the lower belts.

i hope to find soon and enroll haha. Im a bit excited about it

I'm 39 and from Orlando FL. My favorite band in the world is Phish. I have a 3 year old son and he knows about 20 Phish songs already! I also have a beautiful wife Vanessa and a 7 year old dog Floppy. Floppy just had back surgery in December and i actually am writing a blog on Steem about his recovery to help pay for the surgery. If you're interested, here's a link to today's post:

btw...Cool contest @coruscate

Haha I love Phish too and that’s so awesome your teaching your boy while he’s young! 😉

My boyfriends mom lived in the Orlando area, and so we head out that way to visit her every few years. I actually used to live in Pensacola, FL when I was a kid!

So sorry to hear about your poor pup Floppy! ☹️ I’ll have to go check out your post to see how he’s doing.

@coruscate, that's awesome that you're into Phish also! I've been listening to them for about 20 years now. Have you seen any shows? Are you a partyer lol?

Btw, this contest is killing it, good luck picking a winner lololol

I love Phish. I hope when I have children I can teach them that also. Your son must be very smart! I hope the best for Floppy and his recovery. I'm a fellow dog lover myself. I have two German Shephards and they are my world.

That's awesome @aisforannabel! Have you seen them live? I've seen them about 20 times probably. I grew up in Chicago so I got to see them a bit more often when they played in the midwest. Now I live in Orlando and I'm lucky if they come to Florida once every 5 years :(

I'm a youngster (I'm 21) so sadly not yet, but I have very fond memories of rocking out to them with my father in his truck. That's why I like them so much, nostalgia. I'm jealous you've seen them live. I'm sure they were amazing. (:

Phish concerts were surreal. And very chill, very friendly vibe. Lots of pot and good, decent people. I caught them a few times in high school. Lost a few brain cells at their shows, but, hey man, it's all good. I used to do a solo guitar/voice cover of "Bouncing Around the Room" when I was gigging around Washington DC.

That's amazing! I'm sure those brain cells were worth all the kick ass memories you have!

They're great memories when I remember them. I do remember my parents flipping out when I brought home a NORML t-shirt I bought at a concert. I thought they'd think it was funny. They didn't.

Hi! Co-Steemians, Hello @coruscate, I am Joseph Lacsamana From the Philippines!

I'm 20 years old, still studying with a course of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

I'm a Christian, I'm a pastor's kid, I'm a drummer on our Church, I love to have fellowship with my friends outdoors or indoors.

I'm proud to be Loved by God.

I'm Happy to be one of Steemit User, and I'm Glad I'm joining your contest. Haha

Its very nice seeing someone that is proud of God

Yea, I'm proud of it.
I was bought with a PRICE! ^^
The Blood of Jesus is priceless, that's why I'm proud of it. ^

It’s so nice to meet you!! Thank you for sharing about yourself here!

It is very smart of you to study information technology. It is such a high demand field! Also, it’s so cool that you play drums at your church! Music is one of the great joys in life. 😊

Hello @coruscate Thank you for doing this contest!

I hope you can help us to grow like you.

Yes, it is in demand all over the World! <3
Yep, I used to play drums. I Love to mix my beat up. :D
I Love Christian Music <3

I am so afraid of waters. That makes me a non swimmer. I can't even think of going into a pool, be it shallow one.
But few months back i took a leap of faith and i directly swam in the middle of the sea and went under water too for a pic. Ofcourse with life jacket on. I couldn't believe myself what i did. I panicked a lot obviously.
I know one thing that I'm not gonna step into water for the rest of my life.

Wow. That's good to know. Fears in life should be conquered. Whenever you feel scared, just remember that everyone fears something. You're not alone. And everybody is trying to conquer life.

Good for you to face your fears and go for a plunge in the middle of the ocean. That must have been hard!

Yes, it was the hardest few minutes for me.

I would be highly honoured if you care to read the full story in my recent post @coruscate

My full name is Levin R. Torrevillas and Im a Filipino. I graduated College last year with a degree in Psychology. Currently, i am the President of the Rotaract Club of Iligan Maria Cristina. It is one of the flagship programs of Rotary International which aims to train youth and young professionals to become good leaders of the comminity. We share the same values with them towards humanitarian services. :)

Aside from all of these and being a steemit blogger, I am also a dance enthusiast. It has been my passion since I was in high school until I graduated in College. I never loved any hobby other than dancing. Dancing has become a part of my whole being and I live for it.

I am proud to have been through these achievements of my life. Another journey is yet to be conquered and it is here in Steemit. :)

Oh! Nice to read through your piece, I also have friends in Philippines who are in the same club with you.

It’s so nice to meet you @levinvillas! What kind of dancing do you like to do? I’m a dancer as well!! I most do partner dancing -West Coast swing is my favorite. 😊

Thanks for participating and sharing your story!

Woah! Thank you for dropping by to my entry! :) im a hiphop dancer and i always participate and join dance competitions :) you can also visit my blog and you can see my previous blog about it. :)

That’s so awesome!! I just started taking hip hop classes and it is really hard for me. I have always done smooth movements (ballet, jazz) and so this has been really good for me to learn something make staccato. Going to check your blog now!

I am a teacher by profession. I love teaching young heart. Love to impact knowledge in people.
My proud moment was when I help a friend who was in need.
I love playing football likewise draught game. Though am not an expert in both.
My love those are straight forward. Those you hide no secret and open minded people. I go on with my life with three(3) things: 1. if i lose today, i will strive to win the next. 2. If the world is not save to live, i will create a saver world.

  1. Always stand on my believe and show it to people.

Always be committed on your proffession,keep steeming.

Thanks for sharing your passions with us @odesanya! It’s great that you have discovered your passion for teaching and sharing knowledge and then have jumped in wholeheartedly!

Hey guys, I'm just a 16-year-old girl.
Nice to meet you all^^

I want to tell you something. I want to make the world a better place. So I started live like a good child. I won't be lying anymore and I stopped pointing at others mistakes and faults.

Also, I really want to help other people. So if you need any help, feel free to ask me. But there aren't many things that I could do cuz I'm little and I don't have much money. But if I can, I'm happy to help you.

And I want to tell something. When I was like five, I used to dance on the streets listening to music played in stores. And some people thought that I'm dancing for money. How embarrassing! Mom and dad still tease me about it.

I'm interested in Aerobics, yoga, anime and the stuff what other teenagers prefer. I'm on steemit to find some money support my family while learning and I want to have friends all around the world. Will you be friends with me?

That's a little about me. See you around:D
p.s: Can someone please tell me how to increase your height? I look like gnome when standing between my classmates.

You are very sweet. I look like a homeless person. haha. I tell you a story. Once a boyreturned home very angry because his friends were teasing him at school. His dad told him he can never please everyone. It is best to see himself truely and then only care about how others see him. But he was still upset. So, the weekend, his dad told him to accompany him to the market with their donkey to sell groceries. First his dad sat on the donkey and he walked nearby. People said:"ha, look at this man making this young boy walk while he sits". The next weekend, they went again. But this time, the boy sat on the donkey and his dad walked closeby. People said:""Ha, look at this boy making his old dad walk while he sits on the donkey". So,next weekend, they went again but this time, they both sat on the donkey. People said :"Ohh, look how these two are abusing this poor donkey". So next weekend they went againbut they both carried the donkey on their backs. And people laughed saying :"look at these two fools, they don't know how to use a donkey". So, they tried all existing possibilities and got criticisms in all cases. Tomorrow, maybe you become taller and people start calling you a giraffe and you would want to lose height! Just maybe!

That's an interesting story. I think that I heard it before somewhere. There is a lot of things to learn from that story. Of course, we can't change the people. We cannot make all of them happy. We have to live strong.

Thanks for encouraging me. I know I shouldn't hope much but I just want to be tall like an average girl. Let's hope for it in the future, like you said. But I don't want to be a giraffe either!😜

And don't forget that you have amazing power hidden inside you. You just have to give it try and pull it out. Remember, you are the best!👍👍👍

Great to meet you !! How cool that you are learning the value of crypto currency while you are still in high school! That will serve you well.

Also, the only way I know how to get taller is to wear heels... so you might be outa luck there unless you want your feet or hurt everyday! 😜

Hey @coruscte, it's an honor to speak with you! Well, I don't still understand about crypto very much so I will keep learning. I think we should start building our financial foundation in our childhood.

Wearing heels is not my thing but I'll try it! Better hope that it would work! I can bear a little pain. Thanks for showing me some care. Love u!!! 😘

Howdy lovely fellow @coruscate . This is my first time to join your contest. I am Carl Joshua Colina. 15 yrs of age. I love dancing, writing poems, taking pictures. Actually I am still a highschool student gr 10 student. I was invited here in steemit by my friend. I enjoyed staying here in steemit for I can share my photography skills, my writing skills. It was a nice oppurtunity to find this contest because I am enjoying writing this reply , introducing myself to another countryside fellow steemian. I am really proud of being myself. I am happy in every decision i make. I love writing my own story making it a poem. I love being with nature which I am having fun taking picture with. The most fun fact about me is that everytime I am alone i talk to myself. I dont know if thats a fun fact for you but the way i talk to myself is like i am imagining something. That hobbit is more likely done by children only but i dont know why I keep talking to myself Lol. Thank you for having me here. PS. your beautiful @coruscate

Thanks @coruscate for noticing my comment and thank you for the time you spent on reading this. I hope you appreciate my comment the way I appreciate your reply to me. God bless.

Thank you for participating and sharing about yourself! SO cool that you are in high school and are already learning the power of crypto currencies. I’m glad you’ve found a place to share your creative ventures!

Interesting ... I am also passionate about photography, I have a lot of fun here in the community because I can show and share about my day to day ... Greetings and luck

You can check my feed if you want to see my photographs 😁. Dont forget to follow me and upvote my blogs. I followed you already😄

I follow you too,

Dancing hip-hop is my passion. You know what? My everyday steemit wish is one day, a brood of dancers will find me and we will all fight for one goal! Haha! I guess, my comment is different here. As usual. But i'm so lucky of having good and approachable steemians in my journey here. This is unique and quit exciting contest i've ever encountered. Cheers!

Yay! Another dancer! I wish I was better at hip hop, but I mainly do smooth movements like West Coast Swing, ballet and modern.

Thanks for entering the contest and it is great to meet you!

Really?! You're a dancer too?! Yaaayyyy! We're opposite though, I can't dance smoothly and sexy, haha! Wondering how awesome you are in terms of ballet. You're an idol! Atleast now, I don't feel like an alien here. Someone is with me! Thank you for this wonderful contest @coruscate. Its my pleasure to meet you. A virtual hug! <3

Hi, I am Christian Yocte, turning 30 on February 19th. I have been on steemit for 2 months already.

When I was studying in college I experience the goodness and generosity of other people. As a working student, I know how difficult is budgeting. I only received 2000 pesos for 15 days of working. That amount of money is my 15-day budget for food, fare, tuition, and school projects. There are really times when the budget was not enough but there were also people who supported me in my difficult plight.

  1. My classmates were generous enough to provide the materials I need in school to do our projects.
  2. My managers and co-workers were ready to lend me money for fare.
  3. My ex girlfriend who live in the states sent me money to pay for my student-teacher uniform.
  4. My family who has always been there to help me.

Now, I am a professional teacher. I owe this to the people who have helped me! So, I am also doing my best to help other people now - especially my students.

I have an outreach program every December where I feed children and host a children's party for them. I am also very active in the church as a youth leader and a lector in our parish. These are my ways to give back to the people who have helped me succeed in one way or another.

Wow what a journey you have had, you have come so far! I love how you are giving back to the people who have helped you succeed. This is my first month on steemit and it has been great. I am also just about to finish college and have been on a very strict budget. It seems we have a few things in common!

Its nice to meet you Christian, my name is Chase.

Nice to meet you too here, Chase! Just dont give up. Congratulations in advance!

Awesome may your seed of kindness and goodness, never go unrewarded, God bless the works of ur hands

Thank you very much. We are truly blessed, amazing and wonderful.

Its nice to meet you Christian,i like the idea of the outreach program you hold in December. They is a saying givers never lack.Keep it up

thank you vik3 I challenge you to do the same in your community :)

Happy almost belated Birthday just 2 days away from mine. I know how tough it is being a student and working to support yourself. Luckily in Florida I was able to land some decent paying jobs I could only imagine how difficult it is in lower income areas. So glad you made it to become a teacher and are helping the youth.

Thank you very much. It was real difficult during those times but I thank God I made it. Now I am glad that I am the one helping.

Wow, what a great story! Pretty amazing that you have accomplished so much in your education and career! It’s great that you give back so much and even throw a party for the kids!

The kindness of people I met in the process taught me so much. my little help cannot really pay.

Hi,@coruscate. Nice to see you being active and promoting communication between steemians.
About me: I'm 31 years old, small country called Latvia (it's in Europe in Baltic states ) citizen. May day job is being chef(non professional) in local small village nursing home. I love to help people, I try to highlight their talents and strengths by giving them encouragement.
I'm proud of my mother who gave me life, raised me alone as single mom, and taught me to respect and honor people. And accept them as they are.
My hobbies are fishing, driving with car, dancing, sometimes singing, poetry, little bit drawing. My latest interests are crypto mining, steemit, self development, providing for my family.
Fun part could be: I won dancing contest when I was 10.
I didn't have much friends in childhood, I still don't, but joining steemit I found them, I found another family, for what I'am great-full to God. I wish everyone good luck in this contest and may the best story wins. See ya in steemit!

It was so great to learn more about you @samaritanfriend! Your mom sounds like an amazing person. I have so much respect for single mothers!

I’m so glad to hear that you have found a community of friends here on Steemit! It’s such an amazing group of people!

To start with, everyone can call me Grey. I'm a twenty-three-year-old guy who is now working as an aquacultural techmologist. I have a Biology degree. I know everyone will be asking Are you gonna pursue medicine? Unfortunately, no. I want to be a doctor; however, just last April 2017, I was diagnosed with an end stage renal disease. In other words, my kidneys have failed. I'm undergoing dialysis twice a week. And we're planning to undergo kidney transplant early next year (or until we have the money that wen need). My donor would be my brother. Hopefully, everything would go the way we plan it. Anyway, I'm here on steemit because I love writing and I wanna do something new in my life. I'm a bit confused still with steemit world. hahahaha

Hi Gray, it’s nice to meet you. I’m so sorry to hear about everything you are going through. I am glad you have found Steemit to be a good creative outlet for your writing. Let me know if you ever have questions and I’ll do m6 best to help.

Thank you so much. I appreciate all the love, guys. I've been here on steemit since January; but I just made my first (introductory) post last week. Everything was so confusing but I'm learning little by little. So far, I'm doing good. Thank you so much (Is it weird that I'm smiling from ear to ear right now because the author of the post I've commented noticed me? (such a noob me))

Hi Grey! I hope you are doing well and I’m sorry to hear about the disease. Where are you in the Philippines? I’m pinoy too! I’ve been in steemit for around 16 days and still a bit confused but I know we’ll get through this! I’ll pray for happiness and successful recovery to your dialysis. We have lovely steemit communities here in our country that you can also follow and join :)

I’ll follow you and follow me too!

Tacloban City, Leyte. Wow. I thought there are few Filipinos here. But on my almost a month on steemit (I've been here since last month but I "really" started yesterday, when I had made my first post. Check it out hahaha. Well, I did not expect myself to master steemit in just a week. I'm here to have fun and LEARN anyway. Thank you so much

I’ll check it! Yes, there’s a lot of Filipino community here! Just check #steemph and #philippines ;) You’re right! Let’s have fun and enjoy in this platform. Followed you :)

Oh. Thank you so much. Let's just keep on steeming. By the way, where are you in the philippines?

True! Let's keep on steeming and explore! I'm from Cagayan de Oro.

@grey am really sorry for everything you are going through...i pray for quick recovering for you... always remember you still have us with you (steemit family) never feel you are alone and everything will worked well.

Thank you so much. However, contrary to what people think, I've already accepted this disease. This disease has transformed me to be a better individual. I'm done stressing myself out. I'm done being depressed. I can't change the past, right? But I can use my past to be a better person in the present and future. Indeed, everything happens for a reason. I just think that I'm still blessed. I should have been dead if I haven't undergone dialysis nine months ago; but im still breathing and is enjoying life. Im even on steemit, if you inow what i mean.

yeah.... everything happen for a reason...GOD knows why you have to go through all this.... stay calm bro...we are all one

Thanks bro. We have to stay strong.....always

Hey, Grey, it seems that you'll be needing lots of rest. That means you've got plenty of time for Steemit. Stay positive & connected. Take care, bro.

Thanks guys. I appreciate the love and care. Actually, being a dialysis patient, I'm already labeled as a person with disability. However, thank God, I still have the strength to work. Check out my introductory post

My name is Chula Chuaken (lol No its not Chinese). I'm from Rivers State, currently a 400level University of Portharcourt medical student who is really beautiful (some persons will disagree with this lol). I'm in my early 20s and I'm still waiting for my Mr Right hehe but i pray to see him soon though.
I love dancing, cooking, baking, traveling and sleeping( i really love it but medical school has deprived me of this). Yeah I didn't add reading because in medical school whether you love reading or not you just have to read lol.
I'm a pro makeup artist and the name of my business(lol) is i will be posting a lot of pictures and videos about makeup. I'm super excited to be on this platform because my business will be promoted and i will make a lot of money(lol) but besides that i will get to meet and make new friends.IMGM8268.jpg

Wow, what a full life you lead! Congrats on being in medical school- few people can claim that achievement. I look forward to seeing your makeup tutorials! I am not very good with makeup and could definitely use some help! 😉

You are really beautiful. Hi, I am Christian. I am happy to meet you here in steemit.

Step 1. Comment on this post with some fact about myself:

-What do you do outside of Steemit?
I am a Language Teacher, an ESL Teacher,a Translator, an Interpreter, a Tourist Guide and a Musician.

Do you have a business or do you work at a job?
I am the owner of a small language Academy called "JAMZ Institute"; I also work in a High School and in another Language Academy called "Instituto Maria Curie".

-What is a moment in your life that you are really proud of?
I am proud of my two Brothers who have been Tattoo Artists since 1993 here in Venezuela; though one of them (our youngest Brother & my best friend) passed away 2 and 1/2 years ago. Back in the 90's there were few people with tattoos and it was a taboo to be tattooed. I myself have 10 tattoos and long hair, but I have earned myself a great reputation as an excellent Teacher due to hard work, commitment and accomplishing what I promise.

-What kind of hobbies and passions do you have?
I play football (soccer) with my ESL students and I also play basketball with them football on Saturdays and basketball on Sundays, I help them be better people and I try to buy them the team uniforms...
I play the bass and sing for my band AntorchA, but my musicians have moved due to hard times in Venezuela
-What about a fun fact?
When I moved to Venezuela,I spoke little to no Spanish, I used to curse out everybody when they did not even know what I was saying,that was back in the 90's

Thank you for sharing so much of your story! I’m so sorry to hear about your brother passing, he sounded like an amazing guy. It’s so cool to see that you have obviously found your passion with teaching. Those kids are lucky to have you!

The last four years of my life has been full of intense work, competition and mental energy commitment. I'm talking about school, I'm currently a studying for my first degree program on Mechanical Engineering at Rivers State University, so yes I love to see a healthy and inspiring competition especially one that carries the message of togetherness amongst the people. I heard this stuff "steemit" from one of my colleagues at school so far it's been really nice and resourceful because a lot of ideas and information is gotten on this platform on a daily basis just like yours right now. So the few times I get to login to this platform, I really love to be a part of this world wonderful community cuz of the message of great potentials it conveys to people in creativity.

So cool that you are studying to be a mechanical engineer! That is a great field to get into. One of my brothers is a mechanical engineer and he loves it! Great that one if your colleagues introduced you to Steemit - this is an amazing place to be!

Well i must say i am an amazing in my own way. I am love myself and my life
Outside of steemit i am a graduate mechanical engineer with no job yet but i do something's to have fun i watch moves and practice some engineering knowledge.
I love watching movies and playing video games
I am really proud of the way i have been living my life but the day ibmade my mum proud was the day i graduated from engineering school.
I love sports especially football,dancong and singing are some of my hobbies but travelling and seeing new places are what i enjoy doing so much.

Fun fact : well i have so many but what i really do to have fun is to party with strangers and meet new people.

I love your status that says "self-made web developer". Keep up your effort and love for IT. Am Charles, studied computer Science. I do web designing with wordpress. I also do blogging. .Here is my tech blog. . Would be happy to help you build a blog. You can blog about Engineering and let people from your profession learn one thing or another from you site. Ofcourse, you can monitize it.

Hello, maybe you might be interested in designing a blockchain tech organisation?

Yes. its the next big thing. Am currently studying whats on board to know how to come up with something that will beat the rest

At Uni? What year? Any familiarity with Decentralised Autonomous Organisations?

Nice to meet you @adetola! Very cool that you are studying mechanical engineering. One of my brothers recently graduated with a masters in mechanical engineering and found a great job right away. Best of luck to you as you finish up your degree and look for a job!

In my early 20s I worked on Capitol Hill for a VERY powerful member of US Congress -- a polarizing person who is always in the news. I actually spent the better part of my 20s in politics, first as a Congressional aide, then as assistant to the chief lobbyist of a Fortune 500 company.

I now despise politics. But that's a topic for another day. The experience was GREAT for building character. Not great for building respect for US political system, but, hey, when you're young you do stupid things.

Now I manage communications and publications for a US government agency while trying to get an agent for a novel I wrote. if you want to catch up with the real-world vdux.

Pleasure to meet you all!

You are already RICH! haha!

I don't feel rich.

If you just see the poor all over the world you might think, I'm blessed than them thanks God.

I don't need to feel rich to feel blessed. I hope you don't either!

Yea, but my point is learn to appreciate the things you have.

Okay let's end this conversation.

Wow that is some experience you gained early on in your life. Nobody will take that away from you anymore. Great stuff.

I tried visiting your site but unfortunately I got an error. Perhaps you could check? Cheers, @Finance2Nomad

Oh you're right. Shoot.

I fixed in my reply, too. Thank you for pointing that out!

Thanks for sharing your story @vdux! Working in politics is a sure, fast way to loose faith in the system. I was the campaign manager for a State House race once and even though that is obviously lower level than what you did, I still saw a lot of things that kind of jaded me.

It’s great to meet you!

It's all the same. A friend spent a few years as city manager of a New Jersey township. Same deal. I'm guessing you're out of politics?

Well at first thank you for giving me chance to telling me about myself.
Let's Begin,
First point and very important one : I love you ♥ ♥ @coruscate your work and your everything.
2: I am quite scatterbrained, but still intelligent.
3: I'm a anonymous blogger and i write for humanity.
4: I think spiders and snakes are VERY cool, but I don't want to hold them.
5: I'm single 23 male and very attractive :p
6: I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and soon to be Master of Business Administration.
7: I love music ( Hard rock , Pop and sometimes Jazz) Linkin Park is my favorite band.
8 : I do like to gym and keep myself as hot as possible :D
9: I love long rides, car drives and boozing.
10: Last but not least again i love you ♥ hehe and I'm more likely practical person but kinda emotional too when it comes from peps who are closer to me .

Thank you dear for giving me opportunity to write about me. Miss you good day :D

Waooh. You are my coursemate from another end. For this, i will follow you. I studied computer science like you and i specialized on web designing and blogging.Here is my tech blog. This is the first time am meeting someone from the same field. Am very happy to meet you and would love to have any tips from you about succeeding on this platform. Just got approved this week! Thanks bro

Sure i'd love too. Keep steeming and feel free to ask any questions regarding this community or technology :) welcome to steemit @focusnow

Thanks Bro. Pls What is the best way to grow and succeed here. Writing a lot of blogs or trying to engage people, upvote the post, and stuff like that?

What is happening here ?@vnyrox are you drunk ? @focusnow replied on my comment 😂 check before you type dumb.

You're so bolero! Hahaha!
In Filipino Bolero means:
Always trying to say compliments and sweet words for all the girls you want/like.

I also love music.

Oh and i was searching for bolero meaning. Well not all girls only those who strike me with their beauty and talent. @coruscate is on top in my list from this community :) Whatever i say is not enough for her. 😊

Like what I said, for all the girls you want or like or in on your word "strikes you"

Haha. Now you know! ^_^ I'm on your side dude! Go and get her number haha!

It’s so great to learn more about you @cyberwarrior! I love Linkin Park too! Maybe I’ll cover one of their songs someday. I used to love singing “What I’ve Done”.

Awesome that you are working on your MBA too... that’s a valuable degree to have.

Thanks again for taking the time to share some of your story!

I only just now noticed you're in Bellingham! (I'm down the road a bit...!)

About about an obscure thing? I was a state-ranked debater in high school back in MT, despite only doing 2 years. I guess arguing comes easy. :-)

So cool that you are from Oly! Small world. 😊 Also, being a state-ranked debater is a fun title to have in your back pocket. 😉

My name is David Siedoma, I am still a student. I really have a thing for music and photography and I am in love with cars.. I was born in Nigeria and I am still there, All I want is just to be young and successful.

Big brother! How are you doing? How school! Am a Nigerian like you, from Imo state to be precise. I graduated from Abia state polytechnic. I studied Computer Science. I design websites and i do blogging too. .Here is my tech blog. . Am new here, just got approved this week. With your ranking, i see you have been here for a while. Welldone. How can i succeed here. Any advise? I' appreciate it. Thanks

Thanks for sharing with us! Music and photography are both such beautiful hobbies!

Thank you @coruscate for having a contest like this, surely it will do benefit the community.

Hello everyone! I am Mikel a BS in Environmental Engineering Technology graduating student. Currently doing or thesis about groundwater quality.

I can play guitar, bass and keyboard but im not that good as an instrumentalist. I also love to draw, i'll be posting them on my blog soom as soon as I can buy my drawing materials because I stopped making one 2yrs ago since my father died. I will dedicate my nxt drawing to my beloved father in heaven.

I guess thats for now. Have a great day!

THat is so sweet of you @emjecee your beloved father will be very happy and I know he is very proud of you now that you are graduating. He might not be able to witness it alive, but he will be with you as you walk on the aisle claiming your victory.

I actually used to draw too but mine were animes and like you i also stopped because i became so busy. I hope that someday I will be able to get back to drawing again like you :)

thank you @johnrel :) i love animes too but i dont usually draw them. It's good to know kind people here on this platform. I hope you'll be able to get back in drawing soonest!

It’s so nice to meet you @emjecee. I am so sorry to hear about your father. It is so sweet that you will be dedicating your next drawing to him. I would love to check it out if you end up posting it on Steemit.

Best of luck on your thesis!

thank you @coruscate :) I can you tag you if you want about my drawing :) Have a great day maam!'

Yes, please do! I’d love to see it. Hugs to you. ❤️

im almost finish :) i'll post it later, thank you :)

Myself is an amazing side of story everyone will love to here. I am Sammy an 18 years old simple guy with a simple lifestyle.
Actually, I am a final year student who studies physics, biology,chemistry and applied mathematics in Ghana Secondary Technical School. I am always the first in class and i am well respected by my pals.
Buying new clothing is actually what i love to do, because i am a fashionista.
I did compete for the Ghana Teens award last year as a young fashionista and i won.
Erm... I love making new friends anywhere i go in order to get their support and mine when needed. But let me tell you this, i dont find myself with crazy guys and ladies because i am always determined. I only like those with positive mindset .
I am a positive young guy and i have freedom on my senses.
I love everyone and love to chat as well😇

It’s so nice to meet you @showboybeezy! I love to buy new clothes too... but I’m afraid my wallet doesnt! 😉 Congrats on being al ost finished with school! How exciting.

Hi I'm Bruni, I retired from the United States Postal Service in January of 2013, after 31 years of service.
I just turned 60 on February 8th, I collect coins & guns, and have never gone "postal".
I have a wonderful girlfriend of 7 years, never been married, and have no kids, except for our two cats, Snickers & Maxine.


They look so cute

Aww look how peaceful they are! Glad to hear you never went postal. That line cracked me up! Haha

Thank you for the opportunity. Great contest. 😀

Fun fact : When I was still a little boy, a friend of mine broke my finger with a wooden chair

Oh no! Nothing about that fact sounds fun! Thanks for sharing something about yourself though and participating!

Well, this is going to be my very first entry-level into your contest.
I love every time I spent online surfing through others blog.
I must say this, I've really lost interest on steemit when I started at first cos I wasn't impressed when I posted stuffs and didn't get Upvote on it, it's sulking. Buy since I stopped to post & decided to follow @coruscate, I've found lots of good stuffs about her personally, her career, gift and more. I'm having interest over again. Thanks to @coruscate for giving this avenue to help me pour my mind.
The day I was very proud was when I won a Bible contest in church while I was still in teenagers' class & I contested with adults, but I came first!

Thanks for sharing about yourself! I know Steemit can be frustrating in the beginning, but I’m glad to hear you have been re-energized!

Congrats on winning the Bible contest when you were younger too, sounds like an exciting moment!

There are 3 pages